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Star Trek: The Motion Picture Trivia

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 25 trivia questions.
  "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
This quiz is about "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and trivia concerning the production of the movie. I hope you find it interesting and, hopefully, a little different.
Average, 15 Qns, mayshus, Apr 25 04
2616 plays
  Star Trek: The Motion Picture    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This quiz is about the very first Star Trek movie. Questions are taken from the 2001 Directors Edition DVD. If you paid attention to details in the movie this should be no problem.
Average, 10 Qns, Gexzilla, Apr 25 04
2149 plays

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Trivia Questions

1. What was the last name of the Admiral that Kirk had a meeting with to get command of the Enterprise again?

From Quiz
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: Nogura

Although we never see the meeting, Kirk tells Commander Sonak, a Vulcan Science Officer, he was having this meeting.

2. After the original series of "Star Trek" finished, a campaign to get the show reinstated began. It resulted in the production of a doomed second series starring most of the original cast. What was this show going to be called?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Star Trek: Phase II

There is a book called "Star Trek: Phase II. The Lost Series" by Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens available that tells the story of the series that might have been.

3. Due to the transporters being inoperative aboard the Enterprise, Kirk and Scotty take a shuttle from the spaceport. What was the number on the shuttle?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: 05

If you watched closely you noticed the number.

4. A certain successful sci-fi film came along that changed the producers' mind about making the series in favour of a feature film. Which one was it?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Star Wars

The success of "Star Wars" convinced the producers that a movie version of "Star Trek" could be viable. The new series was scrapped just two weeks before production was due to start. I, for one, am glad they did change their minds but it would've been interesting to see how the series turned out.

5. What is the cause for sending the Enterprise into a wormhole?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: Engine Imbalance

Because of the impending danger the Federation foresaw, Enterprise was rushed out of spacedock and the engines were not properly balanced and critical simulations on the engines were not performed, causing the wormhole.

6. The intended new series had the characters of Will Decker and Ilia, who made it to the movie, and a new Vulcan science officer, who didn't. What was his name?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Xon

T'Pring was Spock's wife-to-be in the original series episode "Amok Time". Stonn was the one she chose to marry instead of Spock. The actor, David Gautreaux, who screen tested for the role of Xon, played Commander Branch in the movie. There is footage of this test on the special edition DVD.

7. What ritual was Spock undergoing on Vulcan before rejoining the Enterprise crew and reactivating his Starfleet Commission?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: Kolinahr

The Kolinahr is the Vulcan ritual of purging all emotion. Spock was unable to attain this because he felt the presence of the new threat and it prompted him to rejoin Starfleet.

8. The story that was going to be the lost series' pilot episode, became the basis for the movie. What was that episode called?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: In Thy Image

Nomad was the name of a probe from an original series episode called "The Changeling". This featured a man-made probe whose programming had become muddled after colliding with a sentient machine. Sound familiar?

9. When the alien sends a probe to the Enterprise, which crew member is the first to be shocked from it?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: Spock

Actually, Spock was the only member of the crew to get an electrical charge from the intruder's probe. Earlier, when the ship was attacked, Chekov sustained an injury from his console overloading.

10. Name the science fiction author who wrote the story that the movie was based on.

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Alan Dean Foster

Alan Dean Foster also wrote the "Star Trek Log 1 - 10" series of books. The others are responsible for writing three of the best original series episodes. David Gerrold - "The Trouble With Tribbles". Theodore Sturgeon - "Shore Leave". Harlan Ellison - "The City on the Edge of Forever".

11. After Lt Ilia is taken by the probe, in what part of the Enterprise does she return as a probe?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: Her Quarters

Lt Ilia reappears in the shower of her quarters.

12. It was a long haul but we're finally up to the movie! Who directed "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Robert Wise

Richard Donner directed "Superman: The Movie". Richard Lester directed "Superman II". Nicholas Meyer directed "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan" and "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country". Robert Wise also directed "The Sound Of Music"!

13. Who produced the movie?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Gene Roddenberry

Of course it was Gene! Rick Berman co-produced "The Next Generation", created and co-produced "Deep Space Nine" and "Voyager" with Michael Piller, created and co-produced "Enterprise" with Brannon Braga, as well as producing the movies "Generations", "First Contact", "Insurrection" and "Nemesis". Busy chap.

14. What does Spock compare V'Ger to?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: A Child

He tells Kirk that V'Ger is like a child and he should treat it as such.

15. Which cast member did NOT originally sign up for the movie?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Leonard Nimoy

Hence the writing in of the character of Xon. Nimoy wasn't going to do "The Wrath Of Khan" either until they gave him a juicy death scene.

16. When Kirk finds out V'Ger's real name (Voyager) what number is it?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: 6

Kirk wipes off the carbon scoring over the rest of the letters and number and discovers the alien vessel is in fact Voyager 6, a NASA probe launched 200 years in the past.

17. Which recurring bit part actor played a Klingon Captain at the start of the movie?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Mark Lenard

Mark Lenard's biggest "Star Trek" role was Spock's father, Sarek, but he also played a Romulan Commander in "Balance of Terror" and provided voices for the animated series. James Sloyan played Dr. Mora Pol in "DS9", Ma'bor Jetrel in "Voyager", and a grown up Alexander in "TNG", as well as a couple of Romulans. Marc Alaimo is Gul Dukat in "DS9" but has appeared in "TNG" as two different characters. Armin Shimerman is everybody's favourite Ferengi in "DS9" but also appeared in "TNG" as Letek, the first Ferengi encountered in "The Last Outpost" and DaiMon Bractor in "Peak Performance". He's in danger of becoming typcast!

18. What is believed by the Enterprise crew to have happened to this Voyager probe?

From Quiz Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Answer: Black Hole

This probe was beleived by the crew to have fallen into a black hole where they concluded that it emerged on the other side of the galaxy where it was found by a planet of living machines who repaired it and sent it out to finish its programming. In fact, the Nomad probe (from the "TOS" episode "The Changeling") was damaged in an asteroid collision, then drifted aimlessly until it encountered another deep-space probe; the two "joined" to become the mechanism seen in the episode.

19. Who composed the marvellous score for the movie?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Jerry Goldsmith

Jerry Goldsmith is the undisputed master of "Star Trek" movie scores. He also composed "The Final Frontier", "First Contact", "Insurrection", and "Nemesis" as well as the main theme to "TNG". James Horner did "The Wrath Of Khan" (my personal favourite), and "The Search For Spock". Cliff Eidelman did "The Undiscovered Country". Dennis McCarthy did "Generations", the main theme to "DS9" and scores to numerous episodes of all series except the original.

20. Name the famous science fiction author who was the official science consultant for the movie.

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Isaac Asimov

Asimov also provided the inspiration for Data's positronic brain and actually gets a mention in "Datalore". Arthur C. Clarke developed the priciples of satellite communication. Fred Hoyle is an astronomer with interesting ideas about universe creation. Heinlein was an engineer at the Naval Air Experimental Station during WWII.

21. Which crew member complained that he had been drafted?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: McCoy

"...Admiral Nogura invoked a little known, seldom used, reserve activation clause. In simpler language, Captain, sir, they drafted me!"

22. To what race does Ilia belong?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Deltan

In the director's edition there is a scene which shows Ilia having empathic powers when she eases Chekov's pain. Deltans are supposed to be irresistable to the opposite sex and give out pheremones to attract them, which is why Ilia is sworn to celibacy.

23. Who wrote the novelization of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: Gene Roddenberry

And a cracking read it is, too! Vonda N. McIntyre novelized "The Wrath Of Khan", "The Search For Spock", and "The Voyage Home" which are all very good and delve farther into the stories and character backgrounds than the movies. Well worth a read or several. J. M. Dillard novelized "The Final Frontier", "The Undiscovered Country", "Generations", "First Contact", "Insurrection" and "Nemesis" but these follow the scripts almost word for word. Not bad, though. Alan Dean Foster novelized the animated series.

24. What are the last words spoken by Kirk at the end of the movie?

From Quiz "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Film & Fact

Answer: "Out there. Thataway."

"Second star to the right, and straight on till morning" is from "The Undiscovered Country". "Let's see what she's got Mr. Sulu. Warp speed!" is from "The Final Frontier". "Young. I feel young." is from "The Wrath Of Khan".

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