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Biology for Children Trivia Questions and Answers

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1. What is viticulture?

Answer: The study of the growing of grapes (mainly for wine).

Interesting Information:
Viticulture is a branch of horticulture that studies how to grow grape vines and how best to harvest grapes. The word comes from Latin, and in that language means "vine" or "wine growing". Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Viticulture for Kids!
Some incorrect choices:
The study of the manners involved in wine drinking., The study of the types of cheese that should be paired with wine., The study of insects known as vites.

2. Trees create energy through a process called photosynthesis. What gas is given off during this process?

Answer: Oxygen

Interesting Information:
All life requires energy, and trees are no exception. Their leaves contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which enables them to convert carbon dioxide and water into energy and oxygen. The energy is stored in the form of sugars and the oxygen is released into the atmosphere. The Amazon rainforest is often called the 'lungs of the world' because of the large amount of oxygen its trees provide. This is one of many reasons why we need to preserve our rainforests. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Wonderful Trees
Some incorrect choices:
Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon

3. In the air that we breathe we actually need a gas called oxygen. What percentage of the atmospheric air is oxygen?

Answer: About 20%

Interesting Information:
The air at sea level (where most of the people on earth live) contains around 78% nitrogen plus 21% oxygen, nearly 1% argon and 0.04% carbon dioxide. For humans, nitrogen and argon are inert. This means that we can't use this gas to keep us alive, but it does not harm us either. As only about 20% of air is oxygen, when we take a breath of about 500mL of air only 100 mL is used by the body. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: The Air That I Breathe
Some incorrect choices:
Nearly 100%, Less than 1%, There is no oxygen in air

4. Biochemistry is an important topic and is named for two other sciences. Which two sciences are these?

Answer: Biology and chemistry

Interesting Information:
Biochemistry is more similar to biology, but contains lots of chemistry too! Chemistry looks at lots of things, but biochemistry deals specifically with chemistry in living organisms ("bio" is Greek for "life"). This means we take questions like "how do we digest food?", "how do our bodies fight illness?", and "how do we stay alive?" and try to answer them from a molecular level. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Biochemistry For Kids
Some incorrect choices:
Physics and chemistry, Astronomy and medicine , Biology and astronomy

5. In 1665 Robert Hooke published "Micrographia", a book on microscopic and telescopic observations. In this book he describes the basic unit of life, the smallest living thing. What did he call this "unit"?

Answer: a cell

Interesting Information:
Hooke described the cell which is the functional and structural building block for all living things. A bacterium is a very small single-celled organism. An element is a pure substance consisting of only a single type of atom. A molecule is a group of atoms joined together that have no net electrical charge. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Microbiology For Kids!
Some incorrect choices:
a bacterium, an element, a molecule

6. Elvis Presley became famous for shaking me on national television. I am rounded and made up of the sacrum, the coccyx, the radius, and the ischium. Hold up a second. One of those bones ain't mine, but which one is it?

Answer: Radius

Interesting Information:
Elvis Presley made shaking his pelvis exciting. The bones of the pelvis are made up of the sacrum, the coccyx, and the ischium. The bone that a person can feel in the pelvic area is the isichium bone. The coccyx is the scientific name for the tail bone and the sacrum joins the pelvis with the spinal cord. The pelvis is rounded so human beings have the ability to stand upright. A man's pelvis is smaller than a woman's pelvis due to the fact that a woman has the ability to give birth.

The radius is a bone located in the lower arm. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: That Bone Ain't Mine!
Some incorrect choices:
Coccyx, Sacrum, Ischium

7. Which organ in the human body pumps blood?

Answer: Heart

Interesting Information:
Our heart pumps blood which needs to be supplied to all other parts of the body. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Human Body for Kids!
Some incorrect choices:
Liver, Kidney, Intestines

8. Since I have a brain, I want protection for it! What is the name of my "brain protector"?

Answer: Cranium

Interesting Information:
The frontal bone, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, occipital, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones make up the cranium. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Easy Bones Joe, from Head to Toe
Some incorrect choices:
Xiphoid Process, Trapezium, Proximal Phalanges

9. Up first was a big, reddish brown organ. "I do a lot around here, I clean the blood by removing harmful stuff, make bile, store extra fuel, vitamins and minerals.' Which organ justly makes this claim?

Answer: liver

Interesting Information:
The liver can be found in the right upper part of the abdomen. It makes a liquid called bile, which helps to absorb fats from the food we eat. The liver removes harmful stuff such as alcohol and drugs from the blood. It makes certain types of proteins, including a protein which helps blood to clot. When there's too much glucose/fuel in the blood, the liver stores the excess as glycogen. Glycogen is changed back to glucose when the body needs it. Vitamins A, D, K and B12 are also stored in the liver. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Organ Feud
Some incorrect choices:
stomach, lung, brain

10. The body has many cavities which house and protect its organs. The heart is in which cavity?

Answer: the chest

Interesting Information:
The heart is located almost in the center of the chest cavity. It's closer to the left side. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: The Human Heart
Some incorrect choices:
the abdomen, the skull, the pelvis

11. What makes our blood move around our bodies?

Answer: Heart

Interesting Information:
The heart is like a big pump and every time it beats it sends blood throughout our bodies. Each beat sends it further along and when the blood has done its job it comes back to the heart to get a new job to do, before being pumped out again. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: The Red Stuff - The Blood Quiz!
Some incorrect choices:
Lungs, Kidney, Brain

12. As a child I enjoyed feeding gnats and ants to the _______. This fascinating creature lies in ambush at the bottom of a funnel-shaped pit with one primary goal--devour anything entering its slip-n-slide of death.

Answer: ant lion

Interesting Information:
The ant lion's body features two massive pincers used to grab any insect that falls into the pit. Ant lions are known to even sling sand at any insect that has escaped, in an effort to make the insect slide back down for a second shot.

Ant lion pits feature loose soil (either very fine or sandy) held together with mucus excretions.

Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: It IS a Bug's Life
Some incorrect choices:
leopard moth, tiger beetle, mole cricket

13. Where is the mandible found?

Answer: Jaw

Interesting Information:
One of the lesser known scientific names for a bone. It holds the lower teeth in place. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Bones of the Human Body
Some incorrect choices:
Collar, Spine, Skull

14. Where is the fibula found?

Answer: Leg

Interesting Information:
The fibula is opposite the tibia in the lower part of the leg. It is a very thin bone and very easy to break. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Biobones
Some incorrect choices:
Arm, Head, Torso

15. Plants are an important aspect of biological studies and are also vital for human survival. What is the name given to the specific study of plants?

Answer: Botany

Interesting Information:
Botany is the study of the structure and the functions of a plant. You study everything from why a plant is a certain colour to how it makes its own food. If you study a botany degree, you also find out that plants are often given names in Latin!
Zoology is another biological study, though, zoologists specialise in animals. Astronomy is the study of space and plantology is a figment of my imagination! Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Glorious Biology for Kids!
Some incorrect choices:
Zoology, Astronomy, Plantology

16. What parts of our bodies carry messages from one part of the body to another?

Answer: Nerves

Interesting Information:
Nerves in our bodies carry messages to and from our brain all day. They let the brain know what we are seeing, tasting, smelling, hearing and feeling. The messages travel very fast and the quickest have been measured as travelling at 400 kilometres per hour (250 miles per hour). Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Slugs and Snails and Puppy-dog Tails...
Some incorrect choices:
Fat, Muscles, E-mail

17. The human brain has two sides, the left and the right. How do these two sides control our bodies?

Answer: Each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body.

Interesting Information:
The brain does a lot more than just control each side of our bodies, it is the part of us that thinks and remembers. Brains can be different sizes for different people but having a big brain does not make you cleverer, any more than having bigger feet would make you a faster runner! Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice...
Some incorrect choices:
Each side of the brain controls the same side of the body., Each side of the brain control some of each side of the body., The brain does not have two sides.

18. In most diagrams, the stomach is drawn to look pink; why is that?

Answer: it is made up of smooth muscle

Interesting Information:
The three layers of stomach muscle help the stomach digest mechanically. The muscles contract and relax to make the food churn to break it down into a liquid. The stomach is a bean-shaped hollow organ. By the way, there are three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Human Digestive System
Some incorrect choices:
it is surrounded by lymph nodes, it is made up of cardiac muscle, it is made up of bones

19. What is a vacuole in a cell?

Answer: Place to store food, water, wastes, and other materials.

Interesting Information:
Plant cells have larger vacuoles than animal cells, although they both do the same thing. Vacuoles are like the storage for the cells. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Cell Structure
Some incorrect choices:
Cells don't have vacuoles., The doors and protection of a cell., The place the proteins are made.

20. So we've got our hamburger and we're hungry, we lift it to our mouths and take a big bite out of it. What part of our body did we bite it with?

Answer: Teeth

Interesting Information:
We bite it with our teeth of course. There are four types of teeth, the big ones at the front are called incisors, the pointy ones beside those are called canines (because they look like dogs' teeth), the little ones after that are called premolars and the big ones that crush are molars. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: The Fate of the Hamburger
Some incorrect choices:
Tongue, Palate, Tonsils

21. Plants are called the _______ of nature.

Answer: lungs

Interesting Information:
Plants are called lungs of nature. They are called so because they use carbon dioxide gas from the atmosphere (thus purifying the atmosphere from excess carbon dioxide) and release oxygen gas which is used by human beings during respiration. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Science 1: Plants
Some incorrect choices:
stomach, heart, liver

22. Living things are usually called [organisms] and there are seven things that living things do that will distinguish them from non-living things. Living things will take in food from which they will produce and release energy. This process of feeding the body is called [nutrition]. The release of this energy, which happens in the cells, is called [respiration]. When this energy is released, it will generate a number of other processes. One of those is a change in position, which is called [movement]. In some living things, such as animals, this process happens a lot quicker than in other living things, such as plants. This is an indication that an animal may have a higher [metabolic] rate than a plant. In basic terms, this rate is the amount of energy that is used up over a length of time for a certain activity. Another is the disposal of waste products from the body, and we call this [excretion]. As they get older, living things are likely to get bigger, in a process defined as [growth] and, as they mature, they may [reproduce], which is giving birth to young. Finally, a living thing may experience a feeling such as [irritability], which is an indication that it is [sensitive] to the things around them.


Interesting Information:
We all understand that human beings are living things and that they, as a group, will perform all of the functions we described above and will develop further below. But, before we do, ask yourself this, is a motor car a living thing or a non-living thing? After all, it does take in fuel, it can move, and it can excrete waste. Think about the human being vs the motor car as we explore these seven characteristics a little bit deeper and make your own mind up.

Nutrition is a living thing utilizing the materials from its environment so that it can generate energy to work through all of its other functions. These foods may be things such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Most plants, for example, will draw nutrients from carbon dioxide and water and they will convert them into energy using the light from the sun. This is a process called photosynthesis.

Once the nutrients enter the cells they are broken down and glucose, a form of sugar, is created and, when it interacts with oxygen, it releases energy. This process is called respiration. There are two forms of respiration: aerobic, which involves oxygen in the process, and anaerobic. The latter does not use oxygen but another chemical to break down the glucose. This anaerobic process is also called fermentation.

As stated above, this release of energy is used in a number of ways. The first is movement, and all living things will move... yes, even that giant oak tree. It may move slowly and, at times its movements may be difficult to see, but it will move. Excretion of waste matter from the body of a living thing is vital. The waste materials may be toxic, and they can cause harm or poison the cells if not disposed of. Growth is the creation of new cells and reproduction is the ability that organisms have to produce offspring.

The final characteristic of an organism is sensitivity. There are various stimuli around living things. These include other chemicals, temperature, water, gravity and light. Living things will sense these and they will respond to them. For example, if the temperature drops suddenly, there's a good chance that the organism will respond by shivering. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: It's a Living Thing
Some incorrect choices:
, ,

23. How many bones are there in the adult human body?

Answer: 206

Interesting Information:
When you were born you had over 300 bones. Some of these joined together as you grew older. By the time you are an adult, you will have only 206 bones in your skeleton. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Kids Corner: Human Body
Some incorrect choices:
58, 156, 509

24. Most vineyards in the world are found between 30 and 50 degrees latitude in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Why is this?

Answer: Viticulturists find that climate for their grapevines is best in these areas.

Interesting Information:
Most of the vineyards in the world are found between the latitudes of 30° and 50° in each hemisphere. This is mainly because of the climate in these areas. In the summer, the days are sunny and warm, conditions that help grapevines grow. In the winter, it gets cold, but not too cold, resulting in conditions that help grapevines to rest without damage from freezing weather. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Viticulture for Kids!
Some incorrect choices:
Viticulturists find that the soil for their grapevines is best in these areas., Viticulturists find that there are no insects that attack grapevines in these areas., No reason, it is just a coincidence.

25. What is the first step in the digestion process?

Answer: Ingestion

Interesting Information:
Ingestion is the process of intaking of food from the mouth. Digestion is the process of digesting the food, where the complex food gets broken down into simpler molecules. Absorption is the process of absorbing nutrients from the digested food. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Let's Digest the Quiz
Some incorrect choices:
Digestion, Absorption, Egestion

26. When your blood arrives at the lab, sometimes it needs to be separated into its different components. What is the name of the machine that separates the blood?

Answer: Centrifuge

Interesting Information:
A centrifuge is a machine that holds lots of blood specimens at one time. When you turn it on, it spins the blood tubes very fast (about 3000 revolutions, or turns, per minute). This causes the heavy parts of the blood to move to the bottom of the tube while the watery part of the blood (the lighter part called plasma) stays near the top. This is important as the plasma is used for some tests and the cells for others. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: In the Blood
Some incorrect choices:
Microscope, Auto-analyzer, Flow cytometer

27. The brain tells the lungs to expand, which sucks air in through the nose or mouth, then down into the lungs. Why is it better that that air reaching the lungs (inspiration) is better when it travels through the nose?

Answer: The nose has little hairs which stop foreign matter entering the lungs

Interesting Information:
When we breathe, the air nearly always enters our nose where hairs called cilia trap dust, pollen, mould and other environmental contaminants. The nose also moisturises and warms the air before it reaches the lungs. If the mouth is used for breathing none of these things happen but the distance to the throat is shorter and wider so air can reach the lungs quicker if needed. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: The Air That I Breathe
Some incorrect choices:
It does not matter which way the air gets to the lungs, It is quicker when it goes through the nose, It is less painful when air enters the lungs from the nose

28. Some people talk about this part when they are in love. Which organ pumps blood for my entire body?

Answer: heart

Interesting Information:
The heart is the first organ that is formed in our bodies. It pumps the blood that carries nutrients to the entire body and also transports waste our body does not need. The average human heart beats about 100,000 times a day, sending 2,000 gallons of blood surging through the body, in over 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: What's Under My Skin?
Some incorrect choices:
pancreas, appendix, gallbladder

29. Having landed, I find myself on the largest organ in this animal's body - it's mostly smooth and covers the whole body. What is it?

Answer: skin

Interesting Information:
An organ is made up of different kinds of cells working together. The skin is the largest; it keeps out germs and keeps in moisture. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: A Fantastic Journey
Some incorrect choices:
heart, liver, brain

30. There are lots of molecules that are important to biochemistry, but few are as famous as this one! This molecule looks like a twisted ladder (called a "double helix" by scientists) and is made up of genes. What molecule is this?

Answer: DNA

Interesting Information:
DNA is made up of genes, which help to determine what we look like (e.g. whether we have blue or brown eyes, blonde or brown hair, whether we are short or tall etc.). This important molecule is stowed away in a compartment known as the nucleus of a cell. Though many think of genetics when talking about DNA, biochemistry is also important to understand how DNA interacts with other parts of the cell to do its job. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Biochemistry For Kids
Some incorrect choices:
Bone, Serum, Enzyme

31. DNA is written in a special alphabet containing only the four letters A, T, C and G. If the letters A and T pair up together, what letter does C pair with?

Answer: G

Interesting Information:
These letters are called bases or nucleotides. The letters are initials for the nucleotides adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: All About Genes and DNA
Some incorrect choices:
B, D, C

32. Who is credited with the invention of the microscope?

Answer: Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Interesting Information:
Anton van Leeuwenhoek used glass lenses to inspect cloth. He used this knowledge to make the first microscope, an instrument that could magnify the microscopic world 270 times their actual size. The other three scientists were very special and each invented many items but none of them worked with microscopes and microorganisms like Mr van Leeuwenhoek. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Microbiology For Kids!
Some incorrect choices:
Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison

33. Greetings! I am the foot. I can take you anywhere you want to go. My bones are the patella, tarsals, the cuboid, and the calcaneus. Stop! One of those bones ain't mine, but which one is it?

Answer: Patella

Interesting Information:
There are two feet on the human body. The foot has seven ankle bones in each foot. The five toe bones are known as the tarsals. The calcaneus is the largest bone in the ankle and is also known as the heel bone.

The patella is the scientific name for the knee cap. The patella is the largest joint in the human body and carries half the weight of the body. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: That Bone Ain't Mine!
Some incorrect choices:
Calcaneus, Cuboid, Tarsals

34. What bone also refers to the beaks of birds?

Answer: Mandible

Interesting Information:
The mandible is the human jaw bone. It is the strongest bone in the face. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Hey Joe, Bones You Know.
Some incorrect choices:
Malleus, Incus, Stapes

35. When I work, it's said that I really "put my shoulder into it". What's the name of the bone that's in my shoulder?

Answer: Scapula

Interesting Information:
My hungry son used to say, "It takes a scapula to turn a spatula, would you make me some pancakes, please?" Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: Easy Bones Joe, from Head to Toe
Some incorrect choices:
Ulna, Incus, Mandible

36. What is the average size of your heart?

Answer: The size of your clenched fist.

Interesting Information:
Usually, a person's heart is the size of their clenched fist. If a person has heart trouble, the heart may be bigger than usual. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: The Human Heart
Some incorrect choices:
The size of a pea., The size of a watermelon., The size of a beach ball.

37. Blood carries a very important gas to every cell in our bodies. What is this gas called?

Answer: Oxygen

Interesting Information:
We get oxygen from breathing. As we pull the air into our lungs, our blood cells move by and collect the oxygen from our breath and they drop off carbon dioxide for us to breathe out. Difficulty: Very Easy.

From Quiz: The Red Stuff - The Blood Quiz!
Some incorrect choices:
Helium, Carbon Dioxide, Neon

38. Famously friendly in TV and Movies, bottlenosed dolphins, and all dolphins, are really classified in the same order as ________.

Answer: whales

Interesting Information:
Dolphins belong to the order Cetacea (which includes whales, dolphins and porpoises), and the suborder Odontoceti which means "toothed whale." All organisms are classified by Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. This helps scientists all over the world identify different organisms, and be able to compare species in different locations. Difficulty: Hard.

From Quiz: Marine Biology Fun Facts
Some incorrect choices:
seals, sharks, none of these animals

39. Where would you find the stirrup?

Answer: Ear

Interesting Information:
The stirrup is the smallest bone in the body. Difficulty: Average.

From Quiz: Bones of the Human Body
Some incorrect choices:
Nose, Thigh, Foot

40. Where is the humerus found?

Answer: Arm

Interesting Information:
The humerus connects off the clavicle (collar bone). The humerus is next to the "funny bone" which is really a nerve. Difficulty: Easy.

From Quiz: Biobones
Some incorrect choices:
Leg, Head, Torso
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