I could only find one version of the song where he actually says anything before (if only we could fly" and that is an MTV video:
He doesn't seem to say it on the CD releases of the song. I can't find a reference to this on the web other than the comments to the video linked above.
The comments mentioning Fabio are listed below:
"he? says Fabio "
"Listen closely he says fabio before? the song starts "
"Fabio? at 1 second "
"why? does he say fabio before the song starts?"
"fabio???? LOL"
"why hes sayin'? "fabio" at the very beginning i dont get it... by the way its my name :) "
"at the very begining before the music? it says fabio "
I don't know what the reference to Fabio is about - perhaps a reference to the movie "Zoolander" in which Fred Durst and Fabio both made cameo appearances:
listing-index.ebay.com/movies/Zoolander.html webpage no longer exists