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trivia game Who's the Smartest?
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Who's the Smartest?

This is our difficult trivia hourly game. Give it a go! - View Game Details
trivia timedThis harder hourly game ends in 5 minutes.
trivia game players 21 player(s) have played this hour in Div 1
85 players over all divisions.

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Top Scores: Division 1
( See scores from last game )

PlayerRankTeam CorrectTimeAwardScore
1. rascal2 110 Writer's Block 1064s +237 (*) 872
2. Beautarah 94 The Devil's Advocates 1066s +187 (*) 868
3. Guest-3251 1 Just visiting 945s +156 (*) 810
4. tarlaccity 120 --- 973s +125 (*) 754
5. trivia player teachdpo 131 Playing for fun 973s +125 (*) 754
6. trivia player malyce 140 XYPers 848s +100 (*) 704
7. trvlnmn 85 Wisdom of the Fool 999s +100 (*) 702
8. rubydooby1 77 Vixens 10155s +99 (*) 690
9. trivia player bradncarol 125 The Regal Beagles 9117s +97 (*) 666
10. Richh 61 --- 8127s +85 (*) 546
11. rcmamu 89 --- 8130s +54 540
12. uncleotto 77 Movie Buffs 789s +52 522
13. kellystorm 88 Recycled Virgins 792s +52 516
14. trivia player stredman 156 Triviabiz 7100s +50 500
15. parrarobbie 105 THE Baker's Dozen 7116s +47 468
16. cashman2 41 --- 7129s +44 442
17. Inquizition 132 English Group 7154s +39 392
18. kevv342 120 Friends of Jesus 577s +35 346
19. trivia player redwaldo 229 Kilted Kangas 442s +32 316
20. Christinepeter 71 --- 6142s +32 316
21. loggyj 75 StarStruck 4133s +13 134
22. Guest-9253 1 Just visiting 5279s +0 0

* Ties go to player playing first. [ Key: gold member = Gold Member. editor = Editor. ]

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