29. What was the first name of the youngest son who went to impress a princess, picking up gifts such as a dead crow?
From Quiz Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
"Blockhead Hans" is the tale of a young princess, who declared that only the most eloquent suitor would marry her, and all others would be beheaded. Three sons of a nobleman went on their way. The first entered a hot room where the princess waited, along with some journalists eager to write down all what was told. Alas, he stammered and was beheaded. The second son came in, only to meet a similar fate.
The youngest son, Hans, asked the princess why the fire was so hot. When she replied that she was cooking some roosters, Hans gave her the crow to cook it with the roosters. The princess then asked for a pot to put the crow in, and Hans gave her an old shoe. When the princess asked for some gravy, Hans poured some mud in the shoe. And when the princess introduced Hans to the journalists, he threw mud in their face with the words "I'll give the best to the editor".
The humour convinced the princess to marry Hans and they lived long and happily ever after.