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What is the origin of double barrelled first names like John-Paul and Marie-Claire, and why do some languages favour them far more than others?

Question #150668. Asked by satguru.
Last updated Mar 17 2024.
Originally posted Feb 18 2024 3:33 PM.

Answer has 3 votes
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18 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.

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You could ask a similar question about any type of naming convention - middle names, first then last name vs last then first name, hyphenating or not, double-barrelled surnames, patronyms/matronyms (which can be done in multiple different Slavic and Scandinavian ways). There are myriad reasons for these conventions and I'm not sure you can ever reach a truly satisfying answer but there are some factors that are involved in double first names becoming more popular:

*They have long existed but were not in favour for most of history - an arbitrary event can increase their popularity as we will see
*They allowed for an increase in the number of names available without making up completely new names - with a growing population this may have been seen as a useful distinguishing feature
*They allowed people to have more religious/saint names which was seen as favourable in some religions
*They were initially seen as a distinguishing upper-class feature, until they started to catch on with lower classes

Double names have long been popular in many European cultures such as French and Scottish. In England in the 17th century, King Charles I was actually double named Charles James Stewart according to Catholic tradition. His coronation led to a rise in double names throughout non-Catholics in England.

I don't think you can really answer why some languages prefer them - as with any cultural phenomenon it likely is started as a random arbitrary event and it became engrained as a tradition or habit over time, so that today it just feels like the natural order to people within the culture.


Feb 18 2024, 8:09 PM
wellenbrecher star
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wellenbrecher star
20 year member
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Other sources give more reasons without really explaining them:

Family tradition: Some families have a tradition of giving children double-barrelled first names to honour relatives or ancestors, or simply because they like the sound of a particular name combination.

Cultural Influence: In certain cultures or regions (France, Vietnam, Southern US), it is customary to give children double-barrelled first names. This may be influenced by regional naming customs or cultural traditions.

Personal preference: Some parents may choose to give their child a double-barrelled first name simply because they like the way it sounds or because it has a personal meaning to them.

Combining family names: Similar to double-barrelled surnames, double-barrelled first names can be a way of combining the names of both parents or honouring both sides of the family.

Creative expression: For some parents, giving their child a double-barrelled first name allows them to express their creativity and individuality in naming their child.


Mar 17 2024, 7:16 AM
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