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Why did Howard Hughes store urine in jars?

Question #115417. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated May 13 2021.

Zbeckabee star
Answer has 12 votes
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Zbeckabee star
19 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 12 votes.

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The man clearly had issues:

In 1966 Howard Hughes moved to Las Vegas. By this time his decent into mental illness, reclusiveness, and drug addiction was well underway.

Hughes was diagnosed with OCD and some have linked this behavior with the offshoot of hoarding. I'm not finding where anyone specifically asked him what he was hoping to accomplish by performing this ritual.



Response last updated by Terry on May 13 2021.
Jun 21 2010, 4:14 AM
star_gazer star
Answer has 7 votes
star_gazer star
23 year member
5236 replies avatar

Answer has 7 votes.
Despite his obsession with cleanliness, Hughes was living in appalling squalor. His blacked-out bedrooms were never cleaned, the bed sheets rarely changed; dust, dirt, and wastepaper were every-where. He seldom bathed and never brushed his teeth. In 10 years his full-time barber gave him only three haircuts. The nails on his fingers and toes were inches long, leading one of his aides to remark that he “looked like a witch’s brother.” He was also addicted to codeine and injected it with a hypodermic that was never cleaned.

Hughes had four doctors in his entourage, yet refused to let them treat the sores that developed from sitting – and frequently sleeping – all day in an old lounging chair. Toward the end of his life, the sores were so widespread that the shoulder bone kept breaking through his weakened skin.

On April 5, 1976, Howard Hughes died of kidney failure. In his prime he stood 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 160 pounds. At the time of his death he had shrunk three inches and weighed only 90 pounds. With an estimated fortune of between $1.3 and $2 billion, he died the richest man in the United States – and probably the loneliest.

Response last updated by Shadowmyst2004 on Aug 21 2016.
Jun 21 2010, 6:32 AM
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