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Ladyhawke Movie Trivia Quizzes

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This 1985 adventure from Richard Donner stars Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer. It was nominated for two Oscars, including best effects.
4 Ladyhawke quizzes and 40 Ladyhawke trivia questions.
  Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes   great trivia quiz  
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This is my quiz on some (but not all) of the best quotes from one of the most quotable movies ever, "Ladyhawke".
Average, 10 Qns, Dragonkin, Apr 03 06
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  Ladyhawke Multiple Choice Quiz   popular trivia quiz  
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This is, of course, a quiz on the movie 'Ladyhawke' which has everything a movie could want- action, great music, romance, drama, comedy. It's a masterpiece! Enjoy my quiz!
Easier, 10 Qns, Jacifan, Jul 16 04
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  10 Questions about Ladyhawke   popular trivia quiz  
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How much do you remember about one of the best movies ever made?
Average, 10 Qns, petedemarko, Jun 07 10
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One of my favorite fantasy movies starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Rutger Hauer and Matthew Broderick. I hope you enjoy it!
Average, 10 Qns, Meraai, Oct 03 08
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trivia question Quick Question
Who played the former capitan of the guard that wanted revenge on the evil bishop?

From Quiz "Ladyhawke"

Ladyhawke Trivia Questions

2. What is the nickname of the character played by Matthew Broderick?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: The Mouse

The mouse - has left our house. No mouse today, he's gone away. To ease the pain - he's down the drain.

3. Phillipe: "I know I promised, Lord, never again. But I also know that YOU know what a weak-willed person I am." What had he promised not to do again?

From Quiz Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes

Answer: Steal

Before this quote comes into the movie, Phillipe is in the sewers under Aquila, and sees something floating in the river. He climbs onto a ledge and tells God that if the ledge holds (it does), and the thing isn't what he thinks it is (it isn't), that he would never steal again. This promise lasts less than five minutes. Later, once he is out of the sewers, Phillipe says this line right after stealing a guard's money pouch and knife. In my opinion, some of the best lines in the movie are Phillipe talking to God.

4. Who played the role of Cezar, the wolf trapper?

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: Alfred Molina

Totally unrecognizable in the movie, he is better known for his role in "Bram and Alice", the TV series, as well as the Comte de Reynaud in "Chocolate".

5. Who played the former capitan of the guard that wanted revenge on the evil bishop?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: Rutger Hauer

6. Whose quote is this? "Great storms announce themselves with a single breeze, and a single random spark can ignite the fires of rebellion."

From Quiz Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes

Answer: The Bishop

The Bishop of Aquila says this to the captain of the guards as his reason for having to catch Phillipe, who was only a lowly pickpocket but also the only person to ever escape the Dungeons of Aquila.

7. Finish the quote: "Where is Navarre?" Phillipe: "Navarre? Navarre? Ah yes. Big man, black horse. I thought I saw him ride south." Soldier: "Ha, then we ride _____."

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: north

Phillipe: "It isn't polite to assume that someone is a liar when you've only just met them." Soldier: "And yet you knew we would." Phillipe: [talking to God] "I told the truth, Lord. How can I learn any moral lessons when you keep confusing me this way?"

8. What kind of animal did Navarre transform into each night?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: Wolf

I've never killed a wolf before. What a coincidence, that's exactly what the bishop was saying. I'm sure he won't mind you denying him the opportunity. He's a very forgiving man, you know.

9. Who said "I am sorrow"?

From Quiz Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes

Answer: Isabeau

Phillipe sees Isabeau for the first time (he doesn't know she is also the hawk) and asks her "Are you flesh, or are you spirit?" trying to figure out if he is dreaming or not. (He isn't.) She says this line in answer. It expresses her feelings about being cursed so that she can never see her true love again (I'd be pretty bummed about it, wouldn't you?). This was preceded by another fairly good line: "Maybe I'm dreaming. My eyes are open, which means maybe I'm awake, dreaming that I'm asleep. Or, or more likely, I'm asleep dreaming that I'm awake, wondering if I'm dreaming."

10. What does Isabeau answer Phillipe when he asked if she is flesh or spirit?

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: "I am sorrow."

Navarre is a wolf by night and Isabeau a hawk by day - they only ever saw each other as humans in that split second at dawn and dusk. They are bound to be always together, ever apart.

11. What did Phillipe do that caused him to be sentenced to death?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: He was a pick pocket

Lord, I know I promised never to steal again. But I also know that you know what a weak willed person I am.

12. The hawk used in the movie really was a _______.

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: booted eagle

Interesting goof in the movie - they probably couldn't get a good looking hawk for the part!

13. How did Phillipe escape from the dungen?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: Squeezed through a drain pipe

Not unlike escaping Mother's womb. God, what a memory.

14. Navarre: Each generation is called upon to follow its own quest. Phillipe: "And what is your quest?" Navarre: "I must kill a man." Phillipe: "Tell me - does this walking corpse have a name?" Who is the "walking corpse"?

From Quiz Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes

Answer: The Bishop of Aquila

The Bishop is the one who put the curse on Navarre and Isabeau, causing Navarre to become a black wolf by night and Isabeau to become a hawk by day. This means that they can never see each other as humans, or talk to each other. They are totally cut off from contact with their true love. You can probably understand Navarre wanting revenge for that. This dialogue occurs in the movie when Navarre catches Phillipe chopping wood for the fire with his sword. Navarre gives him a little lesson on why he should show more respect to the sword, by reciting the history of the gems on the hilt. One was his great-grandfather's, another his grandfather's, a third his father's, and then he points to an empty space on the hilt saying that it is his to fill when he completes his quest.

15. Phillipe: "I was told to bring you this hawk, father. It's been wounded."
Imperius: "Good shot! Bring it in, we'll dine together."
Phillipe: "We can't eat this hawk, father!"
How does Imperius respond to this?

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: "What? Oh God, is it Lent again already?"

This is when Phillipe first meets Imperius.

16. What was the name of Capitan Navarre's horse?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: Goliath

HIS name is Goliath. Go on boy, he didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Hello Goliath, I'd like to tell you a story about a very small man named David...

17. Phillipe: "I was told to bring you this bird, father. It's been wounded." Imperius: "Good shot. Bring it in, we'll dine together." Phillipe: "We can't eat this bird, father." What was Imperius' reply?

From Quiz Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes

Answer: What? Oh God, is it Lent again already?

In the scene before this, the hawk is hit by an arrow. Navarre lends Phillipe his horse and tells him to bring Isabeau to a certain ruined castle. He says that the monk there would know what to do. When Phillipe gets to the ruins, this little misunderstanding occurs. But when he tells Imperius who the hawk belongs to, Imperius immediately takes him in, but says that removing the arrow from the hawk must wait until after sundown. At this point in the film, Phillipe doesn't know that the hawk is really a human. But later in the scene, Phillipe finally finds out about the whole human/hawk thing when he goes to look in on the hawk after sundown, only to find a woman in lying the bed with an arrow in her sholder and no hawk. We find out later that Imperius is the one who betrayed Navarre and Isabeau to the evil Bishop, causing them to be cursed. But he does redeem himself eventually by telling Navarre how to break the curse.

18. Etienne Navarre: "Each generation is called upon to follow its own quest."
Phillipe: "And what is your quest?"
Etienne Navarre: "I must kill a man."
What is Phillipe's response to this?

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: "Tell me, does this walking corpse have a name?"

The man Navarre had to kill was the Bishop of Aquila, the same evil man that put the wretched curse on the couple.

19. What event marked the opportunity for Navarre and Isabeau to break the spell?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: A solar eclipse

There shall be a night without a day and a day without a night.

20. Who said "There will be a night without a day and a day without a night"?

From Quiz Classic "Ladyhawke" Quotes

Answer: Imperius

To break the curse, Navarre and Isabeau have to confront the Bishop together, while both are human. As she is only human at night and he is only human by day, it seems impossible. But on the day the Bishop is to hear the confessions of the clergy, there would be an eclipse, a "night without a day and a day without a night". This in my opinion, is the best quote in the movie. (Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic)

21. What kind of horse is Goliath, Navarre's steed?

From Quiz Ladyhawk

Answer: Friesian Stallion

His real name is Othello. Unfortunately the mighty horse died in early 2003.

22. Who produced and engineered the musical score for the movie?

From Quiz Ladyhawke

Answer: Alan Parsons Project

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