17. During the sourcerer's reign at the Unseen University, who spent most of the time hiding under a desk with a blanket over his head, eating the occasional banana?
From Quiz Terry Pratchett's "Sourcery"
The Librarian
The Librarian had gone with Rincewind and the Luggage to the tavern before Coin arrived, but while Rincewind left with Conina for Al Khali, the Librarian returned to the university and was very troubled by the changes. He read up on sourcerers, and it was enough to make him crawl under his desk and hide under his blanket. He was curled up under his desk both when Spelter the bursar arrived to warn him that Coin wanted to shut down the university and when Spelter returned to tell him to leave because Coin was going to burn down the library. However, when Sconner led a group of wizards to set it afire, the Librarian was up in the rafters, and dropped on Sconner and tried to screw off his head. The other wizards tried to escape but the magical books in the library blocked their way. The Librarian tossed the wizards out the door. Sconner wasn't pleased and when he stood up, he said, "That monkey has eaten its last banana", to which one of the wizards pointed out that the orangutan Librarian was actually an ape. Sconner then ordered the wizards to get him oil and kindling because "That ape's gonna fry", but the Librarian was already escaping through the ceiling of the library, taking the books with him. When Rincewind returned to the university, he found the Librarian and the books in the Tower of Art. Apparently, books can fly, and most of them escaped before the library was attacked.