9. Kyrgyzstan is one of the world's leading producers of mercury ore. However, nearly all of the country's mercury is exported to what large neighboring country?
From Quiz Krazy Kool Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan has considerable resources in minerals and valuable rare earth metals. Most of the known mineral deposits are in the southwest portion of the country. In these mines, you find large amounts of mercury ore, antimony, lead, zinc and gold. During the Soviet period, the Kyrgyzstan mercury mines were a major producer of metallic mercury for Soviet industry.
Despite the decline in its worldwide usage, mercury remains an important export commodity for Kyrgyzstan. Approximately six percent of the world's mercury is mined from Kyrgyzstani sources. Today, nearly all of the mercury is sold to China. Antimony, used in flame retardants, cosmetics, ceramics and certain medicines is also an important export mineral. The Tian Shan Mountain area has also produced mineable deposits of gold, tungsten, molybdenum, indium, and other rare earth metals. Kyrgyzstan's gold deposits are amongst the world's largest and account for over ten percent of the country's export revenue.