Location: |
Team: | None. | ||
Hobbies: | I enjoy reading, writing, animals and animal training, website construction, drawing, painting & decorating theme rooms. | ||
Bio: | I am a full time wife and mother of three. I also create and maintain websites for others as well as train and evaluate dogs in general obedience and behavior modifications. I have spent all the hours I could spare with a growing family over the last ten years writing young adult fiction. I currently have several projects underway and three complete manuscripts to my credit. I have home schooled my two youngest, which are now high school age, since the beginning of their school career as well as lending my teaching talents to a local home school group for drama and other elective classes. As a home educator I have found that tests and quizzes are an essential part of the learning process and I truely enjoy making them challenging and thought provoking. I applaud Funtrivia for their diversity and compilation of quiz materials. Funtrivia has saved me some time on certain literature quizzes and I look forward to contributing my own quizzes in hopes others may benefit from them in the same fashion. | ||
Registered: | Jan 14 07 ( Class 9 ) - Last Seen: Apr 24 07 | ||
Membership: | Regular | ||
FunTrivia Points: 18,750
Point Rank: # 102,837 of
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Not a member of a team. |