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Do you have all the answers? Did the contestants of "Quiz Show"? Find out here!
2 Quiz Show quizzes and 25 Quiz Show trivia questions.
  "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!    
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 15 Qns
The Academy Award nominated film "Quiz Show" exemplifies why the '90s were the best decade for movies.
Tough, 15 Qns, Equalzier, Aug 16 20
Aug 16 20
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  Quiz Show    
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This is a quiz on one of the best films of 1994. You can't win any money here but you can have some fun remembering a terrific film! Good Luck!
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Dec 01 20
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What game show is Charles Van Doren originally auditioning for?

From Quiz ""Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!"

Quiz Show Trivia Questions

1. What game show is Charles Van Doren originally auditioning for?

From Quiz
"Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Tic Tac Dough

Once Al Freedman spots Charlie auditioning he immediately pulls him in as the next contestant on "Twenty One". When asked why he was auditioning for "Tic Tac Dough", Charlie says it seemed more feasible.

2. At which school did Charles Van Doren teach?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Columbia

Professor Van Doren taught several English courses.

3. What Ivy League college did Dick Goodwin graduate from?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Harvard

Dick Goodwin loves to brag about this. Multiple times during the film does he qualify himself by bragging that he graduated first in his class at Harvard. Charlie tells him later in the movie that if he'd graduated first in his class he'd get a tattoo.

4. What was the name of the quiz show in the movie?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Twenty-One

All the others were also casualties of the Quiz Show scandals.

5. When being interviewed by Dan Enright and Al Freedman at NBC, what celebrity does Charlie say he idolized when he was a boy?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Joe DiMaggio

During the scene when the producers are trying to get a feel as to whether Charlie would be agreeable to getting the answers in advance, they question the amount of money he gets paid as a teacher. Charlie confesses he wanted to be Joe DiMaggio when he was a little boy.

6. On which network did the quiz show air?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: NBC

"Twenty-One" was on NBC for just over a year, from 1958-1959. Yes, there really was a Dumont network.

7. What product is the main sponsor of the show "Twenty One"?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Geritol

The sponsor is called out when the story broke that the show was rigged. During a confrontation between Dick Goodwin and the President of NBC, Dick accuses NBC of fraud and states that Geritol made money off of a deception to the country.

8. Who played Herb Stempel?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: John Turturro

Hank Azaria and David Paymer played the producers of the quiz show. Nicholas Turturro was not in the movie.

9. What does Charlie buy his father for a birthday present?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: A television set

At the birthday party attended by the entire Van Doren family and Dick Goodwin, his father unwraps his new television set. He looks around and says, "I guess I'm surrounded," suggesting he was the last holdout in the family to get a television.

10. Where in Connecticut did Charles Van Doren's parents live?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Cornwall

Charles Van Doren still lives in the family home there.

11. Herbert Stemple loses his standing as champion on "Twenty One" when he is unable to name the Best Picture of 1955 as "Marty". Having purposely guessed wrong, what answer does he give?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: On The Waterfront

Herbert Stemple spends the rest of the film in outrage that he collapsed under the pressure from the producers to throw the game. He had told several people that "Marty" was this favorite movie and that he saw it multiple times in the theater when it came out.

12. What was the answer to the question that Herb Stempel was told to miss?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Marty

"I saw 'Marty' three times. It was about a boy in the Bronx...." Herb trying to prove he knew the answer.

13. What famous director has a cameo as an NBC executive?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Martin Scorsese

Just before the hearings Dick Goodwin and Martin Rittenhome (Scorsese) have a discussion about how many executives in NBC knew about "Twenty One" being rigged. He warns Dick to be careful during the hearings because he has a bright future, a veiled threat.

14. What future Academy Award winner played the wife of Congressional investigator Richard Goodwin?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Mira Sorvino

Ms. Sorvino won for "Mighty Aphrodite" in 1995. Her dad is the wonderful actor Paul Sorvino.

15. What instrument does Herbert Stemple's son play, much to his father's chagrin?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: The drums

During Dick Goodwin's first talk with Stemple, his son can be heard upstairs wailing away on his drums. Stemple finally turns to his wife and tells her to tell their son to take five.

16. In an appearance on the "Today" show, Charles Van Doren mentions that he is working on a book. What is the book's title?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Lincoln's Commando

The book was eventually published years later, by an author named Ralph Roske. Van Doren was a contributor.

17. When Charlie suggests to Al Freedman that instead of giving him the answers to the questions, NBC simply gives him the questions and he can look up the answers on his own, what word does Charlie use that confuses Al?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Egregious

In an attempt to make himself feel less guilty for cheating, Charlie asks for the questions in advance instead of the answers. He tells Al Freedman that would be less egregious. Al has to ask Dick Enright what the word means.

18. Two accomplished directors appeared in "Quiz Show." One is Barry Levinson. who played Dave Garroway. The other played the sponsor of the quiz show. He was:

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese can not only direct; he can act.

19. Who directed "Quiz Show"?

From Quiz Quiz Show

Answer: Robert Redford

Mr. Redford won an Academy Award for his first directorial effort, "Ordinary People" in 1980.

20. To what does Dick Goodwin's wife compare the congressional hearings on the cheating scandal?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: The McCarthy Hearings

Dick and his wife get into a heated argument about the legitimacy of the hearings while entertaining one of Dick's co-workers because she thinks it's McCarthy-ism. Dick's wife gets so mad she says to his friend Bob, "How would you like Dick's steak cooked Bob?"

21. After Charlie releases a statement that he will be available for testimony to the congressional proceedings, Dick knows that the guilt was getting too much for him. What story does Dick tell Charlie about a dramatic moment in his family history?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: His uncle's affair

This scene has a great line when Dick says that his uncle finally admitted to his aunt he had an affair. Dick asks him, "Why did you tell her> You got away with it." His uncle replies, "It was the getting away with it part I couldn't live with."

22. When Charlie's dad first hears about accusations that contestants cheated on a quiz show, to what does he compare this?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Plagiarizing a comic strip

Mark Van Doren shows his disapproval early on for the absurdity of game shows and people cheating on them. His visible shock and disappointment when he finds out that his son also cheated is heartbreaking.

23. What brand of car is Dick thinking of buying at the beginning of the movie?

From Quiz "Quiz Show", Let's play "Twenty One"!

Answer: Chrysler

The film opens with Dick Goodwin looking at a sleek new model Chrysler while a fast talking salesman tries to close the deal. Later on Dick's wife mentions that he brought home a Chrysler catalog.

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