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Subject: Small but annoying things

Posted by: darthdragon
Date: Sep 29 07

What small and stupid thing has recently gotten your goat?

Mine would be spell checks that never give you the right suggestion for what you want even though you only barely misspelled something.

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Thursday medium add 2 questions
5th challenge medium add 2 questions
Saturday easy add one question
Today Sunday 4th challenge add 2 questions.
Forbiden to write
Impossible for me to continue to play my challenges
In these conditions.
4 times in four days, I have a challenge add a question.

Reply #4341. Jun 30 24, 1:30 AM
wjames star

player avatar
Daily Challenge is "score at least 5 on a Photo quiz". I've played two for 10/10 and Challenge isn't marked complete. Thank you.

Reply #4342. Jun 30 24, 6:36 AM

player avatar
Did you play Photo Matches? They don’t count for this challenge

Reply #4343. Jun 30 24, 7:08 AM
wjames star

player avatar
Yes, think I did. Thanks for the info.

Reply #4344. Jun 30 24, 8:18 AM
gracious1 star

player avatar
Photo Matches seem to be in a rather odd place among the types of quizzes. They don't count as Match Quizzes for some things, but then they don't count as Photo Quizzes either for other things.

Reply #4345. Jun 30 24, 5:01 PM

player avatar
It's because they're relatively new. I think some of the anomalies have been pointed out and are probably on Terry's 'to do' list, which is always a long one.

Reply #4346. Jul 01 24, 3:20 AM
Verbonica star

player avatar
rupert774, thanks for the road map to the 'customize your page' section. I found it. Now, if I can just remember to use that path next time I get the New Quiz Challenge...

Reply #4347. Jul 02 24, 9:17 PM
stephedm star

player avatar
Word Wizard mini challenge will not accept the word "seatbelts"!

Reply #4348. Jul 03 24, 9:12 AM
misstified star

player avatar
Stephedm, I'm unsurprised

Reply #4349. Jul 03 24, 3:00 PM

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