66. Vera Mukhina was a Soviet sculptor whose most famous work was a gigantic statue (24.5 meters high) called "Factory Worker and Kolkhoz Girl", first displayed at the International Paris Exhibition of 1937. Do you know what a kolkhoz is?
From Quiz Lost in the Land of Oz
A collective farm in the Soviet Union
The word is a contraction of kollektivnoye khozyaystvo (kol-khoz), which means a collective farm. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, a system of collective agriculture was developed in which a number of peasant families joined their small plots of land into a bigger piece which all cultivated together, sharing money and produce. It started out as voluntary and became forced in the Stalin era, resulting in the oppression and persecution of millions of farmers who essentially had become 'tied' to the land, without being allowed to move to the city or chose a different job, much like the muziks of the czarist era. In 1991, with the collapse of the USSR, the kolkhoz started to become privatized.
As for Vera Mukhina's sculpture, it is one of the most iconic examples of the Socialist realism artistic style, with the worker holding a hammer and the kolkhoz girl holding a sickle, the two emblems of the Russian Revolution.