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Edward Norton Trivia Quizzes

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3 Edward Norton quizzes and 50 Edward Norton trivia questions.
  At the Movies with Ed Norton    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This multi-talented denizen of the motion picture industry is one of my favourites.
Average, 10 Qns, Booklover17, Jul 12 11
307 plays
  Edward Norton Movies    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
Edward Norton is a wonderful actor who has been in some very interesting movies. In this quiz, I'll ask about things having to do with his onscreen and offscreen antics.
Average, 20 Qns, billybob87, Jan 24 03
1439 plays
  The Great Edward Norton    
Multiple Choice
 20 Qns
This is a quiz on the man who can't do a bad movie, because he is the greatest. The following are quotes from Edward in his various movies. I give you the quote, you give me the movie that it is from.
Tough, 20 Qns, vlad'edad'e, Jan 28 03
945 plays
trivia question Quick Question
In response to "She's like a sister to you," Edward responds with "Yes, thank you for adding new depth to my confusion."

From Quiz "The Great Edward Norton"

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  Norton, Edward [Celebrities] (2 quizzes)

Edward Norton Trivia Questions

1. As lawyer Alan Isaacman, Edward Norton defends the publisher of Hustler Magazine in a courtroom battle over his 1st Amendment right to freedom of expression. What is the name of the title character played by Woody Harrelson?

From Quiz
At the Movies with Ed Norton

Answer: Larry Flynt

My favourite, and perhaps the best quote from the movie "The People vs. Larry Flynt" is "If the First Amendment will protect a scumbag like me, then it'll protect all of you, 'cause I'm the worst."

2. "... polish my Scandinavian furniture."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Fight Club

He mentions this towards the beginning of the movie as something he does when he's depressed.

3. What was Edward Norton's acting debut?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Primal Fear

"Primal Fear" was a 1996 trial movie, with Richard Gere as a lawyer defending Edward Norton. Great, emotionally taxing movie with provoking final twist.

4. This Marvel Comic book character is big and mean and green when he's angry, but who is the alter ego of "The Incredible Hulk" played by Ed Norton?

From Quiz At the Movies with Ed Norton

Answer: Dr. Bruce Banner

Edward Norton completed the screenplay for "The Incredible Hulk" after it was abandoned by previous writer Zak Penn although it remains uncredited. In 2008 he acted in the role of Dr. Bruce Banner opposite Liv Tyler as Betty Ross (his love interest), and Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky (supervillain).

5. "You wanna come here and break into my truck and harm my family?"

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: American History X

Also at the start of the movie, EN says this to the man breaking into his truck (obviously) right before the curb incident.

6. The tagline: "Works up a fine lather. Like rabies." The movie?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Fight Club

"Fight Club" was directed by David Fincher and costarred Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter in 1999.

7. "Keeping the Faith" was a romantic comedy released in 2000 featuring Ben Stiller and Jenna Elfman. What was/were his contributing role(s) toward the making of this movie?

From Quiz At the Movies with Ed Norton

Answer: Actor, Director and Producer

"Keeping the Faith" marks Edward Norton's directorial debut. In 2011 he took on directing a film adaptation of the novel "Motherless Brooklyn".

8. "In the poker game of life, women are the rake!"

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Rounders

Whether it's true or not is up to you to decide, but Edward thinks so when he says this to Matt Damon after his girlfriend leaves him in "Rounders". No one liked her anyway, Matt.

9. In response to "She's like a sister to you," Edward responds with "Yes, thank you for adding new depth to my confusion."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Keeping the Faith

Kind of hard to hear in the movie, Edward says this to Ben Stiller after he confesses his love for Anna.

10. What was his character name in "Death to Smoochy"?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Sheldon Mopes

Also in this movie were Robin Williams and Catherine Keener.

11. "When I was young and my brother and I played cowboys and indians, I was always the Chinese railroad worker."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Death to Smoochie

Right in the middle of the movie, Edward says this to Danny Devito's character.

12. "I-I just had to kill Linda, Mr. Vail."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Primal Fear

At the end of the movie, which was Edward's big acting debut. This comes during his confession, which, for those of you who haven't seen it yet, was amazing.

13. Edward Norton gained 30 pounds of muscle for what role?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: American History X

In this movie, he played a former neo-Nazi.

14. "On the Statue of Liberty, it says 'give me your tired your weak your hungry and poor.' Well it's Americans that are tired, hungry and weak. And I say till you take care of them, close the book!"

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: American History X

This line comes while they are in the parking lot outside the grocery store. After EN gets them all riled up, they run in and wreak havoc, which was a really disturbing scene.

15. Who was Edward Norton's love interest in "Everyone Says I Love You?"

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Drew Barrymore

They once shared an apartment as roomies, but never "officially" dated.

16. "Well, you see that guy over my right shoulder, the big one? He's my cousin. So, we've all got family here, which is nice I think."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: The Score

One of the few funny parts in the movie, it takes place at the park when they buy the security codes from the nerds.

17. "Look at your ride! You've been prospering while I've been away."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Rounders

When Worm (EN) gets out of jail, and Matt Damon picks him up, Worm sees Matt's JEEP (actually it's his girlfriend's).

18. In the movie "The People vs. Larry Flynt", who played Larry Flynt?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Woody Harrelson

19. "No, and certainly not in that voice."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Keeping the Faith

When EN is sitting with Anna and she asks, "Do you say to yourself, 'Now there's someone whose priorities are all outta whack'" with a weird voice. Edward responds with this line.

20. In the movie "Keeping the Faith", what was Edward Norton's character's profession?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: priest

He was the Christian one.

21. "Not looking this way, cupcake!"

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Death to Smoochie

Edward yells this at his former boss when she yells at him that all the offices have windows. He then slams the door.

22. What is the name of the 2002 prequel to "Silence of the Lambs" that Edward Norton starred in?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: red dragon

With Anthony Hopkins and Ralph Fiennes.

23. "I can't believe I caught a hanger."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Rounders

After Edward and Matt Damon get beat up by the sheriffs, Edward says this to Matt.

24. In "Keeping the Faith", who played the romantic interest?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Jenna Elfman

25. "Yeah, we're clear." He then sets down a baseball bat.

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: The Score

Edward beats up a huge hitman that was hired to beat him up. He will always have a little "Fight Club" in him.

26. "Big junkies come from little junkies."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Death to Smoochie

Right after making this statement, he says, "We need to nip this in the butt!"

27. "Aaron couldn't kick his own ass."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Primal Fear

He is talking about his supposed other personality.

28. The tagline: "Sooner or later a man wearing two faces forgets which one is real." The movie?

From Quiz Edward Norton Movies

Answer: Primal Fear

Wonderful, deeply provocative movie about real deception and betrayal.

29. "A filing cabinet for widows and young professionals."

From Quiz The Great Edward Norton

Answer: Fight Club

He is kind of the narrator at this part, and he is describing his apartment complex, before his room blows up.

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