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FunTrivia Help Center

I'm a Gold Member but I still get ads! Help!

Please try going to our homepage, clicking "logout", and then login again. This should fix the problem.

Please note that Gold Membership does not actually apply to private tournaments or the email trivia, so you will see ads there. There are also a few, infrequently accessed pages, that are statically generated and contain an ad for everyone. This specifically applies to some "last month" standings on hourly / daily games. You can recognize these pages by looking at the top - they will actually show you as not logged in (although you are - switching to any other page will return your usual experience). If this bothers you, feel free to use an ad blocker to ensure an ad-free experience for the duration of your membership.

If you get ads on many / all pages in spite of a valid Gold Membership (make sure it didn't expire), they may actually not be by FunTrivia but caused by a different source. Some browser extensions or utility software (often labeled "toolbars" or "search bars") in fact exist just to serve ads. As these look at the content of pages you access for keywords to serve you "relevant" ads, they are more likely to trigger on the wealth of content in our quizzes than on many other pages, making it appear that you are getting ads from FunTrivia although this is not actually the case.

If you are still encountering this problem after trying the above, let us know below. Thanks!

Please enter your real email address and double check it, otherwise we will not be able to contact you regarding your query!

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