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Quiz about The Comique Films
Quiz about The Comique Films

The Comique Films Trivia Quiz

From 1917 to 1920, Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle made films at his Comique studio with Buster Keaton, Al St. John, and Luke the Dog. Can you identify the movies from the clues?

A multiple-choice quiz by ubermom. Estimated time: 7 mins.
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7 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
9 / 15
Last 3 plays: mfc (2/15), Guest 80 (4/15), angostura (15/15).
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Question 1 of 15
1. In this film, Buster and Roscoe play mechanics who are also firemen. Buster drinks wood alcohol, shimmies up a firehouse pole upside down, and gets stuck on a rapidly spinning turntable. He also gets his trousers chewed off by Luke, the Comique dog, and dons a kilt cut off a billboard to avoid being arrested for indecent exposure. Which film is this? Hint

Question 2 of 15
2. This film has Buster working at a general store, along with Roscoe, who is also the postman. In the closing gag, Buster encourages Roscoe to eat a plate of onions to strengthen his voice for a talent show -- leading everybody to turn their backs on Roscoe when he's accused of stealing $300 from a registered letter. Which film is this? Hint

Question 3 of 15
3. This movie has Buster playing a stagehand who must help Roscoe and Al defeat an enraged strong man. We see the first instance of the falling wall gag that Buster will eventually scale up to the massive falling facade scene in "Steamboat Bill Jr." (1928), though this time the wall falls on Roscoe, not Buster. Buster also does an early version of his "Princeess Rajah" dance, and shimmies when Roscoe tells him to shiver. Which film is this? Hint

Question 4 of 15
4. In this, his film debut, Buster Keaton starts out as a customer in a general store, then turns kidnapper at the behest of Al St. John, who is trying to snatch Roscoe's girlfriend from her boarding school. Roscoe and Al cross-dress and Buster does a bit of a break dance. Which film is this? Hint

Question 5 of 15
5. Buster plays a delivery boy turned cop in this film, which starts with Roscoe setting his bed on fire. Roscoe also flirts with the maid and raises the ire of his wife and mother-in-law. We see Buster smile when he does a bit of flirting with the pretty maid, then he joins in some Keystone Kops antics with Al St. John and another man as they respond to a robbery at Roscoe's house. Which film is this? Hint

Question 6 of 15
6. Buster Keaton reprises his role as a delivery boy in this film, which features Roscoe Arbuckle as a soda jerk at a drug store. This time it's Buster, rather than Al or Roscoe, in women's clothes -- Alice Mann's clothes, to be exact. Al and his gang, intending to kidnap Alice, end up kidnapping Buster by mistake. Which film is this? Hint

Question 7 of 15
7. Buster and Roscoe are law enforcement, out to break up Al's illegal business. Buster falls off a cliff and brings Roscoe's pants with him. In the surviving 16mm version, Buster also turns into a monkey and a girl falls in love with Roscoe in a hurry. The best known gag, though, is the insane clown car gag, in which nearly two dozen men pile out of one car. Which film is this? Hint

Question 8 of 15
8. In this film, Buster plays Roscoe's son. Roscoe is an abusive father, frequently making Buster cry grotesquely. But Buster also laughs at a horse that runs the wrong way on the race track. Alas for Buster -- he's laughing at the horse his father had bet on, losing the last of the family money. But Al lost all his money, too, which he means to recoup by robbing Roscoe's family. Which film is this? Hint

Question 9 of 15
9. In this film, Buster starts out with the girl, but loses her to Al who loses her to Roscoe, who is hiding from his wife. This film features a cross-dressing Roscoe, looking quite fetching in a woman's bathing costume. Buster turns lifeguard and treats us to an impromptu standing backflip. When Buster reveals Roscoe's true identity to his wife, a fight breaks out that leaves an opening for Buster to get his girl back. Which film is this? Hint

Question 10 of 15
10. In this movie, both Buster and Roscoe dance for us in their own version of Egyptian style. But when Al St. John manhandles Alice, the gloves come off. Buster, Roscoe, and Luke take action. We see a Keaton laugh as Luke the Dog swings around from Al St. John's bottom, and a Keaton smile as Roscoe snips a strand of spaghetti. Luke the Dog really shows off his talents, climbing a tall ladder to chase Al. Hint

Question 11 of 15
11. This film features Buster as a doctor and Roscoe as the patient at his sanitarium. Roscoe's not there willingly -- his wife brought him there to dry him out after he came home with an organ grinder and a monkey. Roscoe, dressed as a woman to try to sneak out, flirts with Dr. Buster, eliciting a Keaton smile. Too bad Buster leans on a door and falls right through -- giving a lady patient a chance to bean him on the dome with a pitcher! Hint

Question 12 of 15
12. We see Buster and Roscoe spring cleaning: Buster by diligently polishing non-existent glass, and Roscoe by scrubbing and mopping while sitting down. Roscoe's barbering skills transform Rasputin into General Grant, Abe Lincoln, and Kaiser Wilhelm. Buster gets caught first in a stuck elevator, then on elk antlers. Then Buster and Al, sent to fake a bank robbery, break up a real bank robbery in their own acrobatic way. Which film is this? Hint

Question 13 of 15
13. Roscoe the drifter ends up dumped near Buster's saloon. A cigar-smoking, top-hatted Buster shoots a man for cheating at cards, the rolls his body through a trap door in the floor. Roscoe gets a horse drunk. And Al, it turns out, is a tough man who can't be defeated with bottles or bullets, but is helpless when tickled. Which film is this? Hint

Question 14 of 15
14. Though the Internet Movie Database lists Buster Keaton in an uncredited and unidentified role in this film, Buster wasn't really in it at all. It features Roscoe as a wayward husband, and Al St. John as the man whose girl Roscoe steals a kiss from -- only to have his attempt at infidelity captured by a newsreel cameraman. In the climax, Roscoe and Al fight both on the screen and in the aisle of a crowded movie theater. Which film is this? Hint

Question 15 of 15
15. With Buster in France with the Army, Roscoe and Al enlist Monty Banks to fill out the cast of this movie. Roscoe loves the farmer's daughter, but the farmer wants her to marry Al, whose father has promised him a nice chunk of land in exchange for a bride. But with the men falling down the well and getting into a massive broom-fight, is there any time for romance? Hint

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Aug 16 2024 : mfc: 2/15
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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. In this film, Buster and Roscoe play mechanics who are also firemen. Buster drinks wood alcohol, shimmies up a firehouse pole upside down, and gets stuck on a rapidly spinning turntable. He also gets his trousers chewed off by Luke, the Comique dog, and dons a kilt cut off a billboard to avoid being arrested for indecent exposure. Which film is this?

Answer: The Garage (1920)

This Comique short is unusual in that it didn't also feature Roscoe's nephew, Al St. John.

"The Garage" gives us the first look at a gag Buster will recycle in "Three Ages" (1923) -- the car that falls apart. But in "The Garage", the car breaks down first, then falls apart as the irate customer watches -- a scene that will be reworked with Jim Carrey in "The Mask" (1994). When Buster does "Three Ages", the car will hit a bump and totally fall to pieces while Buster is driving.
2. This film has Buster working at a general store, along with Roscoe, who is also the postman. In the closing gag, Buster encourages Roscoe to eat a plate of onions to strengthen his voice for a talent show -- leading everybody to turn their backs on Roscoe when he's accused of stealing $300 from a registered letter. Which film is this?

Answer: The Hayseed (1919)

This film also features Jack Coogan, father of child star Jackie Coogan, who later played Uncle Fester in the TV series "The Addams Family".

Roscoe is cleared of the crime by Buster, who saw the constable steal the money to buy an expensive ring for Roscoe's girlfriend.
3. This movie has Buster playing a stagehand who must help Roscoe and Al defeat an enraged strong man. We see the first instance of the falling wall gag that Buster will eventually scale up to the massive falling facade scene in "Steamboat Bill Jr." (1928), though this time the wall falls on Roscoe, not Buster. Buster also does an early version of his "Princeess Rajah" dance, and shimmies when Roscoe tells him to shiver. Which film is this?

Answer: Back Stage (1919)

Buster and Roscoe infuriate the strong man by halting his abuse of his female assistant. Jack Coogan, father of child star Jackie Coogan (later known as Uncle Fester from TV's "The Addams Family") shows us his "eccentric dancer" routine, which Buster tries in vain to imitate.
4. In this, his film debut, Buster Keaton starts out as a customer in a general store, then turns kidnapper at the behest of Al St. John, who is trying to snatch Roscoe's girlfriend from her boarding school. Roscoe and Al cross-dress and Buster does a bit of a break dance. Which film is this?

Answer: The Butcher Boy (1917)

Roscoe dresses in drag and poses as his girlfriend's cousin in order to visit her in her boarding school. Roscoe's nephew Al St. John, playing Roscoe's love rival, also dresses in drag and infiltrates the school. When Buster and Al's other accomplice grab the girl, Roscoe wrenches her from their grasp and gives Buster a shove through an open door with his foot. Buster tumbles, spins on his head, and lands on his backside.
5. Buster plays a delivery boy turned cop in this film, which starts with Roscoe setting his bed on fire. Roscoe also flirts with the maid and raises the ire of his wife and mother-in-law. We see Buster smile when he does a bit of flirting with the pretty maid, then he joins in some Keystone Kops antics with Al St. John and another man as they respond to a robbery at Roscoe's house. Which film is this?

Answer: The Rough House (1917)

"The Rough House" starts with Roscoe setting fire to the bed as he lolls in it. At first he tries to extinguish the inferno with a teacup, but later calls out the window to the gardener -- an uncredited Buster Keaton -- who provides a water hose.

An interesting bit for film historians: Roscoe does the "dancing dinner rolls" gag eight years before Chaplin did it in "The Gold Rush" (1925). Who stole it from whom?
6. Buster Keaton reprises his role as a delivery boy in this film, which features Roscoe Arbuckle as a soda jerk at a drug store. This time it's Buster, rather than Al or Roscoe, in women's clothes -- Alice Mann's clothes, to be exact. Al and his gang, intending to kidnap Alice, end up kidnapping Buster by mistake. Which film is this?

Answer: His Wedding Night (1917)

A drunken Buster models Alice's wedding gown and gets bagged by Al and his goons. He comes perilously close to marrying both Al and Roscoe until Alice arrives and breaks up the wedding.
7. Buster and Roscoe are law enforcement, out to break up Al's illegal business. Buster falls off a cliff and brings Roscoe's pants with him. In the surviving 16mm version, Buster also turns into a monkey and a girl falls in love with Roscoe in a hurry. The best known gag, though, is the insane clown car gag, in which nearly two dozen men pile out of one car. Which film is this?

Answer: Moonshine (1918)

Of the two surviving prints, the 35mm has a clearer picture, but the 16mm is more complete. The Image Entertainment DVD of "The Best Arbuckle-Keaton Collection" is from the fragmented 35mm; the 2001 KINO "Arbuckle & Keaton" DVD set contains the more complete 16mm version.

The clown car bit was fairly simple to do -- it involved masking half the lens to film a group of men getting out of the car while feeding them in from the other side. Then the film was back-cranked and other half of the lens was masked, and the other half of the car was filmed just sitting there. Presto! Simple and ingenious.

According to Keaton biographer Edward McPherson, another studio had tried to up the ante in the clown car gag by having over 100 cops pile out of a car, but the end result was dismal -- half the car stayed steady as a rock, while the other half bounced up and down under the weight of the departing men. Buster, with his keen mechanical eye, had foreseen this problem when filming "Moonshine", and had carefully steadied the car with jacks before having his men pile out.
8. In this film, Buster plays Roscoe's son. Roscoe is an abusive father, frequently making Buster cry grotesquely. But Buster also laughs at a horse that runs the wrong way on the race track. Alas for Buster -- he's laughing at the horse his father had bet on, losing the last of the family money. But Al lost all his money, too, which he means to recoup by robbing Roscoe's family. Which film is this?

Answer: Oh, Doctor! (1917)

Roscoe plays unscrupulous Doctor Fatty who flirts with a vamp at the racetrack. When both Roscoe and the vamp's escort -- Roscoe's nephew Al St. John -- lose by betting on a wrong-way horse, Al decides to have the vamp lure Fatty away from his house. Al, posing as a patient, goes to Fatty's house and steals his wife's necklace.
9. In this film, Buster starts out with the girl, but loses her to Al who loses her to Roscoe, who is hiding from his wife. This film features a cross-dressing Roscoe, looking quite fetching in a woman's bathing costume. Buster turns lifeguard and treats us to an impromptu standing backflip. When Buster reveals Roscoe's true identity to his wife, a fight breaks out that leaves an opening for Buster to get his girl back. Which film is this?

Answer: Coney Island (1917)

This film gives us a couple of Keaton smiles and even a pair of Keaton laughs. Buster smiles when watching a parade, and again when he gets a kiss from Alice. He laughs when he smacks Roscoe with a mallet, and again when Roscoe's wife asks the identity of the large woman in the bathing suit.
10. In this movie, both Buster and Roscoe dance for us in their own version of Egyptian style. But when Al St. John manhandles Alice, the gloves come off. Buster, Roscoe, and Luke take action. We see a Keaton laugh as Luke the Dog swings around from Al St. John's bottom, and a Keaton smile as Roscoe snips a strand of spaghetti. Luke the Dog really shows off his talents, climbing a tall ladder to chase Al.

Answer: The Cook (1918)

Roscoe introduces his spoof of the Theda Barra dances in "Salome" (1918) and "Cleopatra" (1917) -- using a string of sausages for the asp. Buster shipped off to France for WWI shortly thereafter, and made the dance his own, initially to entertain soldiers waiting to ship home after the war. A version of Buster's dance can be seen in "Hollywood Revue of 1929".
11. This film features Buster as a doctor and Roscoe as the patient at his sanitarium. Roscoe's not there willingly -- his wife brought him there to dry him out after he came home with an organ grinder and a monkey. Roscoe, dressed as a woman to try to sneak out, flirts with Dr. Buster, eliciting a Keaton smile. Too bad Buster leans on a door and falls right through -- giving a lady patient a chance to bean him on the dome with a pitcher!

Answer: Good Night, Nurse! (1918)

Dr. Buster isn't a reassuring sight, in his bloody scrubs. Understandably, Roscoe tries to escape, and dresses in a nurse's uniform to pass unnoticed. Eventually Roscoe does escape, only to get caught up in a foot race.
12. We see Buster and Roscoe spring cleaning: Buster by diligently polishing non-existent glass, and Roscoe by scrubbing and mopping while sitting down. Roscoe's barbering skills transform Rasputin into General Grant, Abe Lincoln, and Kaiser Wilhelm. Buster gets caught first in a stuck elevator, then on elk antlers. Then Buster and Al, sent to fake a bank robbery, break up a real bank robbery in their own acrobatic way. Which film is this?

Answer: The Bell Boy (1918)

Buster and Roscoe play bellboys, and Al the desk clerk, at the Elk's Head Hotel. Buster and Roscoe double as elevator operators and cleaning staff, Al as a horse-drawn trolley driver and as a waiter. Buster's father, Joe Keaton, plays a top-hatted guest who abuses Buster and Al because he thinks they're kicking his hat off. Al does a spectacular roll over a loaded table followed by a backflip that leaves him seated at a table as if he'd been reading a newspaper all along.
13. Roscoe the drifter ends up dumped near Buster's saloon. A cigar-smoking, top-hatted Buster shoots a man for cheating at cards, the rolls his body through a trap door in the floor. Roscoe gets a horse drunk. And Al, it turns out, is a tough man who can't be defeated with bottles or bullets, but is helpless when tickled. Which film is this?

Answer: Out West (1918)

Buster owns the saloon. When his bartender gets shot trying to defend the place from rough guy Al, Buster's only response is to put up a sign saying "Bartender Wanted". Roscoe, having been thrown off a train by the brakemen (including Buster's dad, Joe Keaton) breaks up the raid and gets the job.
14. Though the Internet Movie Database lists Buster Keaton in an uncredited and unidentified role in this film, Buster wasn't really in it at all. It features Roscoe as a wayward husband, and Al St. John as the man whose girl Roscoe steals a kiss from -- only to have his attempt at infidelity captured by a newsreel cameraman. In the climax, Roscoe and Al fight both on the screen and in the aisle of a crowded movie theater. Which film is this?

Answer: A Reckless Romeo (1917)

This film also features something alien to modern eyes: premature infants as a carnival attraction. Roscoe's wife and mother-in-law go in to see the babies, and Roscoe finds trouble.

When this film was shot, Buster was off in France with the Army, sleeping in wet trenches and developing the severe ear infection that would partially rob him of his hearing. He'd entertain his fellow troops with his "Princess Rajah" dance, based on the dance Roscoe Arbuckle had done in "The Cook" shortly before Buster had shipped out.
15. With Buster in France with the Army, Roscoe and Al enlist Monty Banks to fill out the cast of this movie. Roscoe loves the farmer's daughter, but the farmer wants her to marry Al, whose father has promised him a nice chunk of land in exchange for a bride. But with the men falling down the well and getting into a massive broom-fight, is there any time for romance?

Answer: Love (1919)

Monty Banks plays a farmhand whose recurring gags center around his efforts to beat a rug. Banks later showed himself to be perhaps an even more acrobatic actor than Al St. John or even than Buster Keaton, judging from his short, "Chasing Choo Choos" (1927).
Source: Author ubermom

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