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Quiz about World History
Quiz about World History

World History Trivia Quiz

World History strictly B.C.

A multiple-choice quiz by Sprink1234. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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Avg Score
14 / 25
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Question 1 of 25
1. The Peloponnesian War began in 431 B.C. and was fought between what two cities? Hint

Question 2 of 25
2. The First Triumvirate was established in 60 B.C. by Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and this Roman general and consul. He was one of Caesar's many enemies and his son-in-law,he became a ruler of Rome. Who was he? Hint

Question 3 of 25
3. Stonehenge is thought to have been built over a 1,500 year period. Approximately when is Stonehenge thought to have been started? Hint

Question 4 of 25
4. King Philip II of Macedonia was assassinated in 336 B.C. and was succeeded by his son. Who was he? Hint

Question 5 of 25
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Hint

Question 6 of 25
6. Ancient forms of written communication in Mesopotamia were called what? Hint

Question 7 of 25
7. What structure is considered to be the oldest man-made building still standing? Hint

Question 8 of 25
8. What leader is responsible for creating the Persian Empire of the 6th century B.C.? Hint

Question 9 of 25
9. Which of these inhabited the Italian peninsula prior to the Romans? Hint

Question 10 of 25
10. Rome and Carthage fought each other in the Punic Wars. How many Punic Wars were there? Hint

Question 11 of 25
11. Who studied under Socrates? Hint

Question 12 of 25
12. The expression 'an eye for an eye' has come to symbolize the principle behind what code of laws? Hint

Question 13 of 25
13. Which is a Roman achievement in the 2nd century B.C. (200-101 B.C.)? Hint

Question 14 of 25
14. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for which Egyptian ruler? Hint

Question 15 of 25
15. What nation was settled by the Amorites, a Semitic people from the Arabian peninsula, in 2100 B.C.? Hint

Question 16 of 25
16. Which ruler was the last Egyptian Pharaoh to hold part of Palestine? Hint

Question 17 of 25
17. Although the Japanese did not start writing their history until approx. 600 A.D., the first Japanese people came from the Korean peninsula in what century B.C.? Hint

Question 18 of 25
18. The Ch'in Dynasty ended in 207 B.C. and was followed by what Dynasty? Hint

Question 19 of 25
19. In Homer's The 'Odyssey', where is Odysseus trying to find his way home to? Hint

Question 20 of 25
20. Which Herod was in power during the time Jesus of Nazareth was born and also ordered the massacre of the innocents? Hint

Question 21 of 25
21. Which Pharaoh is believed to have been the Pharaoh during the Hebrew exodus from Egypt? Hint

Question 22 of 25
22. Before Julius Caesar became Consul for the second time, he was the Governor and military leader of what province? Hint

Question 23 of 25
23. Of the six vanished ancient Wonders of the World, which was the last to disappear? Hint

Question 24 of 25
24. The first Roman landing in Britain was led by Julius Caesar and happened in what year? Hint

Question 25 of 25
25. The Canaanites were one of the two main groups that made up the Phoenician civilization. Who was the other group? Hint

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. The Peloponnesian War began in 431 B.C. and was fought between what two cities?

Answer: Sparta and Athens

Sparta eventually defeated Athens in 404 B.C.
2. The First Triumvirate was established in 60 B.C. by Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and this Roman general and consul. He was one of Caesar's many enemies and his son-in-law,he became a ruler of Rome. Who was he?

Answer: Pompey

Pompey's wife, Julia, who was Caesar's daughter, kept peace between her husband and father, but after her death (54 B.C.) Pompey became Caesar's jealous enemy. He went over to the Senate and became Consul (52 B.C.). Breaking with the Senate, Caesar crossed (49 B.C.) the Rubicon, and the Civil War began. Pompey was defeated at Pharsala (48 B.C.) and fled to Egypt, where he was killed.
3. Stonehenge is thought to have been built over a 1,500 year period. Approximately when is Stonehenge thought to have been started?

Answer: 3100 B.C.

Stonehenge is believed to have begun being built right around the time that the Bronze Age was overtaking the Stone Age. According to excavation results, the megalith was built over a series of periods between 3100 B.C. - 1550 B.C.
4. King Philip II of Macedonia was assassinated in 336 B.C. and was succeeded by his son. Who was he?

Answer: Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) was tutored by Aristotle and ruled from 336-323 B.C.
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

Answer: The Great Wall of China

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are: The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Hanging Gardens of Babylonia, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, and The Lighthouse at Alexandria.
6. Ancient forms of written communication in Mesopotamia were called what?

Answer: Cuneiform

The earliest writing in Mesopotamia was a picture writing invented by the Sumerians who wrote on clay tablets using long reeds. The script the Sumerians invented and handed down to the Semitic peoples who conquered Mesopotamia in later centuries, is called cuneiform.
7. What structure is considered to be the oldest man-made building still standing?

Answer: Sakkarah Step Pyramid

Sakkarah (Saqqarah) is located just south of Cairo and west of Memphis. It is named after Soker of the Dead, and is in fact the greatest necropolis (city of dead) in all of Egypt. It is called a step pyramid as it is composed of six steps, all made of stone rather than brick and is considered the oldest man made building still standing.

It was constructed for King Zoser of the Old Kingdom (2660 B.C. - 2180 B.C.).
8. What leader is responsible for creating the Persian Empire of the 6th century B.C.?

Answer: Cyrus the Great

He conquered Media between 559 and 549 B.C., Lydia in 546, and Babylonia in 538. In Egypt he laid the basis for future Persian victories. Because he placed Jews in power in Palestine, creating a buffer state between Persia and Egypt, he is spoken of approvingly in the Old Testament, e.g., Dan. 6.28. He respected the religion and customs of each part of his empire.
9. Which of these inhabited the Italian peninsula prior to the Romans?

Answer: Etruscans

It is hard to determine exactly when the history of the Etruscans started, but most historians now agree on the period between the tenth-eleventh century B.C. as the time of the rise of their civilization.
10. Rome and Carthage fought each other in the Punic Wars. How many Punic Wars were there?

Answer: 3

There were three distinct conflicts between the cities. (264-241 B.C.) (218-201 B.C.) (149-146 B.C.)
11. Who studied under Socrates?

Answer: Plato

Socrates himself left no writings, and most of our knowledge of him and his teachings comes from the dialogues of his most famous pupil, Plato.
12. The expression 'an eye for an eye' has come to symbolize the principle behind what code of laws?

Answer: Hammurabi's code

It contains 282 clauses regulating a vast array of obligations, professions and {rights;} including commerce, slavery, marriage, theft and debts. The punishments are, by modern standards, barbaric. The punishment for theft was the cutting off of a finger or a hand.

A man's lower lip was cut off if he kissed a married woman. Defamation was punished by cutting out the tongue. If a house collapses because the builder did not make it strong enough, killing the owner, the builder was put to death. If the owner's son died, then the builder's son was executed.
13. Which is a Roman achievement in the 2nd century B.C. (200-101 B.C.)?

Answer: The first network of paved roads

Rome developed the world's first system of paved roads, which greatly aided the expansion of the empire. The Romans were able to move men and equipment easier and faster than ever before.
14. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for which Egyptian ruler?

Answer: Khufu (Cheops)

The monument was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) of the Fourth Dynasty to serve as a tomb when he died.
15. What nation was settled by the Amorites, a Semitic people from the Arabian peninsula, in 2100 B.C.?

Answer: Syria

Syria has always been an object of foreign conquest. It fell to the Hittites (15th-13th cent B.C.), the Assyrians and Babylonians (11th-6th cent. B.C.), the Persians (6th-4th cent. B.C.), and the Greeks (333 B.C.). Syria was Hellenized by the Seleucids and had fallen to Rome by 63 B.C.
16. Which ruler was the last Egyptian Pharaoh to hold part of Palestine?

Answer: Ramses III

Ramses III reigned from 1197 - 1167 B.C. and was the second king of the XX dynasty.
17. Although the Japanese did not start writing their history until approx. 600 A.D., the first Japanese people came from the Korean peninsula in what century B.C.?

Answer: 3rd

Japan does not appear in history until 57 A.D. when it is first mentioned in Chinese histories, where it is referred to as 'Wa.' Japanese culture derives from the immigrants from the Korean peninsula of the third century B.C.
18. The Ch'in Dynasty ended in 207 B.C. and was followed by what Dynasty?

Answer: Han

Among its accomplishments, much of The Great Wall of China was built during the Ch'in Dynasty. The Han Dynasty based government on Confucianist theories. Buddhism originated during this period as well.
19. In Homer's The 'Odyssey', where is Odysseus trying to find his way home to?

Answer: Ithaca

'The Odyssey', beginning ten years after the fall of Troy, tells of Odysseus' wanderings on his way home to Ithaca, of his wife and son's plight, and of their reunion.
20. Which Herod was in power during the time Jesus of Nazareth was born and also ordered the massacre of the innocents?

Answer: Herod the Great

The son of the second Antipater was Herod the Great. He was friendly with Marc Antony, and was(37 B.C.-4 B.C.) the title king of Judaea. His son Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea, was the Herod who executed John The Baptist and who was ruling at Jesus' death.
21. Which Pharaoh is believed to have been the Pharaoh during the Hebrew exodus from Egypt?

Answer: Ramses II

Although it is uncertain, many scholars believe that Seti I oppressed the Jews, and that his son Ramses II was Pharaoh during the Hebrew exodus.
22. Before Julius Caesar became Consul for the second time, he was the Governor and military leader of what province?

Answer: Gaul

In 58 B.C., Julius Caesar became Governor and military commander of the Roman province of Gaul, which included modern France, Belgium, and portions of Switzerland, Holland, and Germany west of the Rhine.
23. Of the six vanished ancient Wonders of the World, which was the last to disappear?

Answer: The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Two strong earthquakes in 1303 and 1323 A.D. all but completely destroyed the lighthouse. Egyptian Mamelouk Sultan, Qaitbay, used the stones and marble to build a medieval fort on the same spot the lighthouse stood.
24. The first Roman landing in Britain was led by Julius Caesar and happened in what year?

Answer: 55 B.C.

Both the 55 and 54 B.C. Roman expeditions left from Boulogne (Portus Itius), and landed at Deal, a few miles northeast of Dover. In 55 B.C., the Roman cavalry ships were forced back to Gaul by a storm, and Caesar's troops were confined to the shore. In 54 BC, a larger Roman expedition landed at Deal and penetrated inland along the River Thames.
25. The Canaanites were one of the two main groups that made up the Phoenician civilization. Who was the other group?

Answer: Philistines

Two different groups formed the Phoenician civilization. The first was the Canaanites, who came from the desert south and east of Canaan. The Caananites were nomadic herders who wandered from pasture to pasture. The other group was the Philistines, who came from the eastern Mediterranean Sea area, near Greece. The Philistines were traders and shipbuilders.
Source: Author Sprink1234

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