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Event Horizon Movie Trivia Quizzes

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2 Event Horizon quizzes and 25 Event Horizon trivia questions.
  Infinite Space, Infinite Terror    
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The first and only "Event Horizon" quiz.
Average, 15 Qns, maderine, Apr 25 04
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  Event Horizon    
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Have you seen this film? If you have, these aren't too difficult.
Average, 10 Qns, Duddits, Jan 21 05
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Event Horizon Trivia Questions

1. In the year 2040, the Event Horizon launched on its first experimental mission. It disappeared without a trace. In what year does it reappear?

From Quiz
Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: 2047

The Event Horizon was missing for seven years, and no one is sure just where it disappeared to before reappearing suddenly in the orbit of Neptune.

2. Who played Captain Miller?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: Laurence Fishburne

3. The Lewis & Clark is sent on a rescue and salvage mission. Why are they reluctant to go?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: They were taken off leave

The crew of the Lewis & Clark aren't eager to go aboard the Event Horizon once they see it, but at the time that they were given the mission, they didn't yet know what they were going out for. They were unhappy because they were taken off a much deserved leave. Peters in particular, had wanted to spend time with her son.

4. Who played Dr. Weir?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: Sam Neill

He pulled his own eyes out! Yuk.

5. The Event Horizon salvage mission is top secret. What coding does N.S.A. give it?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: Code black

Their mission is so secret that the crew of the Lewis & Clark aren't even told where they're going until Dr. Weir comes aboard and they're prepping to go.

6. Complete the title of Millers ship, "The Lewis and _______ "

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: Clark

"I've just patched her up sir!"

7. The crew of the Lewis & Clark go into stasis for their long trip to Neptune. For how many days are they in stasis?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: 56

It was necessary for the crew to go into stasis in the grav couches because they were moving at such a high speed that, otherwise, as D.J. so succinctly put it, the force of the gravity would liquefy their skeletons.

8. Who was the first to see the core open?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: Justin

He got sucked into it.

9. While Dr. Weir is in stasis, he has a vision. What was the vision of?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: Claire

Weir sees a vision of his wife, Claire, who committed suicide because she felt that her husband's work was more important to him than she was. The vision of his wife tells him that she wants him to be with her forever.

10. For how long had the Event Horizon been missing?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: 7 or 8 years

They mention this in the beginning of the film.

11. The Event Horizon is propelled by a gravity drive. What natural force serves as its power source?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: black hole

This is probably what gave the ship its name. An Event Horizon is the term for the edge of a black hole made up of that mater which can neither be drawn into the black hole nor escape its pull.

12. Which planet was she orbitting?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: Neptune

"She reached the save distance."

13. The rescue crew find the ship's log aboard the Event Horizon, but the last entry isn't in English. What language is it in?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: Latin

The first message on the ship's log also ends in Latin. The captain's parting words were "Ave aque vale" meaning "Hail and farewell."

14. What was the correct name for the core of the ship?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: Gravity Drive

"The most destructive force in the universe."

15. Who translates the message?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: D.J.

D.J., as a medical doctor, is the only crew member who speaks Latin. He first translates the message as "Liberate me" meaning "Save me", but soon realizes that he has made a mistake. The true message is "Liberate tuteme ex inferris" meaning "Save yourself from hell."

16. During the exploration of the Event Horizon, Justin goes through a spinning corridor into the second containment where the gravity drive is kept. What does he say the corridor looks like?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: A meat grinder

"Looks like a meat grinder to me," Justin said. As soon as those words left his mouth, I expected somebody to be ground up sooner or later à la Aliens 3, but it was not to be.

17. What did the latin in the distress message translate to?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: save yourself from hell

18. What happens to Justin when the gateway of the gravity drive activates?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: Justin is pulled in

Even though he hears Cooper's report of the incident, Dr. Weir doesn't believe that Justin was pulled into the gateway because he says that it is impossible for the gateway to activate itself.

19. How many metal rings surrounded the core?

From Quiz Event Horizon

Answer: 3

They lit up when the core "activated."

20. The energy backlash from the gateway damages the Lewis & Clark, and the crew are forced to board the Event Horizon. According to Starck, how many hours worth of breathable air do they have on board the Event Horizon?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: 20 hours

Dr. Weir says that the strange happenings on the ship are all hallucinations brought on by the high levels of CO2.

21. When Starck scans the Event Horizon she gets back some strange life readings. What theory does she present to Captain Miller to explain them?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: The ship is alive

Captain Miller's first thought is that radiation might be interfering with the readings, but Starck says that there is not enough radiation aboard the Event Horizon to interfere with the scan. After some time on the ship, she begins to believe that the ship is alive. As she puts it, it's reacting to them and the reactions are getting stronger.

22. What does Peters see on the examination table that upsets her?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: Her son

Peters has a vision of her son with his legs all covered in sores. Dr. Weir tells her that the vision was a hallucination brought on by the stress of seeing the frozen body on the bridge.

23. The ship shows Captain Miller a vision of a burning man. Who is this man?

From Quiz Infinite Space, Infinite Terror

Answer: Eddie Corrick & Edward Corrick & Ed Corrick & Corrick

Eddie Corrick was a man that Miller served with, aboard another ship. The oxygen tanks exploded and there was a terrible fire. Miller wasn't able to save Corrick, and he escaped, leaving the other man to die. Miller is disturbed by this vision because that part of his past is a secret that he never told anyone, but the ship knows about it.

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