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Subject: Small but annoying things

Posted by: darthdragon
Date: Sep 29 07

What small and stupid thing has recently gotten your goat?

Mine would be spell checks that never give you the right suggestion for what you want even though you only barely misspelled something.

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Hi Luckycharm60. When you see a mistake in a quiz or a question, please use the link provided to report it. That will flag it for the person who can most easily correct it, and will take that person to the exact place to find the problem.

Reply #4321. Jun 26 24, 7:26 AM
matthewpokemon star

player avatar
Luckycharm, that question could possibly be worded better, but it's correct. The Moon has a diameter of 2,159 miles. Pluto's diameter is 1,477 miles. Mercury's diameter is 3,030 miles. 1,477 miles is 682 miles less than 2,159, whereas 3,030 is 841 miles more. Pluto is closer in size to the Moon than Mercury is.

Reply #4322. Jun 26 24, 7:44 AM
rahul0 star

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There is a question, perhaps, if something 1000mi across is closer to something 1 mi than it is to 2000

Reply #4323. Jun 26 24, 8:55 AM
Luckycharm60 star

player avatar
thanks all for the feedback - I guess I am still confused, maybe not so much about the answer and which is correct but what it states in the 'interesting information; section which totally contradicts the correct answer.

"Pluto is not the correct answer to this question. The celestial body closest in size to Earth's moon is actually Mercury"

Anyway -that's enough time spent on this - onwards and upwards!!.

Reply #4324. Jun 26 24, 10:38 AM
cardsfan_027 star

player avatar
Nemesis again. At least I didn't get one yesterday. It was nice to have one day off!

Reply #4325. Jun 27 24, 12:10 AM
Monday easy game 33"
Tuesday top 25% easy game
Today easy game 35 "
Medium add 2 questions
Medium duel wizard
4th challenge easy
5th challenge medium :add 2 questions.
I don't take a new switch. It's lost.

Reply #4326. Jun 27 24, 12:45 AM

player avatar
Luckycharm60 - I think what has happened with that question is this: Terry ran an experiment to add information written by AI to some older quizzes which had none. The wording you have quoted sounds suspiciously like AI to me. I've seen the occasional AI generated info section which starts exactly like that you quote 'X is not the correct answer, Y is' because AI cannot pick up nuances in questions, or occasions when a 'not' is included.

The other clue is the use of the word 'interestingly', which is another favourite of AI.

I can't be positive, but I've seen enough of these AI generated sections to detect a pattern and this fits. The probability is that this is not the fault of the author or the editor but a computer generated anomaly.

Reply #4327. Jun 27 24, 1:11 AM
Luckycharm60 star

player avatar
Thanks Rossian - very interesting!!

Reply #4328. Jun 27 24, 8:55 AM
Getting the difficult challenge of playing a new player-authored quiz within 40 minutes of it going online while only getting at most 1 question wrong is infuriating. There is no way that I can see to tell when a quiz goes online; you just have to hope the quiz at the top of the list is not a mixed quiz and is also new enough to qualify.

I just played the first quiz in the list, which only had 9 plays at the time, and got a perfect score. Went back to my challenge page, still incomplete. I am NOT willing to camp on this site for an entire day in the off chance that a quiz will go online that I actually have a chance of acing. One of the previous times I got this challenge, the only quiz that went online in a 12 hour span was on a season of the Australian Amazing Race, something most would stand no hope of scoring perfect on.

Anyway, could this challenge either be retired, or tweaked - either the time requirement (two hours sounds reasonable while still being difficult), or including the mixed quizzes? I hate to have to be at the mercy of editors being online to even have a chance to complete a challenge in the first place.

Reply #4329. Jun 27 24, 9:27 AM

player avatar
I think that the mixed quizzes which appear on the front page do count for this challenge. I don't think I've ever tested the theory but I believe that they are released when there has been too long a wait for a newly edited quiz to be posted to give players a chance..

Does anyone know for sure? It must be worth giving it a try if you get the challenge. The quizzes on the 'current mixed quizzes' list don't count, but my theory is supported by the fact that the mixed sports quiz that went online 10 hours ago (as I write this) is not on that list.

Reply #4330. Jun 27 24, 12:38 PM
I had this challenge yesterday, and no matter which quiz I played within the allowed time none of them counted towards the challenge. Gave it up as a bad job in the end.

Reply #4331. Jun 27 24, 12:45 PM
maninmidohio star

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This is actually a challenge that I do not have any problem with. You must check the "What's going on?" link on the home page. (This was formerly called The Buzz). There are two different links to new quizzes. The one that reads in the format "A new Entertainment quiz added today: A Ghost and a Prince Meet (dellastreet)" is not sufficient for this challenge because the quiz may have been added hours ago. Instead the positing in the form " Quiz A Ghost and a Prince Meet (dellastreet) has been added in Entertainment by Themes (editor kyleisalive)" tells you this is a new quiz and is stamped with the time of the postng so you can figure how long you have to solve it. Note the word editor in the posting - that is the type of posting you want. You will have to check the thread regularly to catch the posting of new quizzes.

I really get upset about people complaining about challenges not being fair. These are supposed to be "Challenges" and not everyone will be able to solve every challenge. But they all are solvable. I do not like some of them and use my replace a challenge to get rid of them.

Reply #4332. Jun 27 24, 1:37 PM
I did exactly that but for some reason it didn't count as a challenge. For the record, I am not complaining, just stating a fact, so no need to get upset.

Reply #4333. Jun 27 24, 1:48 PM

player avatar
As an editor, I try to space out my day as much as I can, to avoid problems with this challenge. If I see that it's been a long time since something went online, I'll look for a quiz that I can put online quickly before I have to go do real life things.

Unfortunately, life does not always co operate.

Reply #4334. Jun 28 24, 8:44 AM

player avatar
By the way, I think some of this depends on which home page you are using. Mine says things like "25 minutes ago", "16 minutes ago", etc. I just refresh the page to get the right time.

Reply #4335. Jun 28 24, 8:48 AM
gotta small whine mesen,challenge to do 6 quizzes of the hour,but did one three times,no record of me playing it,and another one just now,not registered.could it be me old steam driven 'puter or just sum sorta glitch?

Reply #4336. Jun 28 24, 9:45 AM
LadyNym star

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@Rossian: at least in my experiences, the mixes that count for the "play a new quiz" challenges are those that have a number in the title, such as this one: link Those like this one: link will not count.

Reply #4337. Jun 28 24, 9:49 AM
rupert774 star

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Changing the Home page to 'New Quiz Central" will help a lot, the newest quizzes are posted in order and it tells you when they were posted. When I get that challenge, I switch to that page for the duration.

Reply #4338. Jun 28 24, 1:04 PM
Verbonica star

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I get crazy trying to catch the 2 new quizzes in 40 minutes challenge too. The way I do it (& it's NOT always successful) is to go to this page: Newest Quizzes
Check at the top for the first quiz that's not a Bot quiz, open it, click on the number of plays, and that shows the time that the players played it. If the 1st (earliest) player shows over 40 minutes ago... it's too late. I hate wasting seconds to do that check, but it's the only way I know to find the time limit (or close to it, depending on how soon the 1st player played). It's not easy to catch those quizzes, better than the old 20 minutes, but still not easy.

I'm going to have to look for that "New Quiz Central" page & see if I can figure it out.

Reply #4339. Jun 28 24, 2:43 PM
rupert774 star

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Verbonica- it's at the bottom of the main page - it says 'Customize Homepage" click on that and you will see the options!

Reply #4340. Jun 29 24, 12:14 PM

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