Contender [8a] | Prestige: 240 (?) |
Points: 130 | Authoring: 39 |
Challenges: 71 | Exploration: 0 |
Team Pts: 0 | Bonus: 0 |
Needs 10 more prestige for Established Contender [8b] |
FunTrivia Points: 152,798
Point Rank: # 18,683 of
2,391,250 players
Points Today: 0,
Quinze's Team Points:
Highest reached: (5) The Nimble Noggins
FunTrivia Duel ( wins) |
No progress made in FunTrivia Duel.
Member of: TSp
TSp (Teen Schemes phoenix), like the bird the phoenix, has been born almost from the ashes of the original Teen Trivia Group, Teen Schemes. TSp includes selective youth that audaciously come to Fun Trivia to show off inspiring knowledge by frequently take part in a variety of trivia challenges as we ... (more)
Leader: Lizard_Wizard |