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2001 September 11 Trivia Quizzes

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  September 11, The Day That Shook The World   great trivia quiz  
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The awful events of that fateful day have no comparison in history. Where were you as the day unfolded? All the times given are in Eastern Daylight Time. This quiz is dedicated to the heroes of that day.
Tough, 10 Qns, Ikabud, Jun 01 07
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  The Day The World Cried   top quiz  
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On September 11, 2001, America was united. Millions cried for the victims of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Those same millions rejoiced for the people who made it out alive. On this day, everyday heroes became national heroes.
Tough, 15 Qns, DakotaNorth, May 06 07
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  The Dogs of 9/11   best quiz  
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There were many heroes in the terrible aftermath of September 11, 2001. Not all of them were human.
Difficult, 10 Qns, crisw, Sep 11 10
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  September Eleven - 2001   top quiz  
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The tragic 9/11 disaster of 2001 in the United States of America, will forever be embedded into the memories of many. What can you recall from the events of this day?
Average, 10 Qns, funnytrivianna, Apr 24 15
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  World Trade Center Before And After 9-11   top quiz  
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This quiz is about the World Trade Center Complex from construction to destruction. Hope you find this interesting. Enjoy!
Difficult, 15 Qns, titanic97, Jan 03 19
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  9/11 - Conspiracy or Coincidence?    
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The events of September 11, 2001 spawned a number of conspiracy theories. While many have been debunked, questions still persist about the events of that day.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, peachy_1, Mar 01 14
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  The Twins, Hand In Hand Against Infamy    
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The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center may have collapsed on September 11th, but they have been re-built a million times over in the hearts and minds of all those who witnessed the events. This quiz is dedicated to them. Good luck.
Very Difficult, 10 Qns, Ikabud, Aug 19 05
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2001 September 11 Trivia Questions

1. The events unfolded at 8:46 am when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the WTC (World Trade Center). This aircraft crashed into the north side of the North Tower. Which floors did the aircraft strike?

From Quiz
September Eleven - 2001

Answer: Between floors 94 and 98

American Airlines Flight 11 crashed between the ninety-fourth and ninety-eighth floors of the North Tower at a speed of approximately 490 mph (790 km/h). As this aircraft entered it remained intact as it plowed through to the central core of the building. All of the stairwells, which were gypsum-encased, were severed, rendering them unusable. Due to combustibles the burning fuel ignited the plane which caused a massive explosion. The sound waves traveled downward and back up through the building's core. People were trapped on the upper floors with no way to evacuate. Because of the dense smoke, helicopter rescue was completely impossible. By 10:26 am several people from these upper floors had jumped to their deaths.

2. What year did construction begin on the World Trade Center?

From Quiz World Trade Center Before And After 9-11

Answer: 1966

Construction began on the World Trade Center complex in 1966 and was finished in 1972. It was designed by American architect, Minoru Yamasaki. It was developed by the Port Authority of NYC.

3. Omar Rivera and Michael Hingson, who were inside the World Trade Center on 9/11, owe their lives to dogs. What kinds of dogs saved them?

From Quiz The Dogs of 9/11

Answer: Guide dogs

Both men are blind. Dorado, Rivera's dog, and Roselle, Hingson's dog, guided their masters down 70 flights of stairs, through the commotion and the panic of thousands of fleeing people. Rivera actually had turned his dog loose and was resigned to death, but Dorado insisted on guiding him to safety. Mr. Hingson told reporters from Animal Planet, "There was a woman who was screaming that she couldn't see, and I went over and I took her arm, and I said, 'Just relax. I'm blind but I got a guide dog here.' And the dog seemed able to see just fine."

4. At 8.45am, American Airlines flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. What was the plane's intended destination?

From Quiz September 11, The Day That Shook The World

Answer: Los Angeles

Flight 11 had ninety two people aboard.

5. Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, two men passed through the Portland Airport. They were headed to Boston, and ultimately Los Angeles. Who were these two men?

From Quiz The Day The World Cried

Answer: Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari

In the early morning of September 11, Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari passed through the Portland Airport on their way to Boston. Once in Boston, they boarded American Airlines Flight 11 which was headed to Los Angeles. Personnel at the Portland Airport and the Boston Airport had no way of knowing that these two men were hijackers. Only in the aftermath of this deadly day did this information become known. Video surveillance of this time showed Atta reaching toward the conveyor belt at a security checkpoint at the Boston Airport. Atta, who was 33 at the time, had received training to be a pilot and is believed to have flown American Airlines Flight 11 to her fiery doom. The FBI found evidence that proved that Atta belonged to Osama Bin Laden's Al-Quaeda group.

6. When was the design for the project of building the World Trade Center unveiled?

From Quiz The Twins, Hand In Hand Against Infamy

Answer: January 1964

The design was the work of Seattle born architect, Minoru Yamasake.

7. At 9.03am, flight 175 flew into the south tower of the World Trade Center. What was the airline?

From Quiz September 11, The Day That Shook The World

Answer: United

United Airlines flight 175, en route from Boston to Los Angeles, was carrying 65 people.

8. At 8:45 A.M., a passenger plane, which was flown out of Boston, MA, crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The plane tore a gaping hole in the building and set it afire. What is the flight number of the plane?

From Quiz The Day The World Cried

Answer: American Airlines Flight 11

September 11, 2001, was a warm, bright, clear morning on the eastern seaboard. This day was also Election Day in New York City. People were about, going to work, walking around, just enjoying the beautiful morning that God had created. Then, at 8:45 A.M. evil struck. Out of no where, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center, between the 93rd and 99th floors. At first, everyone thought it was a plane gone out of control but, unfortunately, this was not the case. Sadly, 81 passengers and 11 crew members aboard this flight died almost instantly. They will always be remembered.

9. Which company assisted the architect?

From Quiz The Twins, Hand In Hand Against Infamy

Answer: Emory Roth and Sons

The Port Authority was the agency given the task of building the whole project.

10. How many buildings were planned for construction?

From Quiz World Trade Center Before And After 9-11

Answer: 7

The plans called for seven buildings with #1 & #2 WTC being the taller ones. The other buildings would b of a low-rise office buildings which would house a hotel, offices, and the U.S. Customs Ofices. Number3 WTC would be the hotel which was situated between the two towers.

11. David Ray Griffin is the author of a book that explores "Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11." What is the name of this book?

From Quiz 9/11 - Conspiracy or Coincidence?

Answer: The New Pearl Harbor

Barrie Zwicker was the author of "Towers of Deception", while Eric D. Williams wrote 9/11 101. As far as I know, there is no book about 9/11 called The Jewish Conspiracy.

12. Where was President Bush when he was informed of the events unfolding?

From Quiz September 11, The Day That Shook The World

Answer: Florida

The President was reading "My Pet Goat" to children in Sarasota, Florida. In an address to the school at 9:30am he told the audience, that the country had 'suffered an apparent terrorist attack'.

13. Excavated material from the construction site of the WTC added how many acres to the site of Battery Park City and the World Financial Center?

From Quiz The Twins, Hand In Hand Against Infamy

Answer: 23

The landfill was added to what was then the most valuable land in the country.

14. The collapsed and destroyed area of the WTC (World Trade Center) was often referred to as _______ .

From Quiz September Eleven - 2001

Answer: Ground Zero

Ground Zero, the devastated and collapsed area of the WTC burned for ninety-nine days, finally burning out on December 19, 2001. At Ground Zero one thousand three hundred and thirty seven vehicles were crushed from the collapse of the towers. Of these vehicles there were ninety-one that belonged to the fire department. It took one and a half million hours in two hundred sixty-one days spent in the removal of debris. Survivors and witnesses of the disaster at Ground Zero have had a shocking number of over thirty-thousand people suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder.

15. Only one working dog was killed by the attack on the World Trade Center. A yellow Labrador, his name was Sirius. What job did he serve at the WTC?

From Quiz The Dogs of 9/11

Answer: Bomb detection dog

Sirius searched incoming vehicles for explosives. When the planes hit, he was in his cage in the basement of the North Tower. His partner, Officer David Lim, helped rescue people from the WTC and escaped unharmed. Sirius was honored at a memorial service by the Port Authority. Over 300 people attended the ceremony.

16. What took place at 9.40am, for the first time in the history of the United States?

From Quiz September 11, The Day That Shook The World

Answer: All air traffic was halted by the F.A.A.

All New York City area airports had already been shut down at 9.17am by the Federal Aviation Authority. One flight (known) was allowed because of a medical emergency in Miami. The flight, carrying urgent medical supplies, was from San Diego to Miami. It was escorted by two fighter jets.

17. At 9:30 A.M., while in Florida, President George W. Bush stated, "The United States has suffered an apparent terrorist attack." In what Florida city was President Bush speaking from?

From Quiz The Day The World Cried

Answer: Sarasota

President Bush was in Sarasota, FL to speak to some grade school children about the benefits of staying in school and studying hard, when he was told about the devastating attacks taking place in New York City. At 9:21 A.M., President Bush stated, "The United States has suffered an apparent terrorist attack." He also stated how very sorry he was, and he vowed to get whoever was behind the attacks. At 9:40 A.M., the FAA halted all flight operations at U.S. airports. This was the first time in United States history that air traffic nationwide had been halted.

18. Among the numerous archaeological relics unearthed during construction, was an almost perfect what?

From Quiz The Twins, Hand In Hand Against Infamy

Answer: 1749 British half penny

Other artifacts found were, anchors, clay pipes, hand blown drinking glasses, cannon balls and other old coins.

19. American Airlines Flight 77, one of four hijacked planes that fatal day of 9/11, 2001 crashed into a well-known building. Which building?

From Quiz September Eleven - 2001

Answer: The Pentagon

The headquarters of the United States Department of Defense is located in the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. On September 11, 2001 at 9:37 am EDT, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon killing one hundred and twenty three people in the building as well as the five hijackers and the fifty-nine passengers and crew on the plane. Due to ongoing renovations there were not the usual 4,500 people working in the hardest hit area of the building. There were eight hundred people in the area. It was also the only part of the building with a working sprinkler system at the time. The west block of the Pentagon took the impact with damage resulting to the three outer rings. Five al-Quaeda terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 with Hani Hanjour taking over the controls of the plane and crashing it into The Pentagon. Flying at a speed of 530 mph (853 km/h), the front part of the fuselage of Flight 77 disintegrated on impact and a fireball resulted. The impact and penetration into the Pentagon took a mere eight-tenths of a second.

20. What was the top floor of #1 WTC used for?

From Quiz World Trade Center Before And After 9-11

Answer: TV transmission equipment

Besides the massive 360 ft. antenna that was attached to the roof of #1 WTC, the 110th floor was used to house many transmitter for most of New York's TV stations. It also had a signal array for DTV.

21. The tiniest search dog at the WTC was from Seattle. Weighing only 18 pounds, Ricky searched the rubble for 10 days, going where bigger dogs could not. What breed was he?

From Quiz The Dogs of 9/11

Answer: Rat terrier

Ricky trained for his job with Puget Sound Urban Search and Rescue for over two years.

22. American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon at 9.43am, causing extensive damage. How soon after this event was the White House evacuated?

From Quiz September 11, The Day That Shook The World

Answer: Two minutes later

The White House was evacuated at 9.45am, the evacuation of the Pentagon having started immediately after the plane hit.

23. At 9:43 A.M., a passenger plane, which was flown out of Dulles Airport in Washington D.C., crashed into the Pentagon. The plane destroyed part of the building. What is the flight number of the plane?

From Quiz The Day The World Cried

Answer: American Airlines Flight 77

The nation was still in shock when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. The plane tore a huge hole in one side of the building. Everyone was evacuated. At 9:45 A.M., the White House was evacuated due to the closeness of the Pentagon. At 9:57 A.M., President Bush left Florida and was shielded on the way to an undisclosed place by Air Force jet fighters. Thirteen minutes later a portion of the Pentagon collapsed. Sadly, all 58 passengers and 6 crew members on board American Airlines Flight 77 died. All of them will be remembered.

24. Four suspected al-Qaeda hijackers took over the controls of United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. Passengers seized control from the hijackers and the plane crashed before reaching its target. In which U.S. state did Flight 93 crash?

From Quiz September Eleven - 2001

Answer: Pennsylvania

United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in a field near the Diamond T. Mine close to Stonycreek Township in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. This location is about 65 miles (105km) southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania. There were thirty-three passengers, a crew of seven and four hijackers on board. All perished in the crash. The United States Capitol building is what authorities believe to have been the intended target by the hijackers. When several passengers and flight attendants had managed to make phone calls they learned of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. With this knowledge some passengers attempted to regain control of the airplane resulting in the crash. A permanent memorial "Flight 93 National Memorial" has been erected at the crash site.

25. Which building housed the country's largest Border's Book Store?

From Quiz World Trade Center Before And After 9-11

Answer: #5 WTC

The country's largest Border's Books was housed in the #5 WTC. Number 5 WTC suffered severe damage in the 9-11 attacks. A piece of the fuselage from United Flight 175 (which crashed into #2 WTC South Tower) landed on the roof. It also suffered damage from the collapse of #1 & #2 WTC and the subsequent fire. It had also housed other such famous businesses as USAirways, Charles Schwabb, Crispy Cream, and American Airlines offices.

26. What was David Ray Griffin's occupation at the time he published his well-known book questioning the role of the administration in the 9/11 attacks?

From Quiz 9/11 - Conspiracy or Coincidence?

Answer: Theology teacher

David Ray Griffin had been a Professor of Philosophy and Religion at the Claremont School of Theology for over 30 years at the time his book "The New Pearl Harbor" was published.

27. The fourth highjacked plane was downed by the heroism of the passengers. Where did flight 93 crash?

From Quiz September 11, The Day That Shook The World

Answer: Shanksville, Pennsylvania

United Airlines flight 93, crashed south east of Pittsburgh at 10.10am. Flight 93 was carrying 45 people.

28. At 10:10 A.M., a fourth passenger plane, which was flown out of Newark, NJ, crashed landed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. What was the flight number of the plane?

From Quiz The Day The World Cried

Answer: United Airlines Flight 93

United Airlines Flight 93 was scheduled to take off at 9:00 A.M., but the 45 minute delay may have saved more lives. At 10:10 A.M., United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, a small country town just outside of Pittsburg. Evidence states that the passengers of this plane took control away from the terrorists. Jeremy Glick, Tom Burnett, Todd Beamer, and Mark Bingham lead the charge against the terrorists. With the words "Let's roll," they fought to take control. They refused to let Flight 93 destroy more lives. All 37 passengers and 7 crew members of this heroic flight are heroes. They are now angels guarding America. We thank them for their sacrifice.

29. What was the name of the 1962 plan that conspiracy theorists have pointed to as supporting the possibility of the US government carrying out hostile acts against US entities?

From Quiz 9/11 - Conspiracy or Coincidence?

Answer: Operation Northwoods

From Wikipedia: "Operation Northwoods was a 1962 plan to generate U.S. public support for military action against the Cuban government of Fidel Castro as part of the U.S. government's Operation Mongoose anti-Castro initiative. The plan, which was not implemented, called for various false flag actions, including simulated or real state sponsored acts (such as hijacked planes) on U.S. and Cuban soil. The plan was proposed by senior U.S. Department of Defense leaders, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lyman Louis Lemnitzer."

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