23. "Take me with you to Alderaan! There's nothing for me here. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi, like my father!" This is perhaps the most poignant line ever spoken in a sci-fi film. Which "Star Wars" movie is this line from?
From Quiz Landmark Lines From Landmark Sci-Fi
Star Wars IV: A New Hope
I will always wonder why AMPAS didn't give "A New Hope" the Oscar for "Best Picture" in 1977-78. This, and other well written lines and scenes in this incredible film, mark it as the first true successor to "2001" in the annals of truly high-quality sci-fi movies.
"New Hope", of course, was the very first "Star Wars" film. It tells the story of a farm boy, Luke Skywalker, on the faraway planet of Tatooine and his destiny to become a member of the august number of The Jedi Knights. In it he fights an evil universal empire, along with his friends: "Ben" Obi Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles, and the person he will eventually learn is his sister, Leia Organa.
The above line is spoken by Luke to an elderly Obi Wan Kenobi, right after he discovers the murder of his Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen by the Empire's Stormtroopers. Luke is, understandably, hopping mad for justice, and his massive loss is brought to light by this line and by the previous scene, where we see Luke's reaction to the sight of Beru and Owen's charred bodies.
The line is further made ironic by the now well-known fact of who his father is!