According to official South African government information, the South African flag is a synopsis of principal elements of the country's flag history. Although different people may attribute personal symbolism to the individual colours or colour combinations, no universal symbolism should be attached to any of the colours. The only symbolism in the flag is the Y shape, which can be interpreted as the convergence of diverse elements within South African society, taking the road ahead in unity.
From time to time explanations of the meanings or symbolism of the flag's colours are published in various media, including official government publications and speeches by government officials.
For example, in 2008 the KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sibusiso Ndebele attributed the following meanings in an official speech:
black = black, Indian and coloured people
red = the violence that lead to freedom
white = the colonial and apartheid past
green and blue = the beauty of our land and ocean
yellow = no meaning attributed - the Sun - ambiguous
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health published the following meanings in a 2008 newsletter of theirs:
red = hardships fought in the Struggle
black and white = the different people of South Africa
yellow = our mineral wealth
green = our fertile land
blue = the African sky