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What is 20 written in base 3?

Question #116618. Asked by nibbles0011.

MiCharlie124 star
Answer has 3 votes
MiCharlie124 star
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Answer has 3 votes.

20 written in base 3 is 110 in binary

Aug 09 2010, 9:39 AM
evil44 star
Answer has 4 votes
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evil44 star
18 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
20 from the decimal to ternary (base 3) is 202.

First position is multiples of 9, then multiples of 3, followed by single units of 0, 1, or 2. Therefore, you need 2 multiples of 9 plus 2 single units.


20 in binary is 10100.

The decimal (base 10) 6 is 110 in binary (base 2) and 20 ternary (base 3).

Aug 09 2010, 9:39 AM
looney_tunes star
Answer has 2 votes
looney_tunes star
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Answer has 2 votes.
If you are actually intending to ask what is the decimal evuivalent of the base 3 number written as 20, then the answer is 6. As explained in the Base 3 link above, the 0 means 0x1 (=0), and the 2 means 2x3 (=6). 0 + 6 = 6

Aug 09 2010, 11:42 PM
Answer has 1 vote
22 year member
956 replies

Answer has 1 vote.
Right, the question is incomplete. If you want conversion to base 3, you have to state what base the number 20 is written in. If the phrase '20 written in base 3' means just what it says, what is the rest of the question?

Aug 10 2010, 2:07 AM
Answer has 3 votes
22 year member
3206 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
For those who don't know what number bases mean at all, here is a lesson:

If the base of a number is unspecified, base 10 is usually assumed.
So, as it stands, the most likely meaning of the question is how does twenty (20 in base 10) appear when written in base 3?
The highest power of three less than twenty is 9 and there are two nines so the first digit is 2 in the nines column. This leaves a remainder of two (twenty minus eighteen) 0 in the threes column and 2 in the units column.
So 20 is written as 202 in base 3.

Aug 10 2010, 1:28 PM
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