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FunTrivia Help Center

What happens when I submit a question?

1. You submit a question, making sure that your spelling and grammar are accurate, that your question is interesting, and your answer is correct.

2. It goes into a queue and our editors briefly look over it to make sure that it is presentable and sufficiently interesting enough for our audience.

3. Once the editor OKs it, it enters the queue for the New Question game. It may have to wait a couple of weeks depending on the number of new questions in the queue.

4. It appears in the New Question game, where players play it. Players vote on whether they find it interesting or not, and we determine its difficulty based on how players scored on it.

5. Questions are then used in our hourly games based on that data. So, easy questions appear in our easy game, impossible questions appear in our "Obscurity" game, etc.

Feel free to submit as many questions as you like, but only 10 for editor approval at a time!

Thanks for your participation. It's fantastic to see so much enthusiasm for this challenge, and many of the questions submitted have been really interesting.