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What is the title for the music used in the commercials for "Zales" diamonds?

Question #56067. Asked by kaylofgorons.

Related Trivia Topics: Music  
Answer has 1 vote
25 year member
392 replies

Answer has 1 vote.
Zales uses one song that sounds very similar to the song from the DeBeers diamonds commercials. They are two separate songs, though, and I don't know the name for either.

Ah, here, the DeBeers song is Palladio by Karl Jenkins. And I've read a lot of websites DISCUSS how that is the song used in some Zales commercials, but nothing authoritative. I'm pretty sure I've thought they are different songs, but they may also be different movements of the same actual composition.

A LOT of people are completely mistaken in thinking that the music played in the Zales commercials is the same as the piece by Karl Jenkins called Palladio, one movement of which WAS used in the Debeers diamond commercials.

The pieces sound very similar, but in a FAQ on the Zales website, they say the song in THEIR commercial was specially written for them, and is an untitled 30 second piece. They go on to say you can find a similar piece of music by Karl Jenkins titled Palladio. Crafty of them.

Mar 19 2005, 5:33 PM
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