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Quiz about Stalin Reign of Terror
Quiz about Stalin Reign of Terror

Stalin: Reign of Terror Trivia Quiz

The Soviet Union in the 1930s ... Who was safe? Would you have been safe? Let's find out!

A multiple-choice quiz by blakey. Estimated time: 4 mins.
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4 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
6 / 10
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Question 1 of 10
1. Born on December 21, 1879, what was Stalin's birth name? Hint

Question 2 of 10
2. What was Lenin's last testament? Hint

Question 3 of 10
3. How many were estimated to have been killed during the Great Purge of 1936-1938? Hint

Question 4 of 10
4. What was Stalin studying when he joined the Revolutionary movement? Hint

Question 5 of 10
5. Before 1927, USSR was ruled by a triumvirate Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. How did Stalin achieve sole power? Hint

Question 6 of 10
6. What reason was given by Stalin for the Great Purge of 1934-1938?

Question 7 of 10
7. The purges also had an effect on the German invasion of World War II.

Question 8 of 10
8. Why did Stalin target the Ukraine for purges from 1932-1933? Hint

Question 9 of 10
9. Did the purges include foreigners?

Question 10 of 10
10. What was the "Gulag Archipelago"? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Born on December 21, 1879, what was Stalin's birth name?

Answer: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

He adopted the name of Josef Stalin in 1910. Freely translated it means man of steel.
2. What was Lenin's last testament?

Answer: A call for Stalin to be removed from his post

Lenin felt that Stalin held too much power in government.
3. How many were estimated to have been killed during the Great Purge of 1936-1938?

Answer: The figure widely varies from source to source

The exact number is not known. Some historians put the number around twenty million, but this often includes the victims of the Ukrainian famine. The (Russian) Memorial Society has released a list of 1.346 million named victims. (This figure is obviously lower than the actual total). The KGB reports that 681,692 were executed from 1937 to 1938 alone.,,3-1599804,00.html
4. What was Stalin studying when he joined the Revolutionary movement?

Answer: Theology

He had received a full scholarship to the Tbilisi Theological Seminary to become a priest in the Russian Orthodox Church. According to most accounts he was expelled or asked to leave after reading books by Karl Marx and joining a forbidden political group.
5. Before 1927, USSR was ruled by a triumvirate Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. How did Stalin achieve sole power?

Answer: He allied himself with the right wing of the Communist Party

The right wing was led by Nikolai Bukharin and had considerable influence in the party at the time. In time Stalin would turn on them and associate with his former co-triumvirates to have Leon Trotsky exiled (his chief opponent) along with members of the right wing. Stalinists eventually let the right wingers back in but only after they accepted Stalinism. Also in a short period of time he would have the Left Wing removed from Soviet government as well.
Definition of Left Wing/Right Wing:Left/Right is the basic polarity of political temperament, the axis of political antagonism which manifests itself across all shades of politics, all epochs and social movements. Broadly speaking, the left-wing expresses that social force which is the most marginalised by, and has the least commitment to, the status quo and power relations of the existing society, and it responds to this position by being reformist or revolutionary. Meanwhile, the right-wing is by and large committed to reinforcement of, or at least adaptation to, the status quo and its power relations by being conservative or reactionary. In this context, 'right wing' means those committed to 'socialism in one country' and 'left wing' those who wanted to promote international revolution.
6. What reason was given by Stalin for the Great Purge of 1934-1938?

Answer: A plot to overthrow the government

The real reason was to solidify Stalin's power in the country. He had political opponents executed after show trials (Bukharin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev, as well as many others); and their followers were imprisoned and killed. He also gave orders to the NKVD to go abroad and execute former opponents including Trotsky whom he said was plotting from overseas.
7. The purges also had an effect on the German invasion of World War II.

Answer: True

No one was immune from Stalin's paranoia, not even the military. Some 35,000 officers were shot or imprisoned including experienced generals. This led to inexperienced or elderly officers defending the borders and severely crippled the military leadership when Germany attacked.
8. Why did Stalin target the Ukraine for purges from 1932-1933?

Answer: The Ukrainians did not want to go with his agricultural plan

They still clung to their national identity and kept the idea of village level communal landholdings. So Stalin engineered a famine by raising their quota for grain to impossible levels. Between six to seven million people were killed as a result. It also broke the back of the Ukrainian resistance.
9. Did the purges include foreigners?

Answer: Yes

In the late 1920s a call went out to other communist parties world wide for skilled laborers inside the Soviet Union, mainly in the area of Karelia (near Finland which attracted a number of people of finnish descent from Canada)where they worked as Lumberjacks. The ones who stayed were accused by Stalin of 'infiltration', spying, sabotage and spreading discontent. Those brought in for questioning were never seen again.
10. What was the "Gulag Archipelago"?

Answer: The title of a book

The gulag was adopted from existing tsarist camps by Lenin, but under Stalin it was used for 'rehabilitation' of prisoners through slave labor. The book is written by, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, a former prisoner in the Soviet gulag, based on his experiences. In 1970 he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his previous writing but did not collect the prize, fearing the authorities would not let him back into the Soviet Union. In 1974 he was expelled from the Soviet Union anyway.
Source: Author blakey

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