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4 The Technology quizzes and 40 The Technology trivia questions.
  The Star Destroyer    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
The Star Destroyer is the colossal wedge-shaped starship that is the most feared of the Imperial arsenal.
Difficult, 10 Qns, Jedi Knight 89, Oct 30 05
Jedi Knight 89
3040 plays
  The Millennium Falcon    
Multiple Choice
 5 Qns
This is about the Millennium Falcon. "The fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy." - Han Solo Part of the information in this is from "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe" by Bill Slavicsek. If you like this one send me a note.
Tough, 5 Qns, Jedi Knight 89, May 04 08
Jedi Knight 89
4307 plays
  The Death Star    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
This is the most powerful battle station in the "Star Wars" universe. If you like this one send me a note.
Tough, 10 Qns, Jedi Knight 89, Jul 26 09
Jedi Knight 89
3641 plays
  Vehicles and Ships    
Multiple Choice
 15 Qns
Let's see how smart you are with the vehicles of the 'Star Wars' saga.
Difficult, 15 Qns, Ebhirim, Feb 21 07
3562 plays

The Technology Trivia Questions

1. What does AT-AT mean?

From Quiz
Vehicles and Ships

Answer: all terrain armored transport

The AT-AT could go up to 60 miles an hour so Rebels greatly feared it.

2. How many times did the Imperials multiply the amount of weapons on the second Death Star from the first?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: 2

The weapons are designed more for starfighters on it.

3. Besides Kuat and Belderone where are AT-ATs built?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Carida

Carida was the main Imperial facility for training troops.

4. How many people were killed by Luke when the first Death Star exploded?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: over 1 million

Luke later felt guilty about it.

5. What was the true name of the Imperial Interdictor Cruiser?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Immobilizer 418

Even though it has the Star Destroyer shape it was designed by Sienar Systems who also designed the TIE series.

6. Who destroyed the second Death Star?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: Lando and Wedge

Lando was in the Falcon and Wedge was in his X-wing.

7. How long is the Super Star Destroyer?

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: 8 km

The Super Star Destroyer dwarves even the massive Imperial class. The reborn Emperor had one built that was 16 km long, it was known as the Eclipse.

8. How many concussion missile launchers does the Falcon carry?

From Quiz The Millennium Falcon

Answer: 2

It carries about 8 missiles. The missiles are easily able to take out Ties.

9. What two Verpine hives helped design the B-wing fighter?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Slayn and Korpil

After this design the two hives helped Ackbar again to design a two person B-wing dubbed B-wing/E. later Ackbar piloted a version of one straight in to a Vor temple due to sabotage.

10. What ship destroyed the second Death Star?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: Millennium Falcon and Wedge's X-wing

Lando scrapes off an antenna from the top of the Falcon.

11. How long is the Imperial Star Destroyer?

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: 1. 6 km

The Imperial class is a little more than 1/8 the size of the Super class.

12. What type of ship is the Falcon?

From Quiz The Millennium Falcon

Answer: Correllian stock light freighter

The Tantive 4 is a Correllian Corvette. The Wild Karrde is a Correllian Action VI transport. Wild Karrde is the flagship of Talon Karrde's smuggler ships.

13. What is damaged on the Falcon in the fight at the second Death Star?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: a top side antenna

Everything else was fine.

14. How many turbolasers and ion cannons do the Imperial class carry combined?

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: 120

This is an impressive ship, but nothing compared to the Super class.

15. What is another name for the light laser cannon on the Falcon?

From Quiz The Millennium Falcon

Answer: medium repeating laser cannon

It is used by the Falcon on the E-WEB cannon in the hangar bay at Echo Base. Anti-pursuit laser cannons are used on security speeders, like the ones used by CorSec (which is Correllian Security).

16. What was the main Alliance fighter before the X-wing?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Y-wing

The Y-wing may have had the best shields but it was also slower compared to the newer fighters.

17. What three ships escaped the second Death Star just before it exploded?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: Falcon, X- wing, Luke's shuttle

Luke's shuttle carried Anakin and Luke.

18. How many Tie fighters does an Imperial class carry?

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: 72

This is a full attack wing of fighters. Not many classes of ships can carry this many fighters.

19. What was the Ithorian ship Qwi Xux went to hide in with Wedge?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Tafanda Bay

The race that invented them the Ithorians were also called Hammerheads.

20. How many tractor beam projectors does it carry?

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: 10

This ship is basically a flying weapons platform.

21. What class is the Mon Calamari ship Home One?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: MC80

Home One was Admiral Ackbar's comand ship in "ROTJ".

22. Who tricked the third Death Star into flying to its destruction?

From Quiz The Death Star

Answer: Kyp Durron & Durron

Kyp later became a Jedi Master.

23. How long is the reborn Emporer's Super class Destroyer.

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: 16 km

This is twice the lenghth of the original Super class.

24. What class of Mon Calamari ship was the Mon Remoda?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: MC80B

This was Han Solo's command ship in the Zsinj campaign.

25. Instead of a combat ship it is usually used as what? ________ ship

From Quiz The Star Destroyer

Answer: command center & command station & command ship & Flag ship & flagship & flag & command

This is what the Executor was at Endor.

26. What was Lando's luxury yacht that he bought at the same time he was starting Nomad City?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Lady Luck

The one thing that's odd about this ship is that it has only one laser cannon.

27. What class was the Millenium Falcon?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: YT-1300

All these are made by Corellians.

28. What cloud car class is the Noghri patrol ships?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Talon l

Only two of these I know of are real cloud cars. They are the Storm lV which resemble Chinese fortune cookies and the Talon I.

29. Who developed the Death Star?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Tol Sivron, Bevel Lemelisk, Qwi Xux, Umak Leth

Bevel was the one of the few who were sentenced death sentinces by the New Republic. Qwi was Wedge's lover for some time. Tol was the only non near human or human to help design it.

30. What was the name of one of the classes of Star Destroyers that had Super Lasers?

From Quiz Vehicles and Ships

Answer: Eclipse Class

Both of them were built and destroyed during the return of the Emperor.

This is category 3703
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