Limited Time Award for July 2024
Author Central
Last Month's Award
Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan
By Ilya Repin
Painting Information
"Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" is one of those rare works that sparks vitriol and controversy across even centuries. The painting has been violently attacked twice, once in 1913 and again in 2018. The czar who ruled when Repin painted the work commanded its owner not to display it.
Some even debate the fact that Ivan the Terrible murdered his own son as an historical event. This led to Russian nationalists to decry that the painting was depicting Ivan (and therefore Russian history) in a harsher light than what was reality. It was much more likely that Repin simply wanted to demonstrate that the violence of various political movements of the time could lead to unforgiveable results.
Create quizzes, earn paintings, build your gallery!
+1 Prestige per unframed, +2 Prestige per framed painting
July's Requirements
- Author a quiz in the History category
- Author a quiz containing exactly 15 questions.
- Quiz title contains at least one of the following words:
Earn July's Painting
one quiz online this month meeting at least one of the requirements above and you will get an
unframed version of this painting added to your Authoring Gallery!
Get at least
two quizzes online this month, meeting all three requirements amongst all of your submissions to get a framed version of this painting added to your gallery.
Timing & Grace Period
Only quiz templates created during July are considered for this award.
Since editing timing is uncertain, eligible quiz templates placed online during July OR next month count. In other words, if you start work on a quiz in January, but after some back-and-forth with editors it ends up delayed and goes online in February, you will still earn January's painting award.
You must return to this page to claim your painting! There will be a link here to claim last month's painting.
Your Quiz Templates That Will Be Considered
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