Guidelines for Quiz Creation

Important: ALL of the following sets of guidelines are relevant for the category you would like to submit to. Please read all of them carefully and keep them in mind as you develop your quiz. Thanks!

The following sets of guidelines apply to quizzes created in Burnett, Frances Hodgson.

Guidelines for Burnett, Frances Hodgson

No special instructions.

Guidelines for Kid Lit Authors A - K

1. Be sure to submit to the right sub-category.
2. Make sure titles of books are in quotation marks. This does not apply if the title stands alone as an answer.
3. The author's name must appear in the title or introduction.
4. Only ten or fifteen question quizzes.
5. Most questions should be multiple choice. That is seven or more in a 10 question quiz, 11 in a 15 question quiz.
6. In your quiz there should be only one or two fill-in-the-blank answers (three in a 15 question quiz). These should have no more than two easily spelled words with no punctuation.
7. Please play other quizzes in the category before creating your quiz. Quizzes containing questions that have been asked many times before will not be accepted.
8. Do not ask questions referring to page numbers or covers of books, as these vary depending on the edition.
9. Questions matching title of the book with the number of the book are not acceptable.
10. Books in series should always be referred to by title. You may give the number of the book as well, but not instead of the title.
11. No questions on the first/last word or words in a book or chapter.
12. Quotes. We prefer not to have quizzes all on quotes. If you do, it should have ten questions only. When asking a question about who made a certain quote, you must say to whom the quote was made, and/or the circumstances in which the quote was made.

Guidelines for For Children

  1. All quizzes in this category should have ten questions only (except for subcategories of Harry Potter/Books for Kids, which allow 15-question quizzes). Questions should be suitable for children aged from six to twelve.
  2. Fill-in-the-blank questions are not permitted (except in the Books for Kids, Harry Potter and Wordplay subcategories).
  3. Quizzes should contain mostly multiple choice questions. No more than three true/false or yes/no type questions per ten-question quiz.
  4. Questions should be brief, preferably no more than one sentence.
  5. Each question should have at least two short sentences of factual interesting information (repeating the answer and commenting on the question do not count as interesting information).