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Poe Edgar Allan Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Poe Edgar Allan Quizzes, Trivia

Edgar Allan Poe Trivia

Edgar Allan Poe Trivia Quizzes

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2 quizzes and 20 trivia questions.
  Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life    
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Do you know Edgar Allan Poe? Are you sure? Really? Prove it, now!
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Edgar Allan Poe Trivia Questions

1. Edgar Allan Poe's wife called him by what pet name?

From Quiz
Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: Little Eddie

She came up with it, not him. He was her darling "little Eddie". The Poe household was one of informal names. Poe called his wife "Sissy" and his mother-in-law, "Muddy".

2. Poe's natural parents were

From Quiz Poe

Answer: Actors

Poe's father abandoned the idea of a law career and attempted acting. Poe's mother was an actress. As with many women in Poe's life, she died young.

3. Frances Sargent Osgood was the the subject of a rumor with Edgar Allan Poe. What important event in Poe's life was happening at the time that this rumor was going around?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: Virginia Clemm was dying.

Frances Osgood and Edgar Allan Poe were rumored to have been in a relationship when Virginia was dying. Many people thought that this was extremely imprudent of both of them.

4. Poe went to live with John Allan and wife. Allan was somewhat {affluent;} how did he make his money?

From Quiz Poe

Answer: Merchant

John Allan was a successful merchant- but he never quite understood or got along well with with Poe.

5. Virginia Clemm was very young when she married Edgar Allan Poe. If she was thirteen, how old was Edgar?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: 27

Virginia was half as old as Edgar, approximately. Some people say that they were more like brother and sister than husband and wife.

6. Poe spent some time at the University of Virginia and at West Point. Which statement best describes his performance?

From Quiz Poe

Answer: He was forced to leave both places

Poe failed in both places. Gambling and debts doomed him at the Univ. of Va., while his dislike of army life led him to instigate his own dismissal.

7. Virginia Clemm was what relation to Edgar Allan Poe?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: cousin

Poe joined the Clemm household and fell in love with a neighbor. Virginia ferried notes back and forth between them. Later on, after Edgar had left the famiLy, he began to think of marrying Virginia.

8. Poe married his cousin. Aside from the family connection, what was the most unusual aspect of the marriage?

From Quiz Poe

Answer: Her age

She was 13 when she married Poe.

9. In the poem "Annabel Lee", who was the assumed model for the title character?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: Virginia Clemm

Many of Edgar Allen Poe's poems were modeled after Virginia. The poem tells of the love the poet has had for a woman since childhood. This love is maintained even after its subject's death. The poem was written two years after the death of Virginia and was not published until after Poe's death in that same year.

10. Poe's wife died young. What was the cause?

From Quiz Poe

Answer: Tuberculosis

TB took her- at an early age, of course.

11. The true circumstances of Edgar Allan Poe's death are not known, but how old was he was when he died?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: 40

He died two years after his beloved wife, possibly anguished from heartache. When they were first married, he was told by many to wait until she was older. However, he refused to wait. He loved Virginia too much for that. He was found wandering the streets of Baltimore, saying "'Reynolds!'", and "wearing clothes that were not his own". While at the hospital, he fell into a coma.

12. This author translated Poe's works.

From Quiz Poe

Answer: Charles Baudelaire

Baudelaire was greatly impressed by Poe's works.

13. When Edgar Allan Poe was two years of age, a significant event in his life took place. What was this event?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: His mother died.

Edgar was two years old at the time. He was the son of Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe and David Poe Jr. They were both actors/actresses. Elizabeth died shortly after David had abandoned the family, leaving Edgar as an orphan.

14. Poe also died young- substance abuse and poverty are not conducive to long life. What time frame accurately reflects his life and career?

From Quiz Poe

Answer: First half of the 19th century

He was in his early 40's when he died.

15. Poe is often given credit for being the author of the first modern detective story. What is the story?

From Quiz Poe

Answer: 'Murders in the Rue Morgue'

All are by Poe, but it is 'Rue Morgue' that presents the detective, Dupin.

16. How did Virginia Clemm die?

From Quiz Edgar's Inspiration: His Wife and His Life

Answer: Tuberculosis

It was known as consumption at the time. She died on January 30, 1847.

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