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Quiz about Star Wars A New Hope IV
Quiz about Star Wars A New Hope IV

Star Wars: A New Hope IV Trivia Quiz

This quiz enters just as our heroes have been taken aboard the Death Star, how could the situation get worse? I have a bad feeling about this...good luck!

A multiple-choice quiz by thejazzkickazz. Estimated time: 4 mins.
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  9. SW: Episode IV - A New Hope

4 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
8 / 10
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Last 3 plays: Guest 63 (6/10), Pruner (6/10), bigjohnsludge (7/10).
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Question 1 of 10
1. Luke and Han Solo, along with a handcuffed Chewbacca, make their way to the detention block where Princess Leia is held. After a spirited battle, they take control of the detention facility. Han Solo converses with security, but is unable to convince them that the 'situation is normal'. In frustration, he blasts the communications console, making what comment after doing this dirty deed? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. In escaping from the detention block, the gang discovers an incredible new smell by sliding down a garbage chute. Who is the last to enter the chute? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. Which character reels off the old 'I've got a bad feeling about this' line during the trash compactor scene? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. With the trash compactor activated, and closing fast, C-3PO is able to locate the controls and shut it down at the last possible second.

Question 5 of 10
5. Before their final confrontation, Darth Vader is well aware that Obi-Wan is aboard the Death Star and that he intends the two of them to have a confrontation.

Question 6 of 10
6. After escaping from the trash compactor, Luke and friends begin drawing up their escape plans. Leia, annoyed by Han Solo's reckless use of his blaster, insists that, from henceforth, he take commands from her. In his rebuttal to her suggestion, what phrase does he use to describe her? Hint

Question 7 of 10
7. Luke and Leia are briefly separated from Chewie and Han Solo. Caught in a shaft, they enter into a blaster battle with some stormtroopers. Which of these is true of this battle? Hint

Question 8 of 10
8. What does Leia say to Luke, after she gives him a kiss on the face just before they swing across the unextended bridge? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. In the epic light saber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself, withdrawing from the fight.

Question 10 of 10
10. Besides Obi-Wan, are any of the other members of the party injured during the Death Star escape sequence?

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Sep 25 2024 : Guest 63: 6/10
Sep 11 2024 : Pruner: 6/10
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Aug 15 2024 : mspurple54: 8/10
Aug 15 2024 : Guest 136: 8/10
Aug 14 2024 : Guest 220: 7/10

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Luke and Han Solo, along with a handcuffed Chewbacca, make their way to the detention block where Princess Leia is held. After a spirited battle, they take control of the detention facility. Han Solo converses with security, but is unable to convince them that the 'situation is normal'. In frustration, he blasts the communications console, making what comment after doing this dirty deed?

Answer: "Boring conversation anyway."

Han's conversation with security is actually quite hilarious, especially his 'How are you?', after explaining that everything is fine. After saying, 'Boring conversation anyway', he continues with, 'Luke! We're gonna have company!' Fortunately, Luke is already on his way to release the Princess.
2. In escaping from the detention block, the gang discovers an incredible new smell by sliding down a garbage chute. Who is the last to enter the chute?

Answer: Han Solo

You know the old saying, 'Ladies and Wookiee's first'? Okay, I made that up, but it sounds convenient. Princess Leia is the brains behind the idea of jumping into the garbage chute, and she takes the first plunge. Han Solo kicks Chewie into the chute, announcing that he 'doesn't care what [Chewbacca] smell[s]'. Luke follows Chewie in, with Han Solo bringing up the rear.
3. Which character reels off the old 'I've got a bad feeling about this' line during the trash compactor scene?

Answer: Han Solo

After Luke is released by the snake-like creature in the garbage soup, loud creaking and cranking sounds begin to eminate from the inner machinery of the trash compactor. This prompts Han Solo to use the 'bad feeling' line, a line that is used in each of the 'Star Wars' films (first by Luke in this film).
4. With the trash compactor activated, and closing fast, C-3PO is able to locate the controls and shut it down at the last possible second.

Answer: False

Yeah, right. As if C-3PO would be capable of doing anything competent. If you want something done, go no further than to ask the most competent astromech droid in the galaxy, namely R2-D2. After receiving Luke's command to 'shut down all the garbage mashers in the detention level', R2-D2 quickly complies and our friends are saved.
5. Before their final confrontation, Darth Vader is well aware that Obi-Wan is aboard the Death Star and that he intends the two of them to have a confrontation.

Answer: True

When Darth Vader initially approaches the Millennium Falcon, he senses a presence that he hasn't felt for a long time. Later, while discussing the situation with Governor Tarkin, Vader claims to be certain that Obi-Wan is aboard the Death Star. Vader also suggests that Obi-Wan has no intention of escaping.
6. After escaping from the trash compactor, Luke and friends begin drawing up their escape plans. Leia, annoyed by Han Solo's reckless use of his blaster, insists that, from henceforth, he take commands from her. In his rebuttal to her suggestion, what phrase does he use to describe her?

Answer: Your Worshipfulness

'Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but from now on, you do as I tell you, okay?' Leia commands. Han Solo's response, 'Look, Your Worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight. I take orders from just one person--me.' Leia's stinging retort, 'It's a wonder you're still alive. (Looking at Chewbacca.) Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way?' An incredulous Han Solo replies, 'No reward is worth this.'
7. Luke and Leia are briefly separated from Chewie and Han Solo. Caught in a shaft, they enter into a blaster battle with some stormtroopers. Which of these is true of this battle?

Answer: Luke and Leia shoot one stormtrooper each.

My goodness, those stormtroopers are expert marksmen, aren't they? While Luke, and later Leia, are able to take one stormtrooper out apiece, a pack of several stormtroopers is unable to hit either of the heroes. Obviously their skills have waned since the Empire has become the almost unchallenged master of the galaxy.
8. What does Leia say to Luke, after she gives him a kiss on the face just before they swing across the unextended bridge?

Answer: "For luck."

In 'Star Wars' incestuous moment number one, Leia gives Luke a gentle peck on the cheek, but claims it's 'for luck'. With added robustness, Luke holds Leia at his side and swings deftly across the shaft, making it cleanly to the other side.
9. In the epic light saber battle between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself, withdrawing from the fight.

Answer: True

Indeed, Darth Vader doesn't get the last laugh here. Obi-Wan draws his light saber towards himself, closes his eyes and appears to be meditating when Darth lashes forward with one last stroke of his saber. Just as his saber appears to hit Obi-Wan, the latter's robe sinks to the floor. Darth Vader is perplexed, obviously, because he tamps down on Obi-Wan's robe wondering to where his body has disappeared. Soon enough, we discover that Obi-Wan is still with us in spiritual form. We hear his command, 'Run, Luke, run!'
10. Besides Obi-Wan, are any of the other members of the party injured during the Death Star escape sequence?

Answer: No

Miraculously, none of our heroes are injured in the slightest, although the droid R2 does sustain a hit. Even C-3PO emerges from the Death Star without a scratch. Imagine that, an entire planet-sized battle station overcome by a party of six. Could it be that they were allowed to escape...hmm?

Thank you for playing this quiz, I hope that you have enjoyed it and will proceed to the fifth and final quiz in this series.
Source: Author thejazzkickazz

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