Question #149668. Asked by
Last updated Aug 19 2023.
Originally posted Aug 18 2023 7:23 PM.
The dodo has become a symbol of national identity in Mauritius, a kind of synecdoche for the island and its relationship to its colonial past.
Though the dodo may be now synonymous with a kind of cursed stupidity ("going the way of the dodo" is a cliché on Mauritius as much as it is elsewhere) it did not waddle dumbly into extinction. They were naïve, but not without reason; after all, they had never met a predator.
The real problem was less the humans than what they brought with them. Cats, rats, monkeys, pigs, and other animals the colonists imported by accident or design were likely the ones who killed the bird off by feasting on its eggs and competing with it for food and resources. At a time when species around the world are facing similar threats, the dodo remains a bracing metaphor for ecological degradation-just not the way that we think. As is often the case, the dodo died not primarily from overt human villainy-blood-thirsty sailors thwacking birds on the beach-but rather by the all too human failure to consider the secondary effects of our actions-stowaway cats and rats-until it is too late to reverse them.