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Group Number: 37067, Team Leader: Fenryr

  There are 3 members. 1 are considered active.

  Whether you came here of your own free will or stumbled upon this place by accident, know that you have found the secret underground city of Midian. Here we welcome all who don't have a home elsewhere, we embrace our individuality and the unique qualities that make us who we are. We are outsiders by choice, we welcome the freaks, the misfits, all those who for whatever reason feel they don't fit in with the masses, everybody is welcome here and accepted without judgement. We welcome people of all ability levels, all are encouraged to join and take part in the team games but no pressure to play constantly or to score highly, we just appreciate the participation and it all helps. All we ask is that you treat your fellow members with respect. If you feel you might have a home here then enter, the gates of Midian are open before you....

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: greenstar

This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For June we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   Word Wizard   Mixed Hourly    Easy Hourly   Fifty-Fifty

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero EasyMixWordFifty Score

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
May 18, 2:26 PMgreenstar Old Timer
play 11 years and be at least rank 5a
Mar 13, 3:00 PMgreenstar I'm the Smartest
score 1 win points in the Hard Game
Feb 17, 5:18 PMgreenstar Achievement: Team Heroes
for scoring 15 correctly in 100 seconds
Jan 25, 2:21 AMgreenstar Achievement: Mixed Game
for scoring 10 correctly in 90 seconds
Jan 22, 2:27 PMgreenstar Achievement: Expert
for scoring 15 correctly in 150 seconds
Jan 12, 12:02 AMgreenstar Daily Game Winner
win your division once
Sep 30, 1:52 PMFenryr Achievement: Mind Melt
for scoring 30 correctly in 250 seconds
Newest members: greenstar (Jan 03 24) Amorphis35 (Sep 01 23)

Midian are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes --- --- --- ---
The Daily Game --- --- --- ---
Mind Melt --- --- --- ---
New Question Daily 60 31 of 150 --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly 1 67 of 150 --- ---
Mixed Hourly --- --- --- ---
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
Fenryr Yorkshire UK26757352440
greenstar Belgium8190420258
Amorphis35 6509450

You can create your own group here, and invite your own friends / family / co-workers to join it.

Your Membership: You are not a member of this team.