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Quiz about This Bear is For  Life Part Two
Quiz about This Bear is For  Life Part Two

This Bear is For Life -Part Two Quiz

All questions are from "The House At Pooh Corner". For young children and the young at heart - Enjoy!

A multiple-choice quiz by fontenilles. Estimated time: 4 mins.
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4 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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Question 1 of 10
1. On a cold and snowy day Pooh Bear and Piglet go for a walk. While walking and talking a thought occurs to Pooh Bear. He thinks how cold the old grey donkey, Eeyore, must be.
What do Pooh Bear and Piglet decide to make for Eeyore?

Question 2 of 10
2. In the second chapter Winnie-the-Pooh is woken up in the middle of the night by a noise he's never heard before.
Which animal, new to The Hundred Acre Wood, does he find on his doorstep?

Question 3 of 10
3. Rabbit, who has so many friends-and-relations that no one in The Hundred Acre Wood knows for sure how many, fears a little friend has become lost.
Can you name Rabbit's missing friend?

Question 4 of 10
4. Tigger is now living with Kanga and Roo. One morning they set off for a picnic. Tigger believes that Tiggers can do what?

Question 5 of 10
5. Winnie-The-Pooh invents a new game and calls it Poohsticks.
What do you need to play Poohsticks?

Question 6 of 10
6. Eeyore joins in a Poohsticks game in the most unusual way! How or why does this happen?

Question 7 of 10
7. On a very blusterous, which means windy, day Pooh Bear and Piglet go to visit a feathered friend.
Who have they gone to visit?

Answer: (One Word - 3 letters - Wise old bird.)
Question 8 of 10
8. Owl, Pooh Bear and Piglet are trapped in Owl's house. Piglet is called upon to do a very brave thing. What is it? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. Winnie-The-Pooh may be a 'bear of little brain' but he's rather good at making up
little songs and poems.
Which one of these is a first line of one of Pooh Bear's ditties?

Question 10 of 10
10. In the very last story in "The House At Pooh Corner" all the creatures in The Hundred Acre Wood know someone is going away, even though they don't know how they know, or how they know who it is.
Who is going away?

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. On a cold and snowy day Pooh Bear and Piglet go for a walk. While walking and talking a thought occurs to Pooh Bear. He thinks how cold the old grey donkey, Eeyore, must be. What do Pooh Bear and Piglet decide to make for Eeyore?

Answer: A house.

Pooh Bear realises that, unlike all the other animals in The Hundred Acre Wood, Eeyore doesn't have a house. Pooh decides they should build a house for Eeyore, out of the wind, in a quiet corner of the wood; to be known as Pooh corner.

Piglet thinks it's a grand idea and remembers a heap of sticks piled high at the other end of the wood. Pooh Bear and Piglet fetch the sticks and start to build the house.
A little later, on the other side of the wood, Eeyore is asking Christopher Robin if he has happened to have seen a house. Eeyore explains that he built one in the corner of his field but it's disappeared, every last stick of it!
Can you guess what has happened?
Luckily Eeyore loves his new house once Pooh and Piglet has shown him where it is.
2. In the second chapter Winnie-the-Pooh is woken up in the middle of the night by a noise he's never heard before. Which animal, new to The Hundred Acre Wood, does he find on his doorstep?

Answer: Tigger.

Pooh Bear invites Tigger in, after making sure that Christopher Robin knows about him, and suggests they go to sleep because it is, after all, the middle of the night.
When Pooh Bear asks Tigger what he likes to eat, Tigger replies "everything"!
At breakfast we discover that Tiggers like everything except honey.
Pooh Bear is rather pleased :-) and takes Tigger around to Piglet's to try some acorns.
At Piglet's house we discover that Tiggers like everything but honey and acorns.
"Thistles", thinks Pooh Bear so off they go to visit Eeyore, with Tigger bouncing all the way.
At Eeyore's we discover that Tiggers like everything except honey, acorns and thistles.
Finally they decide to try to find Tigger some breakfast at Kanga's.
Kanga is busy trying to get Roo to take his strengthening medicine. Roo dislikes his extract of malt, but Tigger comes closer and closer and then his mouth closes around the spoon.
At last we have discovered what Tiggers like. So Tigger lives with Kanga and Roo, eating Roo's medicine for breakfast,lunch and supper, and sometimes when Kanga thinks Tigger needs strengthening, she gives him a spoonful of Roo's breakfast.
3. Rabbit, who has so many friends-and-relations that no one in The Hundred Acre Wood knows for sure how many, fears a little friend has become lost. Can you name Rabbit's missing friend?

Answer: Small.

Pooh Bear is busy trying to count his jars of honey when Rabbit calls and explains Small is missing.
A search is organised but Pooh keeps forgetting to ask what kind of creature Small is.
Small is eventually found, by Piglet, crawling up Pooh Bear's back.
I'm not sure what type of creature Small is, but, to me, he looks like a beetle or a grasshopper.
Two days later, Eeyore is still looking for Small because no one thought to tell him Small had been found. Poor Eeyore.
4. Tigger is now living with Kanga and Roo. One morning they set off for a picnic. Tigger believes that Tiggers can do what?

Answer: All of these are correct.

Climbing trees is what Tiggers do best Tigger tells Roo.
Alas it's not true.
But Tigger believed it was and getting Roo to jump on his back, he starts to climb a very tall tree. The first ten foot is easy and Tigger is still confident after the next ten feet that this is DEFINITELY what Tiggers do best. Another ten feet and Tigger starts to think about coming down - backwards!
Pooh Bear and Piglet are out walking in the woods when they notice an animal high up in a pine tree. At first Pooh bear thinks it's a jaguar and explains to Piglet that they are big ferocious animals that drop out of trees when you're not looking.
When they realise that it's Tigger and Roo, they're not sure what to do.
Pooh Bear could climb up and bring Roo down but Tigger is too big and bouncy. Pooh sits down and finding Tigger and Roo's picnic decides a little snack will help him think.
Along come Christopher Robin and Eeyore, and Christopher Robin knows what to do. He takes off his coat and gets Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore to each hold a corner. Roo loves jumping and jumps straight into the middle of Christopher Robin's coat but Tigger doesn't like it at all!
5. Winnie-The-Pooh invents a new game and calls it Poohsticks. What do you need to play Poohsticks?

Answer: All these things.

One day Pooh Bear is collecting fir-cones and he drops one over the bridge spanning the river in the wood. Being a bear of 'very little brain' he is surprised when it reappears on the opposite side of the bridge. Next he drops two fir-cones off the bridge and rushes over to the other side - and yes they've both appeared but one is in front.
This is how the fun game of Poohsticks was invented and Pooh Bear and his friends play it, but with sticks instead of fir-cones because sticks were easier to mark so everyone knew whose stick won.
6. Eeyore joins in a Poohsticks game in the most unusual way! How or why does this happen?

Answer: Eeyore is bounced by Tigger.

Tigger has a bad habit of bouncing the other animals.
What is bouncing?
Well it's when Tigger sneaks up behind another animal, pounces and makes a loud Grrrr type noise. This coming unexpectedly is enough to make anyone jump.
Eeyore was peacefully eating thistles by the side of the river bank when he was bounced by Tigger and consequently fell in with a big splash.
Imagine the surprise Pooh Bear, Rabbit and Piglet got when instead of their sticks appearing from under the bridge, Eeyore appeared!
7. On a very blusterous, which means windy, day Pooh Bear and Piglet go to visit a feathered friend. Who have they gone to visit?

Answer: Owl

Owl has a very grand house in a chestnut tree and although Pooh Bear and Piglet are offered comfortable chairs and the prospect of a little something to eat, Piglet is alarmed by the swaying and creaking noises coming from the tree.
Suddenly there is an enormous cracking sound and Pooh is falling on Piglet and Owl's house has turned upside down. Owl's floor is now a wall and his letter box is now in the ceiling. Worst of all the door is blocked!
8. Owl, Pooh Bear and Piglet are trapped in Owl's house. Piglet is called upon to do a very brave thing. What is it?

Answer: Climb through the letter box to fetch help.

It might not appear to be a very brave thing for a small animal to climb through a letter box, but Owl's letter box is now in the ceiling and Piglet has to be hauled high up on a rope.
Owl could fly up but he's too big to fit through the letter box.
9. Winnie-The-Pooh may be a 'bear of little brain' but he's rather good at making up little songs and poems. Which one of these is a first line of one of Pooh Bear's ditties?

Answer: Both are.

Pooh Bear doesn't always get his spelling and grammar right but I didn't want to change anything so these are his songs just as he wrote them.
This is the song Pooh invents while trying to find Tigger breakfast

"What shall we do about poor little Tigger?
If he never eats nothing he'll never get bigger.
He doesn't like honey and haycorns and thistles
Because of the taste and because of the bristles.
And all the good things which an animal likes
Have the wrong sort of swallow or too many spikes.
But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces,
He always seems bigger because of his bounces."

This is the song Pooh Bear invents just before he decides to build a house for Eeyore. It's my favourite and is best sung by two so one can do the tiddley-pom bits!

"The more it
The more it
The more it

And nobody
How cold my
TOES- tiddely-pom
How cold my
10. In the very last story in "The House At Pooh Corner" all the creatures in The Hundred Acre Wood know someone is going away, even though they don't know how they know, or how they know who it is. Who is going away?

Answer: Christopher Robin.

Christopher Robin takes Pooh Bear by the hand as they walk up to the top of the forest, to an enchanted part of the wood called Galleons Lap. Here Christopher Robin explains that he's going away to learn and be educated. Although he will be back, both he and Pooh Bear know it will never be the same again.
But because it is an enchanted place were they sit, wherever they go and whatever happens to them, there will always be a boy and his bear playing at the top of the forest.
Source: Author fontenilles

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