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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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BeaRich star

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I am planning a visit for a relative who I rarely get along with and I actually starting to look foreword to her visit. Trying to stay positive.

Reply #18121. May 16 18, 8:55 AM
BeaRich star

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I am planning a visit for a relative who I rarely get along with and I actually starting to look foreword to her visit. Trying to stay positive. Hope we get along.

Reply #18122. May 16 18, 8:57 AM
sam388 star

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Summer vacation about to begin. Need to keep the kids busy!

Reply #18123. May 16 18, 1:54 PM
My cat has cellulitis infection. I thought cellulitis was like extra skin. They said it was from a scratch.

Reply #18124. May 16 18, 2:28 PM
ozfei star

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Melbourne Demons are now 5th on the AFL ladder. Hope they can get into the finals this year :D

Reply #18125. May 16 18, 5:43 PM
paxy star

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Looking forward to a weekend of whale watching (humpbacks) on North Stradbroke Island. And some beach walks with our whacky mutt. Roll on Friday!

Reply #18126. May 16 18, 6:39 PM
Go Tampa Bay Lightning! Bringing it back to Florida for at least one more game!

Reply #18127. May 16 18, 6:46 PM
Taltarzac star

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Saw " The Avengers: Infinity War" for second time today. Had to try to keep a tally of who made it and who did not.

Reply #18128. May 16 18, 9:12 PM
1995Tarpon star

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The biggest liar you know is NOT the biggest liar you know :)

Reply #18129. May 17 18, 1:23 AM

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Our aging Cairn terrier, who has limited sight in one eye from a cataract and who is going deaf, has recently developed sever separation anxiety. When my daughter leaves, she cries non-stop. The vet put her on a tranquilizing medication, but that only works well enough for her to accept my presence as an adequate substitute. Since her crying makes the young Jack Russell bark his head off in sympathy, they drive the neighbours crazy if left outside when we both have to go to work, so we have to lock them in the bathroom with their beds and water. The pet monitor shows her crying virtually the entire time, so we have had to juggle our work schedules to keep mutual absences down to only a couple of hours at a time. Fortunately my daughter can work from home a lot of the time. Now she has been referred to a behavioural specialist vet.

Reply #18130. May 17 18, 2:26 AM
mega44 star

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Looking forward to the weekend. A royal wedding and the FA Cup Final - something for everyone.

Reply #18131. May 17 18, 3:03 AM
LadyNym star

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This is one of the most miserable months of May that I can remember. Either it's as hot as in summer (as it was on Tuesday), or it rains buckets. I expect to see mushrooms everywhere once the sun comes back! The trees and flowers are gorgeous though. Already looking forward to fall. Not a fan of summer, I'm afraid.

Reply #18132. May 17 18, 5:01 AM
mberry923 star

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The Yanny/Laurel thing has me so perplexed. I'm a Yanny & can't fathom how the 2 could be confused. But I've only heard one other person say they hear 'Yanny' as well. I feel like I'm the last person being picked for a playground team. :(

On a brighter note, if that's ALL I can complain about today, it's a great day so far. :)

Reply #18133. May 17 18, 6:57 AM
UmberWunFayun star

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Sometimes the little things can make your day.... been literally snorting and crying with laughter over the last few days reading posts in the new 'Fake Album Names' thread started by sectant in the Music chat.
If you're feeling a little blue, take a peek, or maybe even write some of your own. It might just brighten your day B-)

Reply #18134. May 17 18, 7:34 AM
I host a talk show three days a week on the local community radio station. A lot of times, I have trouble finding guests.
Yesterday, I had my show ready to go when a friend called up from the parking lot, "Am I on your show at 9?"
I responded, "No".
He then came up to the studio and said the woman I had contacted about getting guests for sometime this week had gotten a couple of people, but hadn't bothered to tell me she had set it up.
I'm hoping we can reschedule for next week to fill a hole I still have there,

Allan (burnsbaron)

Reply #18135. May 17 18, 7:49 AM
Mixamatosis star

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The words yanny and laurel don't sound remotely like each other and yanny's not even a word is it? I don't understand how there could be any doubt over what is being said, but I have experienced the phenomenon of people hearing only what they expect to hear. If you have an unusual name for instance, someone taking your details will often repeat some name that's more familiar to them instead, rather than what they just actually heard you say. It's like their brain rejects something because it doesn't sound familiar.

Reply #18136. May 17 18, 12:27 PM
DeepHistory star

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"Leaves fall when the breeze blow
in springtime others grow,
as they go and come again
so upon the Earth do men."

~Homer, "The Iliad"

Reply #18137. May 17 18, 12:38 PM
caz231231 star

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Royal Wedding overload for me. I'll be glad when it's over.

Reply #18138. May 17 18, 1:24 PM
james1947 star

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Great weather here today...Sunny and warm.
After Hard winter here in Iowa. Farmers in fields
to plant. Green is the color.

Reply #18139. May 17 18, 5:37 PM
Dear looney_tunes, I am sorry to hear that. It sounds like a rough situation for your whole family, and an even rougher one for your cairn terrier. I hope something can be done to comfort and soothe your pet. Sincerely, TheQueenly1

Reply #18140. May 17 18, 8:48 PM

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