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380 Cheeses and Dairy Products Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know about Cheeses and Dairy Products? This category is for trivia questions and answers related to Cheeses and Dairy Products (Hobbies). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
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1 Large wheels of Cheddar or Stilton have their origin in which country?
Answer: England

There are actually two types of Stilton- the well-known blue, and a white cheese
    Your options: [ Japan ] [ Madagascar ] [ Iceland ] [ England ]
  From Quiz: Wheel of Cheese and Crackers
2 "Cheese Please"... May I have a slice of that English cheese that contains a distinctly coloured fungus and is produced only in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire from pasteurised local milk?
Answer: Blue Stilton

There are two varieties of Stilton cheese, the Blue and the White. Cheese has to be produced in any one of the three listed counties and made to specification to be called Stilton. A cheese which is recognized as Stilton must have a cylindrical shape, form its own crust, contain delicate blue veins which radiate from the centre and be unpressed. Of course, the taste must be distinctly Stilton.
  From Quiz: Cheese Please
3 Ricotta cheese is made from the leftover whey of cheese production. In Italian, what does 'ricotta' mean?
Answer: recooked

To be precise, ricotta cheese is not a cheese, but a cheese by-product or dairy product, because of the process by which it is made. It is, however, dealt with as a cheese. Ricotta is a soft, mild creamy white cheese, which is relatively low in fat and salt. It is often used in dishes such as lasagna, cannelloni, pancakes, cheesecake or cannoli. It can be interchanged with dry cottage cheese in certain recipes.
The process for making ricotta is fairly simple: The whey is allowed to ferment at room temperature, increasing it's acidity, then cooked to the near-boiling point. The proteins solidify into curds which are then strained. Alternatively, omitting the fermentation, an acidic agent is added to the whey, then the whey is 'recooked'.
  From Quiz: I Gotta Ricotta
4 One of the most well known and popular UK cheeses is Cheddar. It's not one of my favourites, due to its somewhat sharp taste that makes my nose sweat. However, do you know in the making of this cheese, which animal's milk is used?
Answer: cow

This cheese melted is great on toast, with Worcester sauce and a little black pepper. It is produced using cows' milk. The name Cheddar is associated with a village known as Cheddar, located in Somerset, in the Southwest of England. On the edge of the village, you would find a very popular tourist attraction known as Cheddar Gorge.
    Your options: [ goat ] [ alpaca ] [ sheep ] [ cow ]
  From Quiz: UK Cheeses - some famous, some not
5 This small round-shaped French cheese comes in a red waxy coating. What is it called?
Answer: Babybel

Babybel is a French cheese, modeled on the Dutch Edam. It is a soft cheese, make with cow milk and sold wrapped in red wax for protection.
  From Quiz: Say Cheese
6 Which Dutch cheese might appear to be made backwards?
Answer: Edam

Nothing to do with the manufacturing process, was it? Edam is usually coated with red wax, unless it has aged for at least 17 weeks, in which case the wax is black.

Double Gloucester gets its name because it was traditionally aged for twice as long as Single Gloucester.

Gouda is a Dutch cheese, made from cultured milk and flatter in shape than Edam.

Monterey Jack is less familiar in the UK. It was originally made by the Franciscan friars of Monterey, California.
    Your options: [ Edam ] [ Gouda ] [ Double Gloucester ] [ Monterey Jack ]
  From Quiz: The Cheesy World of Cheese
7 What cheese is named after a village in Somerset and could have been cured at a cave called Wookey Hole?
Answer: Cheddar

Cheddar is also a verb. In the cheddaring process, blocks of curd are stacked up to press out the moisture. Milling into small pieces and then pressing into molds completes the process. This process in not only used for Cheddar cheese, but also for Cheshire and Lancashire cheeses.
  From Quiz: Nacho Cheese
8 Which company has been the biggest seller of macaroni and cheese worldwide since the 1940s through 2010? They make several kinds of 1-15 minute macaroni and cheese dinners you can buy in any typical American supermarket.
Answer: Kraft

Kraft is the largest food company in the US and the second largest in the world behind Nestle. Macaroni and cheese is one of their highest selling products and launched them up to this spot. They are also famous for making lots of other cheese products.
  From Quiz: The Macaroni and Cheese Quiz
9 Yarg cheese is made in Cornwall, in England, from cows' milk. Before being matured, it is wrapped in what type of leaves?
Answer: Nettle

The nettle leaves form a mouldy, but edible, rind which has a delicate, mushroomy flavour.
  From Quiz: Smile please - say "Cheese"
10 It's not true that cheese gives you nightmares. What amino acid contained in cheese helps promote a good night's sleep?
Answer: tryptophan

In 2005 the British Cheese Board carried out a study which found that eating cheese for supper did not induce nightmares. But obviously they are an interested party.
  From Quiz: Extra Cheese, Please!
11 What species of animals give milk?
Answer: All mammals

All female mammals give milk, but not just female animals; the male Dyak fruit bat gives milk too.
  From Quiz: Milk It For All It's Worth
12 Where does Edam cheese originate from?
Answer: The Netherlands

Edam cheese originates in The Netherlands. Edam can be found in the North province of Holland. Different fruits complement Edam in its mild and aged state. Mild Edam can be complemented with fruits such as peaches, melons, apricots, and cherries. Pears and apples can be the fruits to accompany Edam in its aged state.
  From Quiz: Edam Cheese
13 Casu marzu is a Sardinian delicacy, whose fermentation is provided by live action. What organisms are responsible for giving this cheese its especial flavor and aroma?
Answer: Maggots

Yes, the Sardinians take a fine young pecorino, and deliberately allow it to become infested with the larvae of the cheese fly. Their secretions produce a liquid referred to as "lagrima"- tears. I'd cry too!
  From Quiz: Don't Say Cheese!
14 Which French president famously asked "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?"
Answer: De Gaulle

Having weathered World War II, Algeria and numerous political crises, Charles de Gaulle had to resign as President when he failed to deal effectively with a student sit-in at the Sorbonne. The sit-in of course broke up when the students realised it was almost time for their summer vacation.
    Your options: [ De Gaulle ] [ Giscard d'Estaing ] [ Pompidou ] [ Mitterand ]
  From Quiz: Cheese Quotes
15 The first stop on our journey is to the Land Down Under. Australia has approximately 27 kinds of cheese, and each one is superb. However, one specific cheese has a fresh lemony taste, and a moist cheesecake-like texture. Which superb cheese is it?
Answer: Tasmania Highland Chevre Log

The Tasmania Highland Chevre Log is made from goat's milk, and can come in two ways: plain or ash covered. The texture is semi-hard. It takes anywhere from one to three weeks for this superb cheese to ripen, and it has a 35 percent fat content.
    Your options: [ Timboon Brie ] [ Tasmania Highland Chevre Log ] [ King Island Cape Wickham Brie ] [ Yarra Valley Pyramid ]
  From Quiz: Delicious Cheeses Of The World
16 This English cheese is known as the 'King of Cheeses'
Answer: Stilton

Stilton, a mellow blue cheese that also has a 'white' version, vies for the title with Camembert, Roquefort and Parmigiano Reggiano. The others are all serviceable cheeses of English heritage.
    Your options: [ Red Leicester ] [ Stilton ] [ Wensleydale ] [ Cheshire ]
  From Quiz: Cheese: Food Of The Gods
17 What is the name of the Dutch round cheese with a bright red rind on it?
Answer: Edam

Edam cheese comes from the town of Edam in the Netherlands. It is popular with slimmers because it contains considerably less calories than most other cheeses e.g. 326 for 100 grams as opposed to 403 in 100 grams of Cheddar. The usual red coating is for young cheeses, but those that have matured for more than seventeen weeks have a black coating.
  From Quiz: Cheese Please Louise
18 What specialized equipment do you need to begin making cheese?
Answer: None - if you have a large pot, a slotted spoon, and a thermometer, you are good to go.

While all of the specialized equipment listed above would be really nice to have, you really only need basic kitchen equipment to begin making cheese. I have spent maybe a grand total of a hundred bucks, if that, on equipment, and my cheesemaking is still very successful. A pH meter is a great help if you can afford it, but remember that people have been making cheese for millennia. All you really need is something to heat the milk in and something to stir it with, plus a thermometer (unless you are already expert at gauging the temperature of liquids with your finger).
  From Quiz: Making Cheese, The Food of the Gods
19 At my request of "Cheese Please", a smiling waiter presents me with a saucer containing Sage Derby cheese. As I looked at this mild, mottled green cheese I wondered which animal produced the milk for it. Which animal is it?
Answer: cow

Certainly! The Sage Derby cheese is made from cows' milk. The leaves from sage are mixed into the curd before it is pressed to add both flavour and colour to the cheese.
    Your options: [ sheep ] [ goat ] [ cow ] [ buffalo ]
  From Quiz: Cheese Please
20 The consumption of this fluid product, in its natural state, has been noted by medical experts to slightly increase muscle growth, and to improve muscle recovery following exercise. Which product is this?
Answer: Milk

This is milk without the fat content removed or reduced. Interestingly, it has also been found that the consumption of products made from full cream milk slightly increases a woman's fertility rate - and the consumption of low-fat dairy products slightly reduces this rate.
    Your options: [ Milk ] [ Cheese ] [ Butter ] [ Yoghurt ]
  From Quiz: Mary from the Dairy
21 This next cheese is produced from not one animal's milk, but two. Known as Sharpham Savour, which two animals' milk combined makes this cheese?
Answer: cow and goat

Combining unpasteurized cows' milk and goats' milk produces the Sharpham Savour, originating from Totnes which can be found in the county of Devon in England. It is a semi-hard cheese. The cows' milk obtained is from Jersey cows.
    Your options: [ goat and yak ] [ yak and cow ] [ sheep and cow ] [ cow and goat ]
  From Quiz: UK Cheeses - some famous, some not
22 Doppelrhamstufe cheese comes from which country?
Answer: Germany

Doppelrhamstufel is a cheese made in Germany. It is made with very thick cream, its taste is slightly salty, and its smell is somewhat lactic. Its soft texture makes it ideal for spreading and its shelf live is very limited.
    Your options: [ Holland ] [ Germany ] [ Denmark ] [ Switzerland ]
  From Quiz: Say Cheese
23 Which English cheese might stick in your gorge?
Answer: Cheddar

It might stick in your gullet, but Cheddar cheese is named after a picturesque steep-sided valley in the Mendip Hills, Somerset, England.

Sales of Wensleydale cheese received a huge boost when it was revealed to be the favourite of Wallace and Gromit.

Shropshire Blue is a modern invention, first made in Inverness, Scotland - many miles from the county for which it is named!

Leyden is spiced with cumin seeds.
    Your options: [ Cheddar ] [ Shropshire Blue ] [ Wensleydale ] [ Leyden ]
  From Quiz: The Cheesy World of Cheese
24 In Swiss cheese, carbon dioxide gas causes the characteristic holes called eyes. What is the name for Swiss cheese with no holes?
Answer: blind

Swiss cheese produced in the U.S. are similar to the Emmental cheese produced in Switzerland. The larger the "eyes," the more pronounced the flavor becomes, but larger holes cause a problem when using automatic slicers.
  From Quiz: Nacho Cheese
25 Macaroni and cheese is believed to have become popular in the United States after a president served it at the White House. Who was this president?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson

This may be a bit of a legend, but it has stuck. According to the legend Jefferson discovered macaroni and cheese during a visit to Italy and brought it back with him since he loved it so much. He hired a cook to cook mac and cheese for White House dinners in 1802 and macaroni and cheese has been popular ever since.
  From Quiz: The Macaroni and Cheese Quiz
26 Which Californian cheese, which is low in tyramine, is often recommended for migraine sufferers?
Answer: Monterey Jack

Monterey Jack was originally made by Mexican Franciscan friars in Monterey. It is now ubiquitous on pizzas.
    Your options: [ Teleme ] [ Cypress Grove ] [ Red Hawk ] [ Monterey Jack ]
  From Quiz: Smile please - say "Cheese"
27 What country is Vare cheese from?
Answer: Spain

Spain produces at least 100 different cheeses, made of sheep's, cow's and goat's milk.
  From Quiz: Extra Cheese, Please!
28 We've managed to get a lift as far as Derbyshire. Derby Cheese is a warm honey colour. However, it is often given a marbled green colour by adding which herb?
Answer: Sage

Once you get over the unusual colour, this is a delicious, mild cheese. It is now more popular than the standard Derbyshire cheese.
    Your options: [ Sage ] [ Chives ] [ Garlic ] [ Parsley ]
  From Quiz: Hitchhiker's Guide to Cheese
29 What ad campaign was launched by the California Milk Processor Board in 1993?
Answer: Got Milk?

The milk business was doing badly for twenty years, so California Milk Processor Board launched the ad campaign in October 1993 with the help of advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners.
  From Quiz: Milk It For All It's Worth
30 What colour is Edam cheese?
Answer: yellow

Edam cheese is a pale, yellow coloured cheese. Its flavour can be salty, sweet and nutty, without a cheesy smell. Edam contains less fat in comparison to most other cheeses.
  From Quiz: Edam Cheese
31 Certain bodily protections are advised for the person who dares to eat casu marzu. What are they?
Answer: Eye protection

The maggots, upon invasion of their cheesy home, begin jumping into the air (one of the names of this cheese translates to "jumping cheese.) Catapulting up to six inches, they often land in the eyes of cheese consumers.
  From Quiz: Don't Say Cheese!
32 "God defend me from that Welsh fairy, Lest he transform me to a piece of cheese?" Which Shakespeare play does this come from?
Answer: The Merry Wives of Windsor

Said by Falstaff. Apparently this quote was based on the notion that the Welsh were great eaters of cheese.
    Your options: [ The Merry Wives of Windsor ] [ Macbeth ] [ Hamlet ] [ Romeo and Juliet ]
  From Quiz: Cheese Quotes
33 The next stop on our journey is Ireland. Ireland has 18 different kinds of cheese, and each one is delectable. However, one specific cheese has a texture, which is moist and crumbly, and has a slight tangy taste. Which delectable cheese is it?
Answer: Blue Rathgore

Ireland's Blue Rathgore is a vegetarian cheese, and is considered a modern. This delectable cheese is made primarily from goat's cheese, and has a bluish green mold and a pleasant buttery taste. It takes about three to six months for this wonderful cheese to fully ripen.
    Your options: [ Mine-Gabhar ] [ Blue Rathgore ] [ Dunbarra ] [ Knockalara ]
  From Quiz: Delicious Cheeses Of The World
34 How much milk do you use for a nice batch of cheese?
Answer: One US gallon

A gallon is an easy amount to work with. That's a little under 4 liters, if you happen to be metric.
  From Quiz: Make Your Own Mozzarella!
35 Which cheese would you find in a traditional Greek salad?
Answer: Feta

Greek Feta is made either with sheep's milk or with a mixture of sheep's and goat's milk. It is a crumbly white cheese often served in salads with olive oil, but can be used in many other ways to replace other cheeses in a recipe. It has a slightly sharp flavour.
    Your options: [ Kefalotiri ] [ Feta ] [ Graviera ] [ Mizithra ]
  From Quiz: Cheese Please Louise
36 Recognizable by its large air bubbles, many parties include a large wheel of Jarlsberg cheese. What is its country of origin?
Answer: Norway

It is often mistaken for Swiss cheese because of its large holes. It is also now produced in Ohio and Ireland.
  From Quiz: Wheel of Cheese and Crackers
37 What are the basic ingredients in cheese?
Answer: Milk, culture, rennet, and salt.

All that is required to make good cheese is milk, rennet (a coagulation enzyme), culture (for acidification of the milk to prepare it for coagulation and so it will not spoil), and salt. The salt is not optional -- not only is it crucial for the preservation of the cheese, it is also very important for the proper growth of the bacteria in the cultures.

If you look at the ingredients list of almost any block (unshredded and unprocessed) cheese, you will see that it is just these four ingredients. Cheese is one of the few foods where the typical, cheap supermarket version contains the same set of ingredients as if you made it yourself, with no artificial additives.
  From Quiz: Making Cheese, The Food of the Gods
38 Suitably satisfied so far, Adam turns his attention to the soft cheeses of France. Which deliciously creamy white cheese from the region of Normandy is popular both "as is" and baked?
Answer: Camembert

With a white rind and a yellowy, runny inside, Camembert is a delicious soft cheese that was purportedly first made in the late eighteenth century. When baked, Camembert becomes even gooier and is perfectly accompanied by cranberry sauce and/or crusty bread. On the surface, Camembert looks remarkably similar to Brie, but a connoisseur will be able to tell the difference, the most notable being that Camembert tends to be sold whole while Brie is sold as a cut-out from a larger wheel. Camembert also tends to taste stronger than Brie due to the differences in ripening conditions. Furthermore, both cheeses originate from different regions of France. Believe it or not, camembert also forms part of another terrible cheese-based joke. How do you coax a cheese-loving bear out of his cave? Camembert.
    Your options: [ Laguiole ] [ Camembert ] [ Roquefort ] [ Beaufort ]
  From Quiz: Adam and Edam
39 In the USA, almost all ricotta is made from the whey of which animal's milk?
Answer: cow

While ricotta is usually made from sheep milk in Italy, it is also made from cow, goat, or water buffalo milk. In the US, however, due to availability and cost considerations, the majority of commercially made ricotta is made with cow's milk. The commercial products also usually contain stabilizers, which help ensure optimum results in general use as well as baked dishes. Cow's milk ricotta tends to have a milder, but saltier, taste.
    Your options: [ goat ] [ buffalo ] [ cow ] [ sheep ]
  From Quiz: I Gotta Ricotta
40 With its use going back as far as 2,000 BC, this product was first used as an ointment rather than a food product. What is it?
Answer: Butter

Butter was also once used as a medicine and as a form of fuel for light. In western countries top quality butter is made from full cream, whereas in some part of the world, such as India and Egypt, it is made with the solids removed. Known as ghee or clarified butter, this product is used for cooking purposes there.
  From Quiz: Mary from the Dairy
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Cheeses and Dairy Products Quizzes