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On Golden Pond Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
On Golden Pond Quizzes, Trivia

On Golden Pond Trivia

On Golden Pond Movie Trivia Quizzes

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Katharine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, and Jane Fonda star in this 1981 drama. Hepburn and Henry Fonda both won Oscars for their roles. The film also won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay.
2 quizzes and 20 trivia questions.
  On Golden Pond    
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 10 Qns
Wonderful movie with Katherine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda and Dabney Coleman.
Average, 10 Qns, redheadblueeyes, Mar 25 06
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  "On Golden Pond" Facts    
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 10 Qns
This is a wonderful movie starring the legendary Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda. Enjoy the quiz!
Tough, 10 Qns, rootsgrrl, Jul 29 03
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On Golden Pond Trivia Questions

1. What birthday had Billy Ray just celebrated?

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"On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: 13th

Doug McKeon played Billy Ray. Billy was a tough kid who grew to love Norman and Ethel.

2. In what year was this movie made?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: 1981

This was the last movie role for Henry Fonda before he passed away.

3. When Norman calls the telephone operator, asking her to check his line, he can remember only one digit of his phone number. What number is it?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: 9

The operator never does call back. Maybe Norman was right in thinking his phone had "lost its whatsie."

4. In what state was most of the movie filmed?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: New Hampshire

5. What is Norman and Ethel's favorite board game?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: Parcheesi

They played serious Parcheesi on Golden Pond.

6. What is the name of the little boy?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: Billy

7. What was the name of the Thayers' motor boat?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: Thayer IV

I guess the boat was the fourth member of the Thayer family. Mariah was the mail boat driven by Charlie.

8. What does the boy tell Norman they do when they cruise for girls, once they get them they __________?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: suck face

And to this day it still sounds disgusting, doesn't it?

9. Early in the movie, Ethel mentions that she met a nice Italian couple in the woods. Their name was Migliore and they had invited the Thayers to dinner. Norman said his stomach was not ready for what food?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: Rigatoni

I think Norman just didn't want to socialize.

10. What is the name of the trout Norman and the boy go fishing for?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: Walter

Norman named him after Ethel's brother.

11. Charlie tells Norman that Miss Apley died the previous month. How old was Miss Apley?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: 97

Alluding to Miss Apley's being a lesbian, Norman remarked, "Maybe there's something to be said for having a deviant lifestyle." The lovely Miss Hepburn made it to 96.

12. What does Norman and the boy do with the trout after they catch him?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: Let him go

I would have rather deep fried him!

13. Katharine Hepburn won her fourth Academy Award for her perfomance in "On Golden Pond." For which movie did she win her first?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: Morning Glory

"Morning Glory" was Miss Hepburn's third movie. The year was 1933. Her other Oscars were for "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" in 1967 and "The Lion in Winter" in 1968. When she accepted her 1967 award, she said that she was sure it was for herself and her late companion of 25 years, Spencer Tracy, her co-star and fellow nominee.

14. What does Chelsea do for Norman towards the end of the movie?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: A back flip

Personally I think this was the director wanting another attempt to see Jane Fonda wet!

15. Where did Chelsea marry Bill?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: Brussels

When she told Norman, he asked, "Does he speak English?"

16. What does Norman give Chelsea at the end of the movie?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: His diving medal

1921 second place diving medal he won. How sweet!

17. Which two actors won Oscars for their roles?

From Quiz On Golden Pond

Answer: Katharine Hepburn and Henry Fonda

Seems like Katharine has a way with doing last movies with people. She also starred opposite Spencer Tracey in his last movie, 'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?' with Sidney Poitier.

18. Near the end of the movie, Norman gives Chelsea his diving medal after she does the back flip. In what year did Norman win this medal?

From Quiz "On Golden Pond" Facts

Answer: 1921

It was the University of Pennsylvania Diving Championship, 1921, Second Place. After that she calls Norman "Dad" for the first time in years.

19. Who directed the movie?

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Answer: Mark Rydell

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