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Esperanto Language Trivia Quizzes

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6 Esperanto Language quizzes and 60 Esperanto Language trivia questions.
  Esperanto - Some Basic Nouns    
Match Quiz
 10 Qns
Don't know Esperanto? You may know more than you think! The words in Esperanto are largely based on European languages. The nouns end in "o", and for plurals, add a "j". See if you can match these Esperanto nouns to their English equivalents.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, PDAZ, Mar 13 16
Recommended for grades: 3,4,5
Very Easy
PDAZ gold member
308 plays
  Movie Titles in Esperanto   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Bonan tagon! Here is a quiz where I give you a famous movie title translated into Esperanto, and you give me the English. I am not trying to trick you, so have fun!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, OofahLandian, Feb 01 19
Recommended for grades: 4,5,6
Very Easy
Feb 01 19
432 plays
  A "Good" Esperanto Quiz   popular trivia quiz  
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
How "good" are you? This is a quiz about Esperanto word-building in which you will construct ten words from the Esperanto adjective meaning "good". Good luck!
Average, 10 Qns, oofahlandian, May 16 07
571 plays
  Esperanto for Beginners    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
With several million speakers worldwide, Esperanto is the most successful artifical language to date. Here are 10 beginner questions about the language invented in 1887 by occulist L. L. Zamenhof.
Average, 10 Qns, oofahlandian, Sep 10 08
897 plays
  About Esperanto    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
Esperanto is an artificial language created by L. L. Zamenhoff in 1887. This is a quiz about the language not of the language. It may prove to be a bit tough for some.
Average, 10 Qns, oofahlandian, Mar 03 10
424 plays
  More Beginner's Esperanto    
Multiple Choice
 10 Qns
More beginner Esperanto vocabulary and grammar exercises. You don't need to know the language to answer the questions, and hey! You just might learn something!
Average, 10 Qns, oofahlandian, Nov 17 16
587 plays
trivia question Quick Question
"Granda" is the Esperanto word for "big". The suffix "--EG--" increases the meaning of the word it modifies. What does "grandega" mean?

From Quiz "More Beginner's Esperanto"

Esperanto Language Trivia Questions

1. This 1975 Stephen Spielberg movie about a giant "sharko" would have a very different name in Esperanto: "Makzeloj". Name the movie.

From Quiz
Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: Jaws

"Makzelo" (pronounced "mahk-ZEH-loh") is the singular form of "Jaw" in Esperanto. All Esperanto nouns end in "o" and are made plural by adding "j" ("oj" sounds like "oy" in "boy"). The clue "sharko" (properly "ŝarko" but the FunTrivia code won't allow the "ŝ" symbol in the question box in some games) is pronounced similarly in English: "SHARK-oh". To make a word meaning "a baby shark" (i.e. "shark pup"), we can use the suffix "--id", which indicates "offspring": "ŝarkido" (pronounced "shar-KEE-doh"). You may have noticed that the penultimate syllable always gets the accent in Esperanto.

2. The adjective "BONA" means "GOOD". The suffix "--UL--" indicates a person having a given trait. "--O" is the ending for a noun. How would one correctly translate the Esperanto word "BONULO"?

From Quiz A "Good" Esperanto Quiz

Answer: A good person

It can also mean a kind of buddy or pal, someone who is friendly and fun to be around.

3. "Bona" is the Esperanto adjective meaning "good". To make a word denoting the direct opposite of its root meaning, the prefix "MAL--" is used. What does "malbona" mean in English?

From Quiz More Beginner's Esperanto

Answer: bad

The direct opposite of "good" is "bad", and based on the information provided, the direct opposite of "bona" is "malbona", meaning "bad".

4. Encountering a fellow Esperantist ("samideano"), you might greet him or her by saying "Bonan tagon!" What does "bonan tagon" mean in Esperanto?

From Quiz Esperanto for Beginners

Answer: Good day! Hello!

"Bona" is an adjective meaning "good" and "tago" a noun meaning "day". The first word has its roots in the Romance languages, while the second is based on the German word having the same meaning.

5. What 1972 movie by Francis Ford Coppola would have been named "La Baptopatro" if written in Esperanto?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: The Godfather

"Baptopatro" (pronounced "bahp-toh-PAH-troh") literally means "baptism father". "Patro" ("PAH-tro") is the word for "father". By using the feminine suffix "--in", you can make "patrino" ("pah-TREE-noh"), which translates to "mother". "La" is the Esperanto word for "the" which does not change for gender or number.

6. The prefix "MAL--" indicates the direct opposite meaning of the root word. The adjective "BONA" means "GOOD". "--A" is the ending for an adjective. How would one correctly translate the Esperanto word "MALBONA"?

From Quiz A "Good" Esperanto Quiz

Answer: bad

"MAL--" is the biggest reason so few words need to be learned to speak Esperanto well. Instead of learning "BIG" and "SMALL", you need only learn one word and then use "MAL--" to indicate the opposite: "BONA"/"GOOD" and "MALBONA"/"BAD". "AMI"/"TO LOVE" and "MALAMI"/"TO HATE". "HELPI"/"TO HELP" and "MALHELPI"/"TO HINDER". "BELA"/"PRETTY" and "MALBELA"/"UGLY".

7. "Malsana" means "the direct opposite of 'sana'". "Sana" means "healthy". The suffix "--UL--" indicates a person represented by the condition expressed by the word. What is a "malsanulo"?

From Quiz More Beginner's Esperanto

Answer: a sick person

"MAL--" (opposite) + "SAN--" (healthy) + "--UL--" (person) + "--O" (noun) means "a sick person".

8. Dr. Zamenhof invented the Esperanto language for the purpose of:

From Quiz About Esperanto

Answer: Creating a common second language

Esperanto is not designed to replace your current language. It was designed to make discussions among people of other national languages fair in that no one was speaking in their native tongue while the other relies on translations or his or her own limited knowledge of the language.

9. In Esperanto, what are "unu", "du", and "tri"?

From Quiz Esperanto for Beginners

Answer: "one", "two", and "three"

"Mother", "Father" and "Son" would be "Patrino", "Patro", and "Filo", and while there are one or two variations of Esperanto, all of them have these three words, the first three ordinal numbers: "one", "two", and "three". Their origins lie in the Romance languages.

10. What classic 1966 movie starring Clint Eastwood would be called "La Bona, la Malbona, kaj la Malbela" had it been made in Esperanto?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Esperanto version of the title shows a good use of the prefix "mal--", which indicates the opposite of the root word. The Esperanto word "bona" means "Good" in English. Therefore, "La Bona, la Malbona..." literally means "The good, the opposite of good [bad]". "Bela" is the Esperanto word for "pretty", and prefixing the word with "mal--" makes it the opposite: "la Malbela" is "the Ugly".

11. The suffix "--EJ--" is very useful. It denotes a place for what is described in the root word. The verb "lerni" means "to learn". Just what is a "lernejo" (lehr-NAY-o)?

From Quiz More Beginner's Esperanto

Answer: a school

"LERN--" (learn) + "--EJ--" (place) + "--O" (noun ending) = "a place to learn" or more colloquially, "a school".

12. Dr. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, was able to compile the grammar of the Esperanto language into how many rules?

From Quiz About Esperanto

Answer: 16

The rules are esoteric to someone unfamiliar with the study of languages, but yes, you can break down the grammar of Esperanto into just 16 rules.

13. An Esperanto speaker ("Esperantisto") who has never seen a gummy bear in his life before might point to it and say "Kio estas tio?" What is he asking?

From Quiz Esperanto for Beginners

Answer: What is that?

"Kio estas tio?" translates as "What is that (thing)?" To say "What is that for", you must re-arrange the words, because Esperanto forbids sentences ending in prepositions: "Por kio estas tio?"

14. The famous 1957 drama set in a jury room would be called "Dek Du Koleraj Viroj" in Esperanto. Can you name it?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: 12 Angry Men

"Dek du" (pronounced "deck doo") is Esperanto for "twelve". It literally means "ten [and] two". "Kolera viro" is an angry man. Plurals are made by adding the letter "j". Notice that the adjective is made plural as well as the noun: "koleraj viroj" (pronounced "koh-LEH-ri VEE-roy").

15. The word "BONA" means "GOOD" in Esperanto. The suffix "--ET--" diminishes the meaning of a word. "--A" is the ending for an adjective. How would one correctly translate the Esperanto word "BONETA"?

From Quiz A "Good" Esperanto Quiz

Answer: so-so

"--ET--" is a very useful suffix and can double your vocabulary. "DOMO" is a "HOUSE" while "DOMETO" is a "COTTAGE". "URBO" is a "CITY", while "URBETO" is a "VILLAGE". In this way, you can make a great many words from just one. With adjectives, it often implies the English suffix "--ISH". "BLUA" is "BLUE", "BLUETA" is "BLUISH, SOMEWHAT BLUE".

16. The title of this 1991 thriller starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins translates to Esperanto as "La Silento de la Ŝafidoj". What is the name of the movie in English?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: The Silence of the Lambs

"La Silento" (pronounced "lah see-LEHN-toe") translates to "the silence". "Ŝafo" ("SHAH-foe") is the word for "sheep". The suffix "--id" denotes the offspring of the root word. So "ŝafido" ("sha-FEE-doh") is the Esperanto word for "lamb". Again, to make a noun plural, you add "j": "ŝafidoj" ("sha-FEE-doy"). "Silenti" ("see-LEHN-tee") is an intransitive verb meaning "to be silent". So, to say "the lambs are silent", in Esperanto, one could simplify the sentence to: "La ŝafidoj silentas".

17. "BONA" means "GOOD". The suffix "--EG--" augments the meaning of a word. "--A" is the ending for an adjective. How would one correctly translate the Esperanto word "BONEGA"?

From Quiz A "Good" Esperanto Quiz

Answer: Great

"--EG--" is a very useful suffix and can help increase your vocabulary immensely. "GRANDA" is "BIG", "GRANDEGA" is "HUGE". "MALGRANDA" is small, while "MALGRANDEGA" is "TINY" (the opposite of "HUGE"). "DOMO" is a "HOUSE" while "DOMEGO" is a "MANSION". "URBO" is a "CITY", while "URBEGO" is a "METROPOLIS". In this way, you can make a great many words from just one.

18. "GE--" is a convenient prefix meaning "both genders". Patro is "father". "Patrino" is "mother". Just what are "Gepatroj" ("--OJ" being the ending for plural nouns)?

From Quiz More Beginner's Esperanto

Answer: Parents

The answer is "parents". "GE--" (both genders) + "PATR--" (father) + "--OJ" (plural noun) = "parents"

19. The League of Nations ALMOST made Esperanto the official second language of the world. What country vetoed the resolution?

From Quiz About Esperanto

Answer: France

French was the language of international communication then, much like English is now. The United States was not a member of the League of Nations, and Russia ceased to exist shortly before the end of World War I (replaced by the USSR). Two years after the French delegate vetoed the resolution, he called for the language to be taught in French schools.

20. If something is described in Esperanto as "blua", "verda", and "granda", what is true about it?

From Quiz Esperanto for Beginners

Answer: It is blue and green and large

"Blua" and "verda" are both colors. "Granda" means "big" or "great", but not in the sense of "grandiose", which is "grandiosa".

21. What if I told you the title of this 1999 movie starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne translated to "La Matrico"? In fact, it does. Can you name the movie?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: The Matrix & Matrix

"Matrico" (pronounced "mah-TREE-tsoh") is the Esperanto word for Matrix. "La" is the definite article that does not change for gender or number; in fact, Esperanto has no grammatical gender.

22. The adjective "BONA" means "GOOD". The suffix "--EC--" indicates an often abstract quality. "--O" is the ending for a noun. How would one correctly translate the Esperanto word "BONECO"?

From Quiz A "Good" Esperanto Quiz

Answer: Goodness

"--EC--" typically translates to "--NESS" in English, but there are many other forms in the English language such as "--ICITY", "-TION", and so forth. It indicates the quality of the root word, in this case "BONA". Affixes can be their own words, too! "ECO" is a "QUALITY".

23. What do the following Esperanto words represent: "viro", "studento", "laboristo", and "policisto"? (Look at the words carefully.)

From Quiz Esperanto for Beginners

Answer: people

Two of the words end with the suffix "-ist-" which indicates a professional (like the suffix -ist" in English). The words translate to: "man" (think "virile"), "student", "worker" (think "labor"), and "policeman".

24. Most Americans have seen (or at least heard of) this 1946 feel-good holiday movie starring Jimmy Stewart. In Esperanto, the title would be "Estas Mirinda Vivo". What's the name of the movie in English?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: It's a Wonderful Life

"Estas" (pronounced "EH-stahs") usually means "is", "am", or "are", but when there is no real subject of the sentence, as in this case, it can mean "there are", "there is", "it is", etc. "Miri" (pronounced "MEE-ree") means "to wonder". If you add the suffix "--ind", which denotes "worthy of", you get "mirinda" ("mee-REEN-dah") which means literally "worthy of wonder" or more simply, "wonderful". "Vivo" ("VEE-voh") comes from the same Latin root that gives us "vivacious".

25. The word "BONA" is an adjective meaning "GOOD". The Esperanto suffix "--AĴ--" indicates a typically concrete thing. "--O" is the ending for a noun. How would one correctly translate the Esperanto word "BONAĴO"?

From Quiz A "Good" Esperanto Quiz

Answer: A good (thing)

The suffix "--AĴ--" (pronounced AZH) creates something concrete from the root word. "BONA" is "GOOD". "BONAAĴO" is something that is good. In this case, it can mean any number of things. A good example of how it works is by looking at the noun "MANĜO", meaning a "MEAL". "MANĜAĴO" is a thing associated with a meal, and is the word for "FOOD" (literally, a Meal-thing).

26. What is the symbol of Esperanto? (Many Esperantists will wear a pin displaying this thing when travelling abroad.)

From Quiz About Esperanto

Answer: a green star

Esperanto actually has its own flag: a field of green with a white block in the upper-left corner in which appears the green star.

27. What kind of things do the following Esperanto words represent: "muso", "hundo", "insekto", and "kato"? (Say them to yourself as you think they are pronounced. It might be easier.)

From Quiz Esperanto for Beginners

Answer: Animals

The words mean: "mouse" ("muso"), "dog" ("hundo"), "insect" ("insekto"), and "cat" ("kato").

28. This movie is an adaptation of a Stephen King novel and stars Tom Hanks as a prison guard. In Esperanto the title would be "La Verda Mejlo". What is the name in English?

From Quiz Movie Titles in Esperanto

Answer: The Green Mile

"Verda" is the Esperanto adjective meaning "green". To make it a noun, change the "a" to "o": "verdo". You can add the diminutive suffix "--et" to turn "green" into "greenish": "verdeta". "Mejlo" (pronounced "MAY-loh") is the Esperanto word for "mile".

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