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In the movie 'The Dirty Dozen' how many of the twelve die but not "on-camera"?

Question #106015. Asked by Datsmeharse.
Last updated Jan 19 2019.

Related Trivia Topics: Movies  
Answer has 10 votes
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Answer has 10 votes.

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This is really puzzling me because I haven't seen the movie in a long, long time.

12 characters:
Wladislaw survives.
Jiminez died off screen.
Maggot was killed on screen after he killed the woman
Franko was killed after he hotwired the van
Gilpin blows himself up to destroy the antenna.


So there are 7 other 'dirty' characters. I'm not sure who else was killed offscreen? Was it Jefferson, the one who grenaded the germans in the bunker?

Jun 01 2009, 1:14 PM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
11 died only Wladislaw survives
1 in parachute jump
1 Sevalas killed by James Brown
1 Sutherland shot by car
1 blowing up antenna
1 shot while taking the vent tops off
1 James brown after he drops the grenades
2 die on the boat
2 die at the MG block, although Clint Walkers death is not shown
1 in the get away car

May 24 2014, 8:42 PM
Answer has 6 votes

Answer has 6 votes.
Jiminez died in the jump. (Trini Lopez left the set to do a musical gig so they killed off his character before the real action.)
Gilpin is killed on the roof when the antenna blows up. (This isn't actually shown: he's foot is stuck in the roof he blows the antenna. They never go back to him.)
Pinkley (Sutherland) is killed in the circle.
Maggot (Sevalas) was killed by Jefferson (Brown) after he went nuts and killed the girl, alerting everybody.
Bowren (the sergeant, not one of the dozen) is shot taking the vent top off, but isn't killed.
Vladek is killed by a sniper in the driveway.
Jefferson dies after dropping the live grenades down into the bunker.
Two guys (Sawyer and Lever) die on the boat.
Posey and Bravos die manning the gun defending the gate.
Franko nearly gets away but is shot in the getaway car.
Wladislaw is the only survivor of the "Dozen", along with Bowren and the Colonel.

Jan 19 2019, 10:03 PM
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