kino76 has been a FunTrivia author since Jan 18 16 and has written 141 quizzes.
kino76 writes for many different categories, but is most active in
Humanities, and
has earned 3,844 excellent quiz ratings from quiz takers.
has adopted / renovated 3 quizzes that required editing work to date.
last seen online Oct 31 24, and most recent quiz went online Jul 28 24.
Imagine how different history would be if humanity had made different choices. Match the actual historical happening with the historically inaccurate opposite headline.
Many actors have portrayed real live political figures in movies.
I give you the politician, the movie and the year and you match them to the correct actor.
I love sandwiches. All that yummy goodness paired with all different types of breads. That really makes my mouth water. The clues are subtle, but they are there. Fill in a word that fits with the before and after.
I have combined parts of three song titles by each artist to try to make a coherent sentence. Read them carefully and try to match the artist to the correct mixed titles.
Have you ever looked at a bush or bunch of leaves and thought it looked like a bird, a cat or even the face of Elvis in the right light? Here are a few plants that actually look like other things.
I have combined parts of three song titles by each artist to try and make a coherent sentence. Read them carefully and try to match the artist to the correct mixed titles.
None of the following people were born where you would expect. Can you match the person to their place of birth? I will give one word as a clue to each answer.
The quiz title is a partial quote from one of my favourite films mentioned in this quiz. Match the movie to the corresponding quote. Some are slightly obscure, but all are from fairly well known movies.
Another quiz where I will give you two song titles. The same word that ends one title, will be the beginning of the next. Your clue is the two bands the titles belong to. This time, one band will always be Queen.