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What act did two big Ozzy fans engage in that sadly caused their very painful demise?

Question #105672. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated Dec 04 2016.

Nanumi star
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Nanumi star
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Answer has 3 votes.
In late 1986, Osbourne was the target in the first of a series of US lawsuits brought against him, alleging that one of his songs, "Suicide Solution", drove two more American teenagers to commit suicide because of its "subliminal lyrics".

May 18 2009, 6:05 PM
star_gazer star
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star_gazer star
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Sorry suicide is not what I was looking for but rather these two "rocket scientists":

I am watching “1000 ways to die” on spiketv, and these 2 guys are fans and “followers” of ozzy ozbourne, well, ozzy snorted fire ants once, so these 2 dummies did it too, well, when you snort fire ants, they will bite and then inject their venom, so they were in their nasal cavity and throat and so these 2 suffocated from the swelling of the venum and died.


Response last updated by satguru on Dec 04 2016.
May 18 2009, 7:59 PM
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Answer has 2 votes.
I'd be interested to know if this is an urban legend or not. The details surrounding Ozzy Osbourne's story are apocryphal -- he's told the story on at least one occasion with full embellishment: a line of ants formed off a popsicle stick on a sidewalk and Tommy Lee dared him to snort them, he says he did and the ants came out his mouth. On other occasions he's not recalled the story at all, and said it's possibly true, he doesn't remember. I've heard him tell the bat story incorrectly before, so it's possible the ant story never happened, or at least not as described, and Ozzy is simply recalling other people's versions. Either way the ants in his story weren't fire ants apparently.

I could not find any legitimate news story regarding the fans dying from snorting fire ants, can anyone?
The Spike TV show says their stories are true, but their depictions are highly exxagerated so it's hard to be sure.

May 18 2009, 10:19 PM
star_gazer star
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star_gazer star
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Answer has 3 votes.
This is the video clip.


Spike TV would need to keep names and places of these situations confidential for legal reasons.

May 19 2009, 4:11 AM
zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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F.Y.I. Datsmeharse -- In her first book, Sharon tells of her role in some of her husband's most infamous moments: weeing on the site of the Alamo, biting off the head a bat, snorting ants with Motley Crue. Osbourne has yet to write his own memoir.


May 19 2009, 5:34 AM
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