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Can anyone confirm these lyrics: "Casey Jones, a steamin' and a rollin', Casey Jones you never have to guess, when you hear the tootin' of the whistle it's Casey at the throttle of the Cannonball Express"?

Question #25937. Asked by music teacher.
Last updated May 14 2021.

Answer has 4 votes
22 year member
2091 replies

Answer has 4 votes.
There seem to be several different lyrics.

Response last updated by looney_tunes on May 14 2021.
Jan 04 2003, 5:55 PM
Answer has 12 votes

Answer has 12 votes.
The lyrics are as follows:

Come all you rounders if you want to hear
The story of a great engineer
He's the greatest of them all they claim
Number one his engine Casey Jones his name

Casey Jones
Steamin' and rollin'
Casey Jones
You never have to guess
When you hear the tootin' of the whistle
It's Casey at the throttle of the Cannonball Express

Glad to know someone else remembers the show.

Dec 21 2006, 8:15 AM
Answer has 12 votes

Answer has 12 votes.
If memory serves me right,

Come all you rounders if you want to hear
The story of a great engineer
He's the greatest of them all they claim
Number one his engine, Casey Jones his name

Casey Jones
Steamin' and rollin'
Casey Jones
You never have to guess
When you hear the tootin' of the whistle
It's Casey at the throttle of the Cannonball Express

Well there's Casey Junior and the Red Rock, too
Fireman Wally and the rest of the crew
In a thrilling adventure that's a lot of fun
For when Casey takes the throttle for another run

(Takes me back to my youth!)

Casey Jones Theme Song:

"Casey Jones" folk song
Burl Ives sang the show theme

Response last updated by looney_tunes on May 14 2021.
Mar 19 2007, 4:44 AM
Answer has 25 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 25 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
I bought the entire 32-episode series on DVD yesterday and the lyrics run as follows:

Stop! Look! Listen!
'Cause you're gonna hear
A brand new story about a brave engineer
He's the greatest of them all we claim
Number 1's his engine
Casey Jones his name

Casey Jones
Steamin' and a-rollin'
Casey Jones
You never have to guess
When you hear the tooting of the whistle
It's Casey at the throttle of the Cannonball Express

Then it ends:

So long pal
We'll be seeing ya when
Casey comes a-rolling by again
With a steaming engine and a smoking stack
And the wheels (unintelligible) on the railroad track
There'll be Casey Jr
And the Red Rock too
Fireman Wallie and the rest of the crew
In a thrilling adventure that's a lot of fun
When Casey takes the throttle for another run

Nov 14 2007, 8:09 AM
McGruff star
Answer has 24 votes
McGruff star
25 year member
3694 replies avatar

Answer has 24 votes.
I was just going to try to fill in the unintelligible bit, but this is what I hear (and no, I don't remember it. It was probably playing on the TV at our cave, but I was only three years old):
Stop, look, listen ’cos you’re gonna hear
A brand new story ’bout a great engineer,
He’s the greatest of them all we claim
Number one’s his engine, Casey Jones his name.

Casey Jones a steamin’ and a rollin’,
Casey Jones you never have to guess
When you hear the tootin’ of the whistle
It’s Casey at the throttle of the Cannonball Express!

There’ll be Casey Junior and old Redrock too,
Fireman Wally and the rest of the crew.
In a thrilling adventure that’s a lot of fun
When Casey takes the throttle for another run!

(1958) Set in Tennessee in the 1890s, featuring Alan Hale Jr. as the legendary John Luther 'Casey Jones', engineer-driver with Illinois Central Railroad's Cannonball Express. The storylines invariably involved attempts by rivals, the elements or outlaws to prevent Casey bringing the train in on time - but he always did. Also starred Eddy Waller as Red Rock (the conductor), Dub Taylor as Wallie Sims (the fireman) Bobby Clark as Casey Jr. and Mary Lawrence as Alice Jones, his wife. The dog was called Cinders.

Here is the opening theme. It's curious two people remember the "rounders" line, it is not in this at all:

Response last updated by looney_tunes on May 14 2021.
Nov 14 2007, 9:42 AM
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