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Limited Time Award for December 2024
Author Central

Claim Last Month's Award

Mona Lisa

By Leonardo da Vinci

Painting Information
There is perhaps no need to introduce what is the most visited painting in the world, with an estimated 10 million viewers per year. The "Mona Lisa," which is called "La Gioconda" in da Vinci's native language, is said to have become so inordinately popular due to its theft from the Louvre in 1911 by an Italian nationalist who believed the painting should be kept in Italy. Police even questioned Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, though he had nothing to do with the heist.

If you were unaware of who the painting depicts, that would be Lisa del Giocondo, an Italian noblewoman and wife of a cloth and silk merchant. Some art historians believe she was either pregnant or had recently had a child when sitting for da Vinci.
Create quizzes, earn paintings, build your gallery!
+1 Prestige per unframed, +2 Prestige per framed painting

December's Requirements
  1. Author a quiz in the World category

  2. Adopt a quiz and get it online

  3. Quiz title contains at least one of the following words:

    Lisa    Vinci    Italy    Louvre    Paris    France    Picasso    Spain   

Earn December's Painting
Get one quiz online this month meeting at least one of the requirements above and you will get an unframed version of this painting added to your Authoring Gallery!

Get at least two quizzes online this month, meeting all three requirements amongst all of your submissions to get a framed version of this painting added to your gallery.

Timing & Grace Period
  • Only quiz templates created during December are considered for this award.
  • Since editing timing is uncertain, eligible quiz templates placed online during December OR next month count. In other words, if you start work on a quiz in January, but after some back-and-forth with editors it ends up delayed and goes online in February, you will still earn January's painting award.
  • You must return to this page to claim your painting! There will be a link here to claim last month's painting.

  • Your Quiz Templates That Will Be Considered
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