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I've been searching for a song that MIGHT be titled "Alimony Blues". I heard this song perhaps 50 or 60 years ago, but am unsure of the title. There is a well known classic jazz number, "Alimony Blues" done by T Bone Walker, but that is a totally different song. For some reason I remember most of the words to the song. I seem to recall that the artist had a heavy black accent. [ see lyrics below ] Incidentally I’ve never been divorced or separated. In fact, I’ve been married over 54 years. Thanks in advance!

Question #148600. Asked by goatlockerjoe.
Last updated Aug 03 2021.
Originally posted Aug 02 2021 7:46 PM.

Related Trivia Topics: Music   World   Art   Linguistics  
heidi66 star
Answer has 3 votes
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heidi66 star
19 year member
38 replies avatar

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Try this, there are some differences in the text- but some lines are close


Ray Charles Child Support/Alimony

Aug 03 2021, 5:38 AM
gtho4 star
Answer has 1 vote
gtho4 star
25 year member
2405 replies avatar

Answer has 1 vote.
The Q may be easier to read here in a reply box, which allows CRs:

I've been searching for a song that MIGHT be titled "Alimony Blues". I heard this song perhaps 50 or 60 years ago, but am unsure of the title. There is a well known classic jazz number, "Alimony Blues" done by T Bone Walker, but that is a totally different song. For some reason I remember most of the words to the song. I seem to recall that the artist had a heavy black accent.

The story you're about to hear is true
It happened to me; It can happen to you.
I was once a married man with a family -
There was my wife, and my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law, and me!

Well, I got sick of that mess - you know what I mean?
So I thought it was best if I... split the scene
So I got me a room, down by the railroad track
And I told my wife I was never coming back

******** possibly Chorus or other some words I can't remember**********

My wife was in the courtroom; she had a bandage on her head
She told the judge I beat her, and she was almost dead!
12 women on the jury, and each one shed a tear...
And the way they looked at me -I KNEW I was goin straight to the chair

**************** some more unknown******************

So I'm stuck with this jive that the Judge calls alimony.
My wife eats steak; I can't afford beans and baloney!
Why - I saw my wife driving a Cadillac car just the other day;
She drives a Coupe Deville - I can't even afford the subway!

Incidentally I've never been divorced or separated. In fact, I've been married over 54 years. ?? Thanks in advance!

Response last updated by gtho4 on Aug 03 2021.
Aug 03 2021, 9:27 AM
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