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trivia game Who's the Smartest?
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Who's the Smartest?

This is our difficult trivia hourly game. Give it a go! - View Game Details
trivia timedThis harder hourly game ends in 39 minutes.
trivia game players 8 player(s) have played this hour in Div 1
40 players over all divisions.

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Top Scores: Division 1 : The Beginners
( See scores from last game )

PlayerRankTeam CorrectTimeAwardScore
1. Guest-5148 1 Just visiting 1048s +240 (*) 904
2. trivia player barchester 81 --- 973s +175 (*) 754
3. trivia player astir 164 The Beeronians 999s +145 (*) 702
4. Houndown 54 The Meek Shall Inherit 889s +112 (*) 622
5. film314 64 --- 8110s +108 (*) 580
6. IMABearsfan 122 Ojibwe Lodge 791s +82 (*) 518
7. JonasLover1 148 All 50 States 418s +66 (*) 364
8. tmc61 91 The Astute Achievers 7210s +58 (*) 280

* Ties go to player playing first. [ Key: gold member = Gold Member. editor = Editor. ]

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