Guidelines for Quiz Creation

Important: ALL of the following sets of guidelines are relevant for the category you would like to submit to. Please read all of them carefully and keep them in mind as you develop your quiz. Thanks!

The following sets of guidelines apply to quizzes created in Liechtenstein.

Guidelines for Liechtenstein

No special instructions.

Guidelines for Europe

Please create quizzes around a specific area or theme (avoid random mixtures of European facts).

Guidelines for Geography

Guidelines for Geography
  1. Please try to keep to geographical topics (lands, climate, features, structures, etc). We will only accept three non-geographic questions in a ten question quiz (i.e., questions on personalities, history, food, and sports).
  2. No quizzes/questions on population as these will change.
  3. No questions asking "What is the capital of ___?" However, you can ask interesting questions about those capital cities.
  4. Please avoid making quizzes on very obscure places, as they will be unknown to the majority of FunTrivia players.
  5. Please avoid making quizzes that are a random mixture of worldwide facts. Try to create a quiz around a specific area or theme.
  6. We discourage quizzes that require just matching a place (e.g. city) or feature (e.g. rivers) with a continent, country, state, etc.
  7. No more entire quizzes on countries' former names.
  8. No more entire quizzes on matching countries' or states' borders.
  9. Whilst individual questions on flags or countries' former names are discouraged, if sufficiently interesting they will be considered.
  10. See what quizzes on your topic are already online to make sure that you do not duplicate questions.
  11. About two or three lines of interesting information should be added to ALL questions. Comments do not count as information. A suitable comment may be added after actual facts.
  12. Questions must be able to stand on their own and must not refer back to previous questions or the introduction.
  13. Be sure that your questions are not date dependent. That is when an answer may be different in the future.
  14. Preferably most questions should be multiple choice - at least seven in a ten question quiz.
  15. Fill-in-the-blank answers must be brief, contain no punctuation and should be relatively easy to spell. It is essential that you have the NUMBER OF WORDS in the hint. You may add something else as well, but the number of words must be given.
  16. Numbers should be written as words if they have less than seven letters. e.g. eleven not 11.