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If someone with Tourette's Syndrome were raised without having heard swear words, what words would they utter?

Question #66196. Asked by crazycube.
Last updated May 14 2021.

Answer has 5 votes
21 year member
941 replies

Answer has 5 votes.
TS isn't just about words. The syndrome encompasses various symptoms, the most sensationalized being coprolalia, which is the compulsive use of scatalogical, racist or otherwise offensive blips of language.

Response last updated by Terry on May 14 2021.
May 26 2006, 5:01 AM
Answer has 4 votes
19 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
The hallmarks of Tourette's syndrome are repetitive, involuntary movements (motor tics) and utterances (phonic tics) that constantly change in number, frequency, severity, and anatomical location. The Tourette Syndrome Association describes tics as movements or sounds "that occur intermittently and unpredictably out of a background of normal motor activity". The tics of Tourette's characteristically come and go. Waxing and waning — a natural increase and decrease in severity and frequency of tics — occurs differently in each individual. Tics are described as occurring in "bouts of bouts", which vary for each person.

Coprolalia (the spontaneous utterance of socially objectionable or taboo words or phrases) is the most publicized symptom of Tourette's syndrome, but it is not required for a diagnosis of Tourette's. Fewer than 15% of TS patients exhibit coprolalia. More common tics are eye blinking, throat clearing, coughing, neck stretching, and shoulder shrugging.

So, with regards to your question...I echo the sentiments of s-m-w (above post)..."they would surely be aware of these words" or I suspect they would come up with something on their own that was of comparable insult.


May 27 2006, 10:38 AM
Answer has 14 votes
Currently Best Answer

Answer has 14 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
I have Tourette Syndrome and was raised by a family that very strongly discourages cussing in any and every way. Yet, I still had "shout outs" as they are sometimes called.

But first let me explain that it's essentially impossible for a kid going through Middle School 'not' to hear cuss words eventually. However, because they were not tolerated at home (I was raised Mormon), I usually shouted out things like, "Death!", "Gore!", "Murder!" and random animal noises. Suffice it to say, people thought I was weird.

Feb 16 2009, 10:00 PM
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