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Daily Trivia Game
The Group !!!!!!!
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Today's game ends in 20 hours, 17 minutes.
Today's Topic (Friday): *** FunTrivia Mixed Bag (default)
0 players have played so far today.
Your tournament host is Eric
A tournament for Jan has just started!

Ok melon heads, the quiz game from first semester was kickass but extremely annoying to keep track of. This is better and more organised. This is how it works: everyday anyone who wants to play can try answering these 10 questions. You get a certain amount of points depending on how many you get right and how fast you answer them, in comparison to everyone else in the group who did the questions for the day. Whoever has the most points by the end of the month is thereby dubbed 'The most Boss' until the winner for the next month. The categories for the questions will change for each month. Boo yeah bitches!!!

( Recent Award Winners )

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Note: If you play in more than one private tournament, you must register in each separately, and you must log out of one game before logging into another.

Top 50 Scores So Far Today
Top 50 scores at end of the day earn points.

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Play against friends, family, co-workers. You get to choose the category and be the administrator!
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